

薩蘭托國際電影節(SIFF) 專為表揚電影及電影製作人而設,旨在推廣國際獨立電影;電影為最具力量之文化溝通及表達形式,亦是各類文化與人之間最佳的連繫。於二零零四年由Luigi Campanile創辦,薩蘭托國際電影節現為意大利南部的最重要文化節目及主要電影節之一。

為期五日的第三屆香港薩蘭托國際電影節將於四月三十日至五月四日舉行,是次大會精選七齣來自不同地區的作品,四部為亞洲首映的意大利影片:包括由Laszlo Barbo首次執導、講述於一九零八年十二月二十八日摧毀了城市Reggio Calabria 的可怕地震歷史之《還剩下什麼》;由Michele Picchi 首次執導、故事圍繞一個四十歲男人中年危機的苦澀喜劇《可敬瘋子日記》;及由Luca Miniero執導的喜劇《教父在客廳》,以南北意大利的差異跟大家開個玩笑;被Salvatore Ferragamo 早年生活啟發、由Mauro Borrelli執導的二十三分鐘短片《白鞋子》。除了四齣精選意大利電影外,大會亦會呈獻三齣優質的亞洲首映作品:包括由羅斌首次執導、令人動容的《奈河》(中國)。電影張力十足,觀眾定必會為演員的精湛演出及中國富詩意的風景迷倒。《門神》(中國)則是由劉雨霖所執導、關於家庭的短片;以及由Mikel Aguirresarobe首次執導的喜劇《愛意》(西班牙) 。

香港薩蘭托國際電影節由意大利駐香港及澳門總領事館及轄下Italian Cultural Institute協辦。特別鳴謝意大利駐港總領事Alessandra Schiavo及轄下Italian Cultural Institute總監Matteo Fazzi。

香港薩蘭托國際電影節不單將電影帶來香港,亦希望藉此機會,讓更多人認識薩蘭托國際電影節的發源地特里卡斯和薩蘭托。被喻為「意大利加洲」的薩蘭托乃意大利的最佳秘密桃園,位於意大利最南部,即地圖上那對靴的鞋跟位置,為意大利著名的渡假勝地。意大利報章La stampa形容特里卡為意大利本土的國際電影搖籃。



The Salento International Film Festival returns to Hong Kong to present its "BEST OF THE FEST 2014", a selection of the best films from the last edition of SIFF. The eleven-year-old Salento International Film Festival is devoted to the international independent cinema and it has become well known for the quality of its content and the attention to contemporary cultural expressions.

The Grand Cinema, one of the Hong Kong top cinemas, has become a notable venue for independent films in Hong Kong and it will be hosting the 5-day event from April 30th to May 4th, 2014. The event is organized by Salento Cinema in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy and the Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong .

The 5-day Hong Kong event, from April 30 through May 4, will bring a selection of the best films from the Salento International Film Festival. 7 Films from different countries; 4 Italian/Asian Premieres: the drama "What is Left" by First Time Director Laszlo Barbo, about the terrible moments of the huge Earthquake that on the 28th December 1908 destroyed the city of Reggio Calabria; the bitter comedy that revolves around a 40-year old man in crisis "Diary of a Respectable Lunatic" by a First Time Director Michele Picchi; a comedy by Luca Miniero who jokes about the differences between north and south in Italy "A Godfather in the Living Room"; the splendid "White Shoe"- a 23 min. short-film directed by Mauro Borrelli inspired by Salvatore Ferragamo´s early life. To complete the showcase we have the pleasure to present two Chinese Asian Premieres and one Spanish Premiere: heart-wrenching, uplifting and moving the Chinese film "Nai River", from the First Time Director Bin Luo, is a 98 min. emotional roller coaster that guarantees you will shed a few tears as you marvel at the cast's memorable performances and poetic scenery of China. Nai River is a powerful film that will stay with you long after you've left the theatre. The Door God- a family drama, a short film by Yulin Liu; the Spanish comedy "Love Struck", by First Time Director Mikel Aguirresarobe, will conclude the program. Please take a look at our booklet for program and schedule.