法國時尚天花板裝飾Barrisol Mirror

法國時尚天花板裝飾Barrisol Mirror 令人意想不到的反光效果

法國Barrisol在吊裝天花板領域是世界領先品牌。Barrisol的 「Barrisol Mirror」 產品是一種織物,在室內裝修時可供吊裝在天花板上,可以產生片片閃光,使房間內充滿奇異和巧妙的光線,使室內的裝修呈現出現代的風采。

Barrisol Mirror是該公司研發的新產品,使Barrisol的室內裝修產品和物料系列更加完整。這種創新的材料具有出色的反光能力,具有超乎想像的效果,既能夠產生鏡面的反光效果,又像織物一樣柔軟,便於操作和安裝。這種Barrisol Mirror織物的設計是為了不改變空間的形式,但是又能對空間的裝飾產生很好的效果,劃分空間的間隔,使小的空間顯出多重的分隔,同時又可以使經過裝飾的室內顯得時尚、具有設計感。

金色或者銀色的Barrisol Mirror,裝飾出來的效果令人驚奇不已
兩種裝飾效果:金色和銀色。Barrisol Mirror能使經過裝飾的空間具有獨一無二的特點。銀色的Barrisol Mirror織物象玻璃鏡面一樣,與背景融為一體,具有明顯的現代色彩,閃閃的亮色會令人感到出奇不意。這是一種創新的材料,能使各種空間顯得比實際的更大,使背景具有純靜的當代特色。而金色的色調能夠讓人想起古埃及的銅鏡,具有新古典裝飾的雜糅效果,使空間的色調顯得溫暖、時尚、光亮。金色色調將材料的典雅和高技術特色結合在一起。

Barrisol Mirror非常輕盈 (300 g/m2,包括框架1, 2 kg/m2),專門設計有固定用的鋁制框架,有長方形、圓形、三角形或者正方形。Barrisol Mirror織物可以像鏡子一樣增加光感,也可以是多重的寬大框架,以增加光感的深度,可以適用於各種空間,能夠使室內的裝飾色彩得到昇華。Barrisol Mirror織物是藝術品,可以使人們盡情發揮藝術想像,既可以表現最為古典的觀念,也可以表達最為大膽的設計感。

Barrisol公司的所有產品都符合現行的標準和規定要求,尤其是產品的安全和品質。該公司的Barrisol Mirror織物百分之百符合CE標準,使用不含酞酸鹽的塑膠製造,保證不含鎘、水銀和砷。這種織物的防火性能符合歐洲和國際標準 (BS2-D0),所有的耐火和煙氣測試都表明,Barrisol Mirror織物既符合公共場所的防火要求,也適用於私人場所。在室內空氣的品質方面,裝飾有Barrisol Mirror的天花板和牆面為A+級 (最高級別)。

產品名稱:Barrisol Mirror


Barrisol公司 (Barrisol Normalu SAS) 介紹:
Barrisol公司創立於一九六七年,是一家製造和銷售「Barrisol」商標產品的公司 (天花板吊裝和牆面裝飾)。自從一九七五年註冊了第一個產品專利以來,該公司現在已經有八十多個專利。Barrisol公司的銷售網絡由一千二百多個銷售商組成,遍佈一百五十多個國家和地區,是天花板吊裝領域的世界領先公司,在法國出口產品的公司當中名列榜首,作為世界知名的公司,其產品曾獲得三十多個獎項,其中包括創新獎,法國巴黎國際建材展 (Batimat) 優秀產品特別提名獎,法國工業產權局優勝獎等。

Route du SIPES - 68680 KEMBS
Caroline Landais - Florence Bouté
電郵: caroline.landais@c-l-consulting.fr
電話: +33 6 63 95 19 77


Barrisol Mirror - Amazing Reflections

Hanging from the ceiling, Barrisol Mirror® canvass produces an interplay of reflections providing sharp or subtle touches of light and modernity in interior decoration.

The new Barrisol Mirror® range is an exclusive application of Barrisol® research and development, putting a final touch to the realm of products and finishes created by the world’s leader in stretched canvass. Boasting remarkable reflecting potential, this innovation is most surprising by the way in which it combines the reflective power of a mirror, the handling ability of canvass, and easy fitting. Designed to change a setting without changing the space, Barrisol Mirror® canvass will enhance and define spaces, multiplying small areas and providing designer chic to rooms where it is applied.

