

元朗區 - 「幸福溫暖的家」




「家在香港‧歡欣滿園」 「珊瑚群『樂』是我家」





黃大仙區 - 「萬花疊翠繞燕譽」






南區 - 「幽居和諧樂園」

九龍城區 - 「夢寐以求 – 家」

東區 - 「日式住宅庭園 – 前庭」



Hong Kong Flower Show 2014


The Hong Kong Flower Show 2014 organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department(LCSD) was held between 7 and 16 March at Victoria Park. The show attracted 550, 000 visitors.

This year the theme flower was “Kalanchoe” and the theme was “Blossoms of Joy”. Over 200 organisations from 15 countries showcased exotic flowers, landscape and floral art displays. The participating countries were Mainland China, Australia, Estonia, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the United States. A series of fringe activities were held during the show period, including music and dance performances, green talks, floral art demonstrations, greening activites workshops, green promotional stalls, guided visits, recreation programmes, fashion shows, cooking demonstrations and fun games.

世界花卉協會( 香港分會)

“A Garden of Joy in Hong Kong” “My Home Among the Corals”
At the flower show, a multicoloured floral carpet stretches from the Sugar Street entrance of the showground all the way to the stage. The theme of the floral carpet is "Home of the Animals" and it features assorted animal shapes made up of foliage and colourful flowering plants. Delightful floral displays themed on cosy homes around the world are also featured at the Hing Fat Street entrance.

LCSD is also presenting a spectacular exhibit entitled "A Garden of Joy in Hong Kong". The display is made up of striking contours and a lively composition using colourful kalanchoes to form a multi-layered parterre, providing the background for scenes of everyday bliss.

觀塘區 - 「家樂·花滿園」

Another exhibit, named "Floral Celebration" and measuring 28 metres in length and 15m wide, creates a rich and colourful layering effect. The theme flower kalanchoe in a variety of colours is clustered closely with other floral species to contrast with tulips. The tulip display in a variety of colours is strikingly beautiful and provides an opportunity for leisure viewing and photo-taking.

Other main attractions include a mosaiculture display entitled "My Home Among the Corals", showcasing marine creatures living in the coral reefs; Brand Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Velodrome floral walls; spectacular displays from the Mainland; and interactive photo-taking booths.

西貢區 - 「悠然自得」

北區 - 「花滿園·樂滿家」

Winning gardens by Wong Tai Sin District and Tuen Mun District on display at Hong Kong Flower Show

Wong Tai Sin District's "In Praise of Serenity and Joy" and Tuen Mun District's "Urban Oasis" outshone their competitors and won the LCSD's Oriental Style Garden Plot Competition and Western Style Garden Plot Competition respectively at the Hong Kong Flower Show 2014.

"In Praise of Serenity and Joy" resembles part of an inner garden of a high-class residence in the Ming dynasty. The garden, entitled "Yanyu", which means "peace and happiness", symbolises the aspiration for a carefree family life. The design incorporates elements of a natural landscape, with a murmuring brook flowing through the pastoral setting. Decorated with artistic rockery and flowers in full bloom, as well as elegant stone furniture, the garden presents a vibrant and vivid scene.

屯門區 - 「城市綠洲」

The design of "Urban Oasis" was based on the idea of restoring and developing closed landfills to provide open space and parklands for the nearby residents and create urban oases for the community. In this luxuriant garden, materials salvaged from landfills such as tires are recycled and transformed into furniture and decorations. A variety of herbs and vegetables have been planted in this garden, demonstrating self-sufficiency in urban living - a practice that can contribute to a lower dependence on importing and transporting food from outside sources, thus reducing the carbon footprint - and portraying a green lifestyle.

油尖旺區 - 「花滿園」

灣仔區 - 「婚之喜」

中西區 - 「家·樂園」

大埔區- 「賞心園」

荃灣區 - 「家」


