智利 香港在拉丁美洲的可靠夥伴

智利 香港在拉丁美洲的可靠夥伴

智利駐港澳領事 馬里奧·阿爾塔薩(Mario Ignacio Artaza)( 前排中) 與總領事館團隊成員合照。


二零一二年九月,智利和香港這兩個在太平洋的經濟體簽署了雙邊自由貿易協議,而該協議只需談判了三輪便達成。這是香港與首個拉丁美洲國家 – 世界最自由的經濟體簽署這項協議,旨在進軍充滿活力的新興市場。在過去兩年,香港特別行政區行政長官在香港立法會作施政報告上,把智利確定為可靠的夥伴。

智利和香港都違抗「距離」的定義,通過附加值的具體措施以加強關係,併合社會各界關係,建立有形的元素。充滿動感的智利 – 香港關係是需要在許多方面互動的,無論你與一位智利商務協會 (香港及澳門)的會員約會、或參觀位於香港中環八號碼頭新落成的香港海事博物館內展出的智利首艘環航世界的海軍訓練艦「巴克達諾將軍號」的黃銅鈴及艦隻模型、或享受由客席廚師Sebastian Escudero在香港賽馬會食品廣場精心炮製的智利菜餚,智利都是在香港展示其持續的創新和促進在港的表現。










名廚Sebastian Escudero 烹調智利著名菜式。



「智利葡酒」最近由其會員組成委員會,旨在更改智利葡萄酒原產地(D.O.)名稱,從而完整地顯示該國:哥斯達黎加、Entre Cordilleras和安第斯山脈等的地理多元化。


此外,智利著名的旅遊目的地甚多,包括迷人的阿塔卡馬沙漠、神秘的復活島、令人難忘的智利巴塔哥尼亞等,而位於智利巴塔哥尼亞的Torres del Paine國家公園於一九七八年被聯合國教科文組織評為「世界生物圈保護區」。











In September 2012, Chile and Hong Kong jointly took a giant leap forward in terms of broadening the scope of an already thriving relationship between two economies of the Pacific, by signing a bilateral Free Trade Agreement. The Chile-Hong Kong, China Free Trade Agreement was achieved after only three rounds of negotiation. It is the first for Hong Kong with a country in Latin America, a tangible sign that the world’s freest economy is aiming to tap into vibrant emerging markets. Chile has been has been identified as a credible partner for Hong Kong in the last two Chief Executive Policy Addresses to the Hong Kong Legislative Council.

Chile and Hong Kong are defying the definition of the term “distance”, through concrete measures which add value to a powerful relationship, built upon tangible elements which incorporate all sectors of society in the equation.

The dynamic Chile – Hong Kong relationship entails many areas of interaction and is one which effectively never stands still. Whether you are engaged in a meeting with one of the members of the Chilean Business Association of Hong Kong and Macau, or visiting the newly inaugurated Hong Kong Maritime Museum in Central’s Pier 8, where the brass bell as well as a scale model of the Chilean Navy’s first Training Ship to circumnavigate the world, the “General Baquedano” is currently housed, or enjoying the Chilean Menu prepared at the Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Food Plaza by guest chef Sebastian Escudero, Chile is continuously innovating when it comes to promoting and making its presence known in Hong Kong.

Chilean Foods entice Hong Kong
Chile has identified many attractive opportunities in Hong Kong, in particular following the signing of the bilateral Free Trade Agreement that is to enter into force in the short term. Hong Kong remains a vital link for the entry of Chilean foods into China and other Asian markets.

In recent years, Chile has emerged as one of the most important stakeholders in the food industry worldwide, hoping to be among the top 10 exporters in this sector by 2020 (currently Chile stands at 17th). In 2012, Chilean food and beverage exports to the world totaled US$13.7 billion.

All these achievements can only be attained through to the commitment and the work undertaken jointly by the Chilean public and private sectors. Chile has managed to position itself as a reliable supplier of safe, traceable foods which meet strict standards required by international markets, in particular Hong Kong.

One of the successful tools which Chile employs to increase its international standing is by organizing "Flavors of Chile". In this instance, Chilean food and beverage entrepreneurs joining business trade missions, meet, greet and establish business relations with importers, distributors, supermarkets and restaurants chain representatives, amongst other stakeholders.
The route Flavors of Chile Asia 2013 will include Hong Kong this year, as on 11 and 12th November, the Grand Hyatt Hotel will be the venue for numerous activities aimed at empowering Chilean food products amongst importers, distributors and other related enterprises.

Chilean foods are widely accepted and trusted by Hong Kong consumers. From cherries to blueberries, table grapes to apples, turkey and chicken meat, world-class wines, Chile has much to offer.

Chilean Seafood
Chilean fishery and aquaculture have grown exponentially over the last 30 years.

