METS 2014隆重開幕 優質展品包羅萬有
香港珠寶玉石廠商會會長冼雅恩先生於METS 2014 開幕典禮致辭,感謝各協辦機構、參展商及來賓的支持。
香港珠寶玉石廠商會(HKJJA)首辦的香港珠寶鐘表工業科技及用品展(METS 2014)於日前六月二十五日假香港亞洲國際博覽館三號展館正式揭幕,展期一共四天。METS 2014是香港首個為珠寶鐘表業度身訂造的國際專業生產設備及用品展,旨在為全球業內人士提供嶄新全面的珠寶鐘表生產方案。
主辦機構於早上十一時舉行簡單而隆重的開幕典禮,邀得HKJJA創辦人韋永龍先生、理事長陳聖澤太平紳士、會長冼雅恩先生、榮譽會長李景熹先生,MH及榮譽會長兼理事劉偉光先生擔任開幕典禮嘉賓。剪綵儀式後,醒獅團隨即繞場助慶,為METS 2014正式揭開序幕。
左起:HKJJA 副會長周駿達先生、副會長何光耀先生、榮譽會長兼理事劉偉光先生、會長冼雅恩先生、創辦人及永遠名譽會長韋永龍先生、理事長陳聖澤太平紳士、榮譽會長李景熹先生MH、副會長靳文泰先生、副會長盧仲輝先生及副會長陳偉立先生於METS 2014 開幕典禮上留影。
METS 2014雲集近百家參展商,來自十個國家及地區,並設有兩大焦點展館:「歐洲館」匯聚意大利、德國、土耳其等頂級機械設備製造商,向與會者展示歐洲享負盛名的加工機械和尖端技術;「泰國館」則呈獻當地珍稀的天然寶石原材料、超卓的珠寶製造儀器及設備等。來自韓國、日本、台灣、印度、中國內地及香港等的參展商亦向在場人士展示各式各樣珠寶鐘表製造工具、供應品、鑑定儀器、保安系統等,質量臻至完美。
METS 2014深獲多個本地及國際著名機構鼎力支持,包括香港貿易發展局(HKTDC)、廣州市番禺區珠寶廠商會、廣東省金銀珠寶玉器業廠商會(GDGJJIA)、泰國寶石珠寶商協會(TGJTA)、JA New York、以色列珠寶製造商協會(IDMA)及杜拜國際珠寶展等。此外,東歐、中國、緬甸、南非、沙特阿拉伯等買家亦組團親臨展場,陣容強盛,與全球參展商進行洽商。
醒獅到場祝賀METS 2014 舉辦成功。
HKJJA會長冼雅恩先生表示:「先進的科技與工具是生產優質珠寶及鐘表的先決條件。由HKJJA所舉辦的METS 2014是亞洲區內主要的專業珠寶鐘表機械、設備、技術和供應品展覽,更是一個促進業界交流、推動業界發展的平台。香港是一個十分適合主辦此類型展覽的地方,METS 2014非常歡迎來自香港、中國內地、台灣、韓國、日本、印度、泰國、意大利、德國及土耳其等地的國際展商,並期望在未來能夠邀請更多來自世界各地的參展商參展。METS 2014亦是一個支持創意的平台,我們很希望能夠鼓勵在珠寶及鐘表生產過程中引入創意元素以提升質量及效率的展商參加展覽。」
兩頭醒獅祝賀METS 2014 香港珠寶鐘表工業科技及用品展一帆風順,大展鴻圖。
HKJJA 榮譽會長李景熹先生MH 及榮譽會長兼理事劉偉光先生為醒獅掛紅。
METS 2014
From left: HKJJA’s Vice-chairman, Mr. Danny Chau; Vicechairman, Mr. Mark Ho; Honorary Chairman & Director, Mr. Billy Lau; Chairman, Mr. Benedict Sin; Founder and Honorary Life Chairman, Mr. Henry Wai; President, Mr. Charles Chan BBS, JP; Honorary Chairman, Mr. King Li; Vice-chairman, Mr. Sam Gin; Vicechairman, Mr. Ken Lo and Vice-chairman, Mr. Victor Chan cut the ribbon to kick off METS 2014.
