國際軌道交通技術展(InnoTrans)是全球鐵路運輸領域的領先展覽會。在第十屆展會期間(二零一四年九月二十三至二十六日),法國將再次組織大型代表團參展。此次法國展團將由一百多家公司組成,另有八十多家企業以公司個人的名義參展。由法國企業國際發展局(Ubifrance)籌辦的法國展館佔地達一千二百平方米,橫跨三個展廳。藉着法國的知名度,三家參展商將贊助法國企業國際發展局組織的展館,他們是車載電子設備和軟體領域的專業公司CENTRALP,安全器件的設計和製造廠商SCOMA以及專門從事鐵路自動化的LEROY AUTOMATION。
另外,法國鐵路協會(Fer de France)將是本屆法國展館的合作夥伴。創於二零一二年,法國鐵路協會屬一個年輕組織,匯聚法國鐵路領域所有公共和私營的公司:公共政府機構、仲介組織,客運和貨運經營方,鐵路基礎設施管理公司,鐵路設備和工程企業。協會的會員包括:Alstom、 ARF、 Eurotunnel、FIF、GART、 法國運輸部、巴黎大眾運輸公司(RATP)、RFF、法國國家鐵路公司(SNCF)、Syntec-Ingénierie和UTP公司等。法國鐵路協會的會員公司年營業額估計達到三百億歐元,員工達三十四萬人。二零一三年九月二十四日以來,法國鐵路協會的主席是Pierre Mongin先生,他同時亦是巴黎獨立地鐵運輸公司的董事長兼總裁。
法國七個地區的企業將參展本屆法國展館:包括Alsace(阿爾薩斯)、Burgundy(勃艮第)、Centre Region(中部地區)、Pays de la Loire(盧瓦爾河區)、Midi-Pyrénées(南庇利牛斯大區)、Nord-Pas-de-Calais(北部-加萊海峽省)和Picardy(皮卡迪大區)。阿爾薩斯和勃艮第的商會,中部地區促進署,以及優勢企業集中區(Northern France Rail, Neopolia Rail, MecateamCluster, Mipyrail),均代表了法國的鐵路工業。法國展館陳列的設備包括鐵路運輸行業的各種設備,如基礎設施、機車車輛、客車裝飾、車載電子系統、機車車輛的機構部件、乘客資訊系統和票務系統、公共運輸企業、鐵路工程和測試系統等。
由於法國企業的經驗、技術實力和創新能力,法國的鐵路工業在國際上被公認為強勢企業,在全世界排名第三位。在歐洲,法國的鐵路行業排名第二,僅在德國之後。法國的鐵路行業有一千五百多家企業,年營業額為四十多億歐元,其中四分之一為出口營業額。法國的創新技術和產品將陳列於三個展廳,分別為26b,11.2 和3.2。歡迎前來發掘法國的鐵路產品和技術。
An increasingly prominent French presence at InnoTrans 2014 Berlin
This 10th edition of InnoTrans, the leading international tradeshow for rail transport engineering, will be yet another opportunity for France to show a substantial presence. Indeed, no less than 100 companies will be exhibiting at the French Pavilion, joined by an additional 80 French companies with individual booths. Organised by UBIFRANCE, the French Agency for International Business Development, the pavilion will extend 1,200 m² spread across 3 halls. Three exhibitors will particularly benefit from France’s reputation by sponsoring the Ubifrance Pavilion: CENTRALP, a specialist in embedded software and electronics, SCOMA, a designer and manufacturer of safety parts, and LEROY AUTOMATION, an expert in rail automation.
Moreover, Fer de France will be a French Pavilion Partner at this year’s event. Founded in 2012, Fer de France is a young business uniting all public and private players in the rail industry: public authorities, organising agencies, passenger and freight carriers, infrastructure managers, industrialists and engineering companies. Its members include Alstom, the ARF, Eurotunnel, the FIF, the GART, the French Transport Ministry, the RATP, the RFF, the SNCF, Syntec-Ingénierie and the UTP. Fer de France’s turnover is estimated at over €30b and represents about 340,000 jobs. Since September 24th, 2013, Fer de France has been chaired by Pierre Mongin, who is also Chairman and Managing Director of the RATP.
InnoTrans is a biennial Berlin event traditionally combining an open-air exhibition, an indoor tradeshow and a convention that extend across 140,000 m². The only one of its kind, this event appeals to a growing number of visitors with every new edition. In 2012, there were 2,515 exhibitors from 49 countries who attracted over 126,000 business visitors. That year, the tradeshow generated €1.8b in total transactions. This year, the amount of exhibitors at the French Pavilion will climb by 11% as compared to the last edition.
Seven of France’s regions will be on hand at the French Pavilion: Alsace, Burgundy, Centre Region, Pays de la Loire, Midi-Pyrénées, Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardy. The Alsace and the Burgundy Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Centre Region Promotion Agency as well as attending clusters (Northern France Rail, Neopolia Rail, MecateamCluster, Mipyrail) will provide a representative overview of the French rail industry. The equipment displayed at the French Pavilion will involve all categories in the sector: Infrastructure, rolling stock, car layout, onboard embedded electronic systems, rolling stock mechanical components, passenger information and ticketing, public transport companies, rail testing and engineering.
Foreign professionals can already explore the unquestionable know-how of France’s rail sector, a hub of excellence enjoying a high worldwide reputation, by visiting the international promotional portal for France’s rail offer, www.french-rail-industry.com. Developed in partnership with Fer de France, the English-language website promotes every aspect of this business sector, listing a number of remarkable achievements abroad by French companies, as well as the year’s major events which they attend. A specific InnoTrans tab will lead you to the list of exhibitors at the French Pavilion, complete with their location in the hall. The website also features a showcase of French players in the sector, and will help foreign ordering parties in studying the profile of French companies which interest them, as well as getting in touch with them directly using a dedicated contact section.
Thanks to the expertise of French exhibitors, together with their technological knowledge and their inventiveness, France’s rail industry is widely acknowledged internationally and holds the 3rd rank worldwide. In Europe, the French rail sector, with 1,500 businesses and a turnover in excess of €4b, one quarter of which comes from export, ranks second behind Germany. French innovations can be seen in Halls 26b, 11.2 and 3.2. Please don’t hesitate to come and check them out!
For further information:
Marie-Gabrielle VAILLANDET
Rail Industry Project Manager
Phone: +33 (0)1 40 73 32 34
Email: marie-gabrielle.vaillandet@ubifrance.fr