Coupled with the natural advantages of Chile’s lengthy Pacific Ocean coastline, industry efforts have focused on the quality and sustainability of products, which has been the key to reach new markets. During 2012, the industry exported close to US$4 billion in seafood, with Japan, the United States and Brazil's as its main destination markets.

In aquaculture, Chile is the world’s second largest producer of salmon and the first of trout, with many more fish and shellfish products gaining momentum in terms of exports to the most competitive markets in the world, certainly including Hong Kong.

Chile Pork
The sectoral brand "Chile Pork" is being actively developed by ProChile in conjunction with the Trade Association of Pork Producers from Chile – ASPROCER. This private/public sector partnership seeks to position a new image of Chilean pork in the Asian market.

Using a new implementation and strengthening strategy "Chile Pork", the industry aims to improve its competitive position with respect to other market participants. Chilean pork has made steady advances in the Chinese market.

Chilean nuts
During the past 15 years, dried fruits crops have gone through a tremendous transformation in Chile. An increase in production has been seen in walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts. Chile has emerged as the largest producer of these in the Southern hemisphere.

Chilean nut exports have doubled in value over the last three years, increasing from US$ 130 million in 2009 to US$ 273 million in 2012. The largest percentage increase is given by the walnut exports, which increased from US$ 80 million to US$ 200 million in 2012. Full of natural flavors and a rich source of minerals, Chilean nuts make a positive difference.

Chilean Wines are a hit in Hong Kong!
Chile is a consolidated member of the global wine industry. Internationally acclaimed and a leading market presence speaks of a competitive industry which is aware of the quality of its products. It is truly value for money and consumers appreciate the development of the Chilean wine industry, with state of the art technology coupled with the knowledge of the rich, fertile Chilean landscape.

This Chilean industry has set a goal for this decade: to become the largest producer of premium wines and sustainable new world, with total exports to reach US$3 billion by 2020. Chilean exporters and producers frequently visit Hong Kong in order to promote their wines, participating in initiatives and fairs which receive favorable reviews from importers, distributors and consumers.

Wines of Chile has recently formed a committee with its members, aimed at changing the denomination of origin (D.O.) of Chilean wines in order to show the full geographic diversity of the country: Costa, Entre Cordilleras and Andes.

The Chilean coastline is significant, but its role in the wine world is also dependent upon the cooling effects of the Humboldt Current that moves northward from southern Chile and makes the sea particularly cold. When the current hits the coastline in northern Chile, the effect produces fog despite the total absence of clouds, and therefore prevents the abundant rays of sun that shine over much of the country from reaching the vineyards, therefore helping the grapes to ripen properly.

Entre Cordilleras
As its name states, the geographic indication “Entre Cordilleras” is the strip of land that runs between the Andes and the Coastal Mountains, the two mountain ranges which provide natural borders to the east and west respectively. This natural barrier is especially important. It is precisely there where some of Chile’s more renowned wines originate—mostly from flavor rich red varieties.

The Entre Cordilleras indication presents striking differences from north to south. In the Coquimbo Region at the north, where the two mountain ranges nearly touch, is located Punitaqui. There, the vineyards that were traditionally destined for the Chilean Pisco industry are giving way to small organic productions of the likes of Syrah and Carmenere.

Slightly further south is Aconcagua, another of Chile’s extensive wine producing regions. This is where the two mountain ranges begin to separate and give way to what we now recognize as Entre Cordilleras. This is one of Chile’s oldest winegrowing zones. Elegant and fruity Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah grow well here and produce wines with remarkable ability for bottle aging.

In addition to affecting the climate, the tremendous size and altitude of the Andes, which lessen as we travel southward, also creates a major factor in preventing the existence of disease and pests. The fact that Chile is phylloxera free has enabled it to develop Carmenere, a unique grape that has become the country’s signature variety.

The Andes Mountains are important to Chilean wine production for a number of reasons. On the one hand, vineyards are planted at the foot of these hills where there is good ventilation, which in turn controls temperatures, protects against frosts, and creates a big variation between daytime and nighttime temperatures. This is essential in defining the character of each variety.

Furthermore, the types of soils at the base of the mountains have a significant influence on the wine. These soils, that are generally unsuitable for mainstream agriculture, present a particular opportunity for winegrowing, as grapevines adapt well to this type of terrain that regulates their growth and allows the vines to concentrate on high quality fruit production.

Chile: a destination for great tourism experiences
Chile is a diverse country, full of natural contrasts. It is situated in the western coast of South America. Chile’s geography makes all the difference from other destinations in the world; the highlight is its three-continental location with territory in the America’s, Antarctica, and Oceania. It is a long and narrow country which goes from 90 to 470 kms. wide and its length is 4.330 kms. It is the only country in the world where the sun rises and sets at the same time, in the desert; in woodlands, lakes and volcanoes, fjords and snow capped mountains. The Pacific Ocean is a key aspect of its economic development as Chile is a maritime nation.