Gold or silver: take them by surprise!
Both the Gold and Silver versions of Barrisol Mirror® canvass are sure to provide any space with unique character.
The silver Barrisol Mirror® canvass merges into the background just like a mirror made of glass. Decidedly modern, the silver canvass’ dazzling radiance is striking. This innovative material will enlarge any space, infusing the décor with subtle, contemporary touches.
For its part, the golden finish evokes the bronze mirrors of Ancient Egypt and sophisticated neo-classical decorations. It will bring warmth to any space, providing it with depth and brightness. The golden touch is about refinement, blending elegance into the material’s advanced technology.

Unique design: customise
Barrisol Mirror® canvass is extremely lightweight (300 g per m², or 1.2 kg per m² including the frame) and was specifically designed to be mounted to aluminium frames available in rectangular, round, triangular or square shapes.
Whether using hints of mirrors to provide luminosity or large proliferating frames to expand the space, Barrisol Mirror® canvas is perfectly suited to any kind of world and will enhance all existing interior decoration. Barrisol Mirror® canvass is an objet d’art that can unleash one’s imagination, ranging from the most classic ideas to the boldest design.

Glowing or printed: intensify
Thanks to its micro-perforations, Barrisol Mirror® canvass lets light filter through and produces interplay in subtle ambiences, using lighting that is more or less intense according to the size and shape of the perforations. Combined with the mirror canvass design, this technological prowess turns into an art form providing transitions of light and a different staging from one setting to the next.

In a similar way, Barrisol® has adapted its ACOUSTIC® process to mirror canvass. In this case, the Barrisol Mirror® canvass designer frame merges into the background while preserving the audio properties of enclosed spaces by reducing reverberation. The space then turns into a designer cocoon that will ensure a warm ambience while preserving a neat designer atmosphere.

Lastly, Barrisol Mirror® canvass can highlight any decoration when a pattern is printed directly onto the canvass. In this way, on top of its outstanding reflecting properties, it borrows elements from the background, becoming a real jewel sublimating the space.

Those three options, namely Barrisol Mirror Lumineux®, Barrisol Mirror Acoustic® and Barrisol Mirror® Imprimé, will provide interior designers and architects with an inventive palette of solutions intended to sublimate spaces while preserving optimal luminosity, peaceful acoustics and a meticulous decor.

Quality and safety: show respect
Barrisol® believes that safety and quality are priority, in full compliance with current industrial standards and legislation. In keeping with the entire range of Barrisol® canvass, Barrisol Mirror® canvass is 100% compliant with CE standards and is manufactured using phthalate-free plasticisers guaranteed to be free of cadmium, mercury and arsenic.
Barrisol canvass is classified for fire protection according to all European and international standards in effect (BS2-D0). All fire tests and smoke tests have confirmed that it meets all demands both for public and private premises. Walls and ceilings stretched with Barrisol® are labelled A+ (the highest mark), in compliance with current legislation regarding indoor air quality.

Technical information:
Name: Barrisol Mirror® stretched canvass
Comes in Gold or Silver version
Sale price seen: starts at €220.00 per m², laid
Launch date: 2013

Distribution network:
Find an installer at http://fr.barrisol.com/localiser-un-installateur.php

About Barrisol Normalu SAS
Founded in 1967, Barrisol Normalu SAS manufactures and distributes the Barrisol brands (stretched walls & ceilings). After filing its first patent in 1975, the company now holds 80 patents. Established in over 150 countries through a 1,200-strong distributor network, Barrisol is the world leader in stretched ceilings, belongs to the World Export Leaders Club, and has been rewarded with many prizes. Acknowledged worldwide, Barrisol Normalu was awarded more than 30 prizes and medals since it was founded, including the Innovation Trophy, a special mention by the Batimat Jury, and the INPI Trophy.

Route du SIPES - 68680 KEMBS
Caroline Landais - Florence Bouté
Email: caroline.landais@c-l-consulting.fr
Mobile: +33 (0)6 63 95 19 77