METS 2014 (Machinery, Equipment, Technology and Supplies for Jewellery & Watch Industry), the first-ever exhibition for jewellery and watch making organized by the Hong Kong Jewellery & Jade Manufacturers Association (HKJJA) opened on 25th June, 2014 at Hall 3, AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong. METS 2014 is the premier international machinery and supplies exhibition in Hong Kong, aiming to provide jewellery and watch professionals with ultimate manufacturing solutions for the industry.
HKJJA’s Chairman, Mr. Benedict Sin and President, Mr. Charles Chan BBS, JP dot the lions’ eyes to bring more liveliness to them.
The opening ceremony was officiated by HKJJA’s founder Henry Wai; President, Charles Chan, BBS, JP; Chairman, Benedict Sin, Honorary Chairman, King Li, MH; and Honorary Chairman & Director, Billy Lau. After the ribbon-cutting ceremony, a traditional Chinese lion dance declared the grand opening of METS 2014.
METS 2014 hosts nearly a hundred exhibitors from 10 countries and regions with two highlighted pavilions: European Pavilion gathers renowned exhibitors from Italy, Germany, Turkey and more showcasing their advanced machinery and technology for jewellery and watch production; Thailand Pavilion provides attendees with a glimpse of fabulous natural gemstones, raw materials, and innovative manufacturing equipment. Other quality exhibits including manufacturing tools for jewellery and watch production, supplies, testing equipment and tools, security systemsare being presented by exhibitors from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, China, Hong Kong, etc.
The lion jumps up to wish HKJJA and each guest’s success to be as high, and to add vibe to the atmosphere of the opening ceremony.
METS 2014 is well-endorsed by international and local famed organizations, including the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), Guangzhou Panyu Jewelry Manufacturers Association, Guangdong Golden Jewelry and Jade Industry's Association (GDGJJIA), Thai Gem Jewelry & Traders Association (TGJTA), JA New York, Israel Jewelry Manufacturers' Association (IDMA) and Dubai International Jewellery Week. Numerous buyer delegations from Eastern Europe, China, Myanmar, South Africa, Saudi Arabia and more also paid a visit during the show period, bringing enormous business opportunities in this edition.
Officiating guests enjoy the lion dance performance.
Two professional seminars are going to be conducted by industry elites tomorrow (26 June 2014), revealing the latest technology and trends for jewellery and watch industry. In addition, free testing of precious metals and diamonds is available for visitors. With exciting events and value-added services, the four-day exhibition is set to bring the industry a fresh outlook and unforgettable experience.
Mr. Benedict Sin, Chairman of the HKJJA expressed, “Good tools and advanced technologies are essential to the realization of good jewellery and watch products. Hosted by the HKJJA, METS 2014 is a major exhibition in Asia showcasing jewellery and watch manufacturing machinery, equipment, technology and supplies. Hong Kong is the perfect location to host this exhibition. METS 2014 is grateful for the participation of global exhibitors from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, India, Thailand, Italy, Germany and Turkey, and we are looking forward to inviting more international exhibitors in the coming years. METS 2014 is also a platform for the promotion of creativity. We actively encourage more exhibitors that introduce creative elements to improve the quality and efficiency in manufacturing jewellery and watches to participate in the exhibition.”
Right after the opening ceremony, the lions parade through the exhibition hall to spirit up the atmosphere.
Established in 1965, HKJJA is one of the most influential jewellery trade organizations in Hong Kong representing nearly 400 fine jewellery manufacturers. The Association took the lead to promote the Hong Kong jewellery industry abroad by organizing group participation at the JA New York show in 1969. Since then HKJJA’s Hong Kong Pavilionhas become a major segment of renowned jewellery exhibitions in the United States, Italy, Thailand, Ukraine, UAE and Hong Kong.
After the opening ceremony, officiating guests and guests are invited to enter the exhibition hall to visit the exhibition, including Mr. Charles Chan BBS, JP (middle) and Mr. King Li MH (right).