The fascinating Atacama Desert
In the driest place on earth, the Atacama Desert is a veritable park of natural wonders offering visitors from around the world a glimpse into the contrasts of nature. Within a small stretch, it is possible to observe volcanoes, massive salt flats and lakes, geysers, dunes, hot springs and pools, and a varied selection of wildlife. The Atacama Desert has been the venue chosen by NASA as well as by Hollywood filmmakers, for the radiance of its skyline and the brilliance of its mineral rich terrain. It is also the site for numerous scientific endeavours, in particular in the field of astronomy. Recently, the world’s most advanced astronomical research centre, ALMA, was inaugurated and it is already producing some wonderful insights into space.

The enigmatic Easter Island
Easter Island is a splendorous wonder for humanity. It is the most remote inhabited island on the planet whose original native name is Rapa Nui. It offers the testimony of a living culture of Polynesian origin, responsible for creating immense stone figures called moais, and a unique cultural background. It is a tourism wonderland rich in history, tradition and natural beauty, with the Pacific Ocean bathing its coasts.

Memorable Chilean Patagonia
Torres del Paine National Park is located in the lower end of the Chilean Patagonia. It was designated a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1978. It entails a touching ecosystem which includes lakes, glaciers, rivers, vast prairies, cascades, forests and its particular granite towers, which have positioned Chile as one of the best natural destinations in the planet, according to National Geographic Traveler magazine. Worth a site and, of course, many wonderful memories as one should consider a visit to Chile’s Antarctic Territory.

Visa-Free travel to Chile
No Visa is needed for HKSAR Passport holders in order to visit Chile. Hong Kong travellers may fly to Chile via a number of destinations including Sydney, Auckland, Los Angeles, New York, Paris or Frankfurt. LAN airlines has achieved many distinctions for its service quality and it was the first carrier to introduce the Boeing 787 Dreamliner in the America’s.

Chile: a trusted partner for entrepreneurship

The OECD, the World Bank and the Economist Intelligence Unit all cite Chile as South America’s most stable, safest, a good business partner and an open country that promotes free trade and actively seeks ties with other nations and trade blocs (including Australian, Canada, the United States, Mexico, the European Union, China, Japan, Singapore and South Korea, amongst others). Chile is the country which has signed the most Free Trade Agreements in the world, and is a steadfast partner of Hong Kong in the multilateral arena represented in APEC, as well as in the World Trade Organization. Chile is participating in the development of new trade agreements such as the Trans Pacific Partnership and along with Colombia, Mexico and Peru, comprise the Pacific Alliance.

According to the Central Bank of Chile, the GDP of the country grew by 5.6% in 2012. For 2013 there is projected a growth between 4.5 and 5.5%. Chile is the world’s seventh freest economy and the most competitive in Latin America.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) has played a decisive role In Chilean growth and development for 25 years. In 2012, FDI in Chile reached US$30,323 million, up by 32.2% on the previous year.
Out of total FDI in 2012, 35% corresponded to reinvested profits, 33% to debt and 32% to equity. In 2012, FDI as a percentage of GDP, at 11.3%, was also the highest in the country's history. As a result, FDI over GDP averaged 9.2% in 2010-2012, up from 7.0% in 2006-2009.

hile in the International Scene
Trade agreements give Chile access to over 4.3 billion potential consumers around the world. To date, Chile has signed 22 such agreements with 60 countries. Today, Chile access to trade preferences to 62% of the world's population. 93% of exports go to countries with which Chile has some tariff preference.

Chile has attained numerous firsts through a steadfast commitment towards transparency, accountability and good governance. Chile is a country recognized by its sense of global responsibility as well as its willingness to pursue partnerships aimed at bringing about prosperity to all people. It is a democracy which will hold its next Presidential and Parliamentarian elections on 17 November 2013 Chile is aiming to become a beacon for the attraction of startups through the implementation of Start-Up Chile. Visit www.startupchile.org.


National day 18 September
Population 16.6 million
Capital Santiago
Life expectancy 79.3 years
Literacy 98.6%
Compulsory schooling 12 years
GDP 2012 5,6%
GDP per capita 2012 (PPP) USD 16,190
Total Exports 2012 USD 78.289 million
Inflation 2012 1,5%
Country risk Fitch Ratings / Standard & Poors = AA-

Consulate General of Chile in Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR
Unit 1712, Shun Tak Centre, West Tower
168-200 Connaught Road, Central
Tel. (852) 28271826 or (852) 2827 1748