法國諾曼第金牌生蠔 首度亮相香港

法國諾曼第金牌生蠔 首度亮相香港


法國諾曼第養蠔協會(L’Huitre de Normandie)最近在二零一四年巴黎農業大賽(Concours General Agricole Paris,簡稱CGA)中勇奪多項殊榮。巴黎農業大賽是世界農產品最高級别大賽之一,始于一八七零年,每年評選法國本地最質優的產品。諾曼第生蠔,作為諾曼第乃至全法國的美食象徵,憑頂級質量在同類別產品中突圍勝出,榮獲三枚金牌和二枚銀牌。


• 西海岸(Côte Ouest)
在科唐坦半岛(Cotentin peninsula)西岸,從格蘭維爾(Granville)灣至波爾巴伊(Port-bail),穿過亞剛庫坦維勒(Agon-Coutainville)、濱海布蘭維爾(Blainville-sur-Mer)以及古維爾(Gouville),該區的蠔床會經歷陸上風及強勁潮汐的洗禮,因而蠔殼光亮,生蠔海水味重及口感濃郁。

• 東海岸(Côte Est)
在科唐坦半島(Cotentin peninsula)東岸,聖雅斯拉烏格(Saint-Vaast la Hougue)及塔迪霍島(Tatihou)的蠔床歷史最為悠久。所出產的生蠔富含碘,肉感飽滿,並帶有堅果香味。

• 濱海伊西尼(Isigny-sur-mer)
鄰近猶他海灘(Utah Beach)、濱海伊西尼(Isigny-sur-mer)和格朗康邁西(Grandcamp-Maisy),雷韋灣(the Baie des Veys) 經受諾曼第多條河流的洗刷。該產區的生蠔獲一致評為鮮甜清新爽口,適合用於各種烹調方法。

• 卡昂(Côte de nacre)




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L’Huitre de Normandie:
The 1st Appearance of Award-Winning Normandy Oysters in Hong Kong

With the support of the Normandy Chamber of Agriculture, five French oyster-suppliers from Normandy will travel to Hong Kong with their gastronomic jewels for the first time.

On May 22nd 2014, a press conference will be held at Ubifrance – French Trade Commission, followed by oyster tastings reserved for professionals and journalists, allowing the Normandy oyster-exporters to obtain the initial approach into the Hong Kong market and exchange with the local professionals.

L’Huitre de Normandie (The regional committee of Normandy Oysters) has recently been highly evaluated again at the General Agricultural Competition 2014, which was formally established in 1870 to select and honor the best French local products. Normandy oysters, gastronomic emblem of the region and France, are awarded 3 Gold medals and 2 Silver medals for its premium quality in the same category.

Normandy, two-hour driving distance from Paris, is full of gastronomic treasures which make it one of the most popular regions in France. Besides the traditional productions of cider and dairy products, Normandy is primarily a maritime territory where fishing and oyster farming occupy a prominent part of the local life. The Normandy coast has the highest tides in Europe, making the region the first oyster producer in France. The Normandy oysters are distinguished by four areas (Crus) for their unique tastes. Each of these four areas will be represented in Hong Kong by the Norman oysters producers.

• West Coast (Côte Ouest)
On the west coast of the Cotentin peninsula, from the bay of Granville to Port-bail, through Agon-Coutainville, Blainville-sur-Mer and Gouville, the oyster beds are exposed to onshore winds and strong tidal currents. Thus the oysters are characterized by its salty and full-bodied taste with a clear shell.

• East Coast (Côte Est)
The oyster basin of Saint-Vaast la Hougue and Tatihou Island on the east coast of Cotentin peninsula is the oldest in the region. The oysters are famous for iodine, fleshiness and nutty flavor.

• Isigny-sur-mer
Bordered by Utah Beach, Isigny-sur-Mer and Grandcamp-Maisy, the Baie des Veys is constantly watered by several rivers in Normandy.The oysters of Isigny are universally recognized by the sweet and crunchy flesh, which best accommodates all the culinary preparations.

• Coast of Nacre (Côte de nacre)
Located at the eastern end of the historic site of Arromanches, the coast of Nacre breeds the oysters of superb taste with strong currents.

Because of the adequate oxygenation by strong currents and twice-a-day tides in the region, Normandy Oysters are not only firm and fleshy, but also affluent in Vitamin B and a wide range of minerals, e.g. copper, zinc, iron, selenium and iodine. The oysters are more than a gastronomic pleasure, but a natural anti-fatigue, antidepressant as well as boost for immunity.

It is therefore recommended to consume Normandy Oysters throughout the year and even more during the winter, when deficiencies are much more common. For example: 8 oysters satisfy the daily requirement of zinc and provide twice more iron than 100g of meat! Meanwhile the oysters are low in calories (about 75kcal per 8 oysters), and almost exempt from fat (only 2%).

As the flagship product of the region, the Normandy oysters are appreciated everywhere and at any occasion. They adapt to the four seasons and offer multiple tasting opportunities in response to a growing desire of healthy and tasty food.