
法國BEABA 及 RED CASTLE 分享專業育嬰知識

一年一度的大型「國際嬰兒、兒童用品博覽」讓家長貼近最新嬰幼兒產品及培育資訊,該展覽將於二零一四年八月一至四日在香港會議展覽中心舉行。兩家法國嬰兒/兒童用品專家 – BEABA及RED CASTLE將參展,其精心設計的產品有助促進更健康的生活方式,是家長必不可少的好幫手。作為行業領軍者,BEABA和RED CASTLE已獲主辦單位邀請,在展會期間舉辦座談會,與香港的家長,尤其是初為人父母者分享品牌專業的育嬰知識。

BEABA Babycook® 專為小食家而設

創於一九八九年,BEABA總部設於法國,是全球知名的兒童用品專家,擅長設計新穎產品,專注於設計和技術。 BEABA早已成為行內領軍者,不斷推出實用的新產品,務求幫助家長減少生活壓力,過得更輕鬆愉快。

其明星產品嬰兒食品料理機Babycook®,最近推出Babycook® Solo及Duo兩款新產品,再次徹底改變了傳統的嬰幼兒產品市場,為家長提供簡單、安全及精心設計的烹調方式,製作健康美味的嬰兒食品。


展覽期間,BEABA亞太區業務拓展總監Isabelle Brahin 女士將於八月一日舉行『 DIY 有益的嬰兒固體食物』的座談會。

RED CASTLE Cocoonababy® 嬰兒睡眠專家

創於一九九二年的RED CASTLE,其總部設於法國普羅旺斯艾克斯,公司專門設計及生產嬰兒產品,通過技術解決方案為寶寶提供舒適和安全環境。RED CASTLE產品尊重寶寶的形態,安全性能極高。由於所用材料的質量和技術,產品觸感柔軟,能全面保護寶寶。


兒科物理治療師及Cocoonababy® 產品設計師Danièle LEFORT SALDUCCI女士將於八月一至三日展覽期間與家長探討承托嬰兒的正確方法及其重要性。

另外Danièle LEFORT SALDUCCI女士將於八月二日主講「如何發展嬰兒的大腦神經」。



French Baby Product Experts BEABA & RED CASTLE to share baby-care knowledge at
2014 International Baby/Children Products Expo

The 22nd International Baby/Children Products Expo, Hong Kong’s largest exhibition of its kind will be held from August 1 to 4, 2014 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). The two French baby/children products experts - BEABA & RED CASTLE will attend the exhibition with their well-designed products which are parents’ indispensable helpers to live a healthier lifestyle. As the forerunners in the industry, both BEABA and RED CASTLE have been invited by the organizer to host seminars during the exhibition to share their professional knowledge of baby/children care with the parents in Hong Kong, especially newly parents.

BEABA Babycook®, perfect for budding gourmets
Founded in 1989 and headquartered in France, BÉABA is known worldwide for its unique ability to create innovative products for the juvenile industry with a focus on design and technology. BEABA has established itself as a leader in the industry with new products being launched and developed with practical uses for busy parents looking to make their lives easier.

Its star product Babycook®, the original baby food maker, has again revolutionized the traditional infant market by offering parents an easy, safe and well-designed way to cook healthy and tasty food for babies and family with the newly released Babycook® Solo and Duo. This one-of-a-kind, patented compact appliance functions as a steamer, blender, warmer, and defroster to prepare fresh, healthy meals in less than 15 minutes, and the new lid design allows for completely safe one-handed operation.

During the exhibition, Ms. Isabelle Brahin, Asia Pacific Development Director of BEABA will give a talk on “Healthy and easy introduction to solids” on August 1.

RED CASTLE Cocoonababy®, ergonomic cocoon for babies
RED CASTLE, founded in 1992 and headquartered in Aix en Provence, France, is a designer and manufacturer of innovative baby products which offer comfort and safety for baby through technical solutions. Respecting baby’s morphology, Red Castle products provide him with a feeling of reassurance and well-being. Thanks to the quality and technicity of the materials used, the products are very soft to the touch & keep baby well protected.

Its star product Cocoonababy® provides babies from birth to 4 months with the ideal environment for peaceful sleep and harmonious development. A unique ergonomic cocoon, it allows baby to lie on his back to sleep in a semi-foetal posture, a position in which he feels reassured and which helps him adapt better to his new surroundings. The Cocoonababy® helps limit reflux, reduce startle reflex and helps prevent flat head syndrome. Soothed and calmed, the quality of baby’s sleep is greatly improved.
Mrs Danièle LEFORT SALDUCCI, Paediatric Physiotherapist and product designer of Cocoonababy® will discuss the importance of positioning a newborn correctly for the consecutive three days, from August 1 to August 3.
In addition, a seminar entitled “All about babies – Advice for parents: good habits to adopt for baby's better neuromotor development” will be lectured by Mrs Danièle LEFORT SALDUCCI of RED CASTLE on August 2.

The following seminars will definitely enrich the knowledge of parents: