( 由左至右)『法國五月』名人大使Amanda S,法國駐香港及澳門總領事栢雅諾先生,法國五月美食大使Pierre Gagnaire,法國羅訥河谷葡萄酒大使Loic Hemard
(from left to right) Amanda Strang, Consul General Arnaud BARTHELEMY, Chef Pierre Gagnaire, Loic Hemard
第六屆『法國五月美食節2014』早前由法國駐香港及澳門總領事栢雅諾先生正式啟動,當日記者招待會星光熠熠,出席嘉賓包括法國五月美食節美食大使—法國米芝蓮星級名廚 Pierre Gagnaire、『法國五月』名人大使Amanda S、法國羅訥河谷葡萄酒大使Loic Hemard、著名酒評家陳細潔女士。
『法國五月美食節』由法國駐香港及澳門總領事館商務專員公署(UBIFRANCE)籌辦,每年推介一個特定的法國地區的美酒佳餚,二零一四年的主題為羅訥河谷美酒及里昂美食。『法國五月美食節』的魅力已超越想像,證明「美食無國界」。超過六十五家餐廳及酒吧參與美食節,大部分為法國餐廳,同時亦有中國餐廳,於五月期間提供配合羅訥河谷葡萄酒的特別菜單。正如法國米芝蓮星級名廚 Pierre Gagnaire在記招會上分享其烹調秘訣:羅訥河谷的白酒與中國菜是絕配!
二零一四法國五月美食節美食大使—法國米芝蓮星級名廚 Pierre Gagnaire 致開幕辭
Le French GourMay organizer with participating chefs
在煩惱下班去哪裡「歡樂時光」嗎?何不來杯「羅訥河谷葡萄酒」?四月三十日(星期三)在中環,四間酒吧 La Cabane、Pastis、FAB 以及Les Fils à Maman將從下午六時三十
Le French GourMay 2014 unveils finger-licking programs featured with Rhône Valley Wines and Food
Opening Speech by Le French GourMay GastronomicAmbassador -- Michelin starred French Chef Pierre Gagnaire
Recently the 6th annual Le French GourMay is kicked off by Mr. Arnaud BARTHELEMY - Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, with overwhelming support from high-profile celebrities, such as Le French GourMay Gastronomic Ambassador Chef Pierre Gagnaire, Le French May Celebrity Ambassador Ms. Amanda S, Rhône Valley Wine Ambassador Mr. Loic Hemard and Celebrity Wine Columnist Ms. Abbie Chan.
Le French GourMay is an annual French food and wine festival organized by Ubifrance - the French Trade Commission in Hong Kong. During this May, Le French GourMay will tickle our taste buds with Rhône Valley Wines and Lyon’s Cuisine. The charm of Le French GourMay has gone beyond our imagination and proved that cuisines are without borders. Over 65 restaurants and bars embrace the festival, including French mostly, but also Chinese restaurants that will offer Rhone Valley wine pairings with their menus. Just as Michelin-starred French Chef Pierre Gagnaire shared his cooking secret that “White wines from the Rhône Valley are perfect for Chinese food”.
It’s intriguing that Rhône Valley wines display a wide variety of distinguishable characteristics. As a seasoned wine columnist and private collector, Ms. Abbie Chan enlightened the Press Conference with many a witty question.
If April comes, can Le French GourMay be far behind? Of course not, Le French GourMay is inching towards you!
Celebrity Wine Columnist Ms. Abbie Chan & Consul General Arnaud BARTHELEMY.
Looking for bars to enjoy “Happy Hour”? Why not a glass of “Rhône Valley wine”?
On the 30th April in Central district, a Wednesday GourMay night starts from 6:30 pm onwards, with special offers from La Cabane, Pastis, FAB and Les Fils à Maman.
As a French institution, “Marchés” (outdoor markets) are the perfect place to discover and enjoy traditional gastronomy in a convivial atmosphere.
This May, we’ve got that French feeling for Stanley Plaza! To discover various food and wines from France, and Rhone Valley Wines, join us on 11th May (11am to 6pm) at Murray House (free entrance).
Have you ever dreamed of watching the horseracing while enjoying French Food and Wine? Well, be careful what you wish for! Coz we’re having French Night Happy Wednesday at Happy Valley! Treat yourself a French meal at Happy Valley Racecourse on three consecutive Wednesdays, i.e. 14, 21 & 28 May, 2014.
Le French GourMay 2014 event “French Traditional Market” at Stanley; 2014