法國Barrisol推出 Artolis技術面料系列

法國Barrisol推出 Artolis技術面料系列 令室內裝飾增添個人品味

法國Barrisol在拉伸的天花板領域是世界領先品牌,該公司向市場推出全新的 Artolis 概念。這種技術面料是專門為個人化的室內裝飾而設計,Artolis是一系列可印刷的面料,最寬幅面可達五米,最長為五十米,沒有任何粘接和拼縫。客戶可以自訂裝飾圖案,Artolis的聲學特性和數位印刷相結合,為室內牆壁提供了技術和美學上的完美解決方案。在牆壁和天花板的裝飾領域,這是一個期待已久的新產品。

Artolis的幅寬為五米,沒有任何粘接的接縫,適合各種室內裝飾。採用這種面料,裝修可快速地完成,經過裝飾後的牆壁表面完美無缺,並且可將所有技術項目整合在牆上 (電源插頭,開關,等等) 而不必進行重大的施工工程。Artolis的長度最長為五十米。 該產品為家居,以及電影院、 劇院、 酒店和零售業的場地,提供了一個理想的裝飾解決方案。

由於採用高解析度的數位印刷技術寬幅印花,Artois使室內的裝飾色彩繽紛。Barrisol®系列的花式圖案範圍廣泛,該公司還跟米魯斯(Mulhouse)印染博物館和法國博物館協會合作。 Artois可隨著個人的品味創造出獨一無二的裝飾設計,將牆壁裝飾成真正的壁畫畫卷。

由於聲音與光線是和諧與舒適的裝飾不可分割的元素,Artolis將聲學和光線概念 (Acoustic® 和 Lumière®) 應用於產品。雖然產品的厚度極薄(僅一厘米) ,但Artolis Acoustic®的消音性能卻很好,而且飾面十分細緻講究。Artolis Lumière®光學概念使用背光來突出牆面的裝飾效果,製造出良好的照明氛圍。

產品名稱:Artolis by Barrisol®

有Artolis聲學織物 (Artolis® Acoustic®),Artolis光學織物 (Artolis® Lumière®) 和Artolis印花織物 (Artolis ® imprimée)

客戶可以自訂高解析度印花(1200 DPI)圖案,或者通過www.barrisol.com網站的印花圖案集(Collection Editions on Barrisol®)中選擇。

一般銷售價格:(包括安裝費) 每平方米100歐元起


Barrisol公司 (Barrisol Normalu SAS) 介紹:
Barrisol公司創立於一九六七年,是一家製造和銷售“Barrisol”商標產品的公司 (天花板吊裝和牆面裝飾)。自從一九七五年註冊了第一個產品專利以來,該公司現在已經有八十多個專利。Barrisol公司的銷售網絡由一千二百多個銷售商組成,遍佈一百五十多個國家和地區,是天花板吊裝領域的世界領先公司,在法國出口產品的公司當中名列榜首,作為世界知名的公司,其產品曾獲得三十多個獎項,其中包括創新獎,法國巴黎國際建材展 (Batimat) 優秀產品特別提名獎,法國工業產權局優勝獎等。

Route du SIPES - 68680 KEMBS


Artolis®, a comprehensive range of technical fabrics for interior design

Stretched ceiling world leader Barrisol® introduces the new Artolis® concept. Specifically designed to decorate and customise interiors, Artolis is a comprehensive range of printable fabrics up to 5 metres wide and over 50 metres long, free of any welding or seams. Fully customisable to deliver unique decorations, the Artolis acoustic range combined with digital printing can provide a technical, aesthetic solution for any indoor wall. Here is a long-awaited new product for the unlimited decoration of walls and ceilings.

A view on a panoramic decor…
Available in 5-metre widths free of any welding of seams, Artolis® is suitable for any interior. The fast implementation gives the room an impeccable finish taking into account all wall-mounted technical items (power sockets, switches etc.), avoiding any heavy work or mess. Applicable for any length up to 50 metres in one unbroken segment, Artolis® is the ideal decorating solution for households as well as for cinemas, theatres, hotels and retail premises.

…infinitely customisable…
Using very-high-definition digital printing over a great width, Artolis® makes interiors colourful. Barrisol® offers a wide range of images from its collection and from exclusive partnerships with the Museum of Printed Textiles in Mulhouse and the Réunion des Musées Nationaux (Association of French Museums). Customisable at will, Artolis® canvas can deliver unique decorations and can make it possible to achieve genuine mural frescoes.

…providing unmatched comfort
Since acoustics and light are an integral part of any harmonious, convivial setting, Barrisol® has applied its Acoustic® and Lumière® concepts to Artolis. Artolis Acoustic® features excellent acoustic properties despite being very thin (1 centimetre), while providing a meticulous décor. Artolis Lumière® will highlight a wall covered with customised printing using backlighting for an immaculate lighting ambience.

Technical information:
Name: Artolis by Barrisol®

Comes in Artolis® Acoustic®, Artolis® Lumière® et Artolis® print version
Available up to 5 m wide without joints or seams and 50 m long.
More information: www.artolis.eu

High definition printing (1200 DPI) personal images

or via the Collection Editions on Barrisol® www.barrisol.com

Sale price seen: starts at €100.00 per m², laid

Launch date: 2012

Distribution network:
Find an installer at http://en.barrisol.com/find-installer.php

About Barrisol Normalu SAS
Founded in 1967, Barrisol Normalu SAS manufactures and distributes the Barrisol brands (stretched walls & ceilings). After filing its first patent in 1975, the company now holds 80 patents. Established in over 150 countries through a 1,200-strong distributor network, Barrisol® is the world leader in stretched ceilings, belongs to the World Export Leaders Club, and has been rewarded with many prizes. Acknowledged worldwide, Barrisol Normalu was awarded more than 30 prizes and medals since it was founded, including the Innovation Trophy, a special mention by the Batimat Jury, and the INPI Trophy.

Route du SIPES - 68680 KEMBS