法國Sweet Bordeaux醉人的波爾多甜白酒
二零一三年十月三十一日至十一月三日期間,Sweet Bordeaux波爾多甜白酒是『香港美酒佳餚巡禮』的必去攤位之一。 由香港旅遊發展局舉辦的『香港美酒佳餚巡禮』獲選為全球十大國際美酒佳餚節。面對着香港這一群熱衷品嘗高品質葡萄酒的派對人士,波爾多甜白酒再次受到熱烈追捧!為期四日的巡禮錄得超過一萬五千次試酒,首三日更逾一萬次。 一眾來自法國波爾多的參展商紛紛帶上黃色「So Sweet」的潮流新假髮,其靈感來自於著名甜蜜波爾多的黃色絨球花。
十一月四日,超過三百名嘉賓參加於香港旺角朗豪酒店舉辦的首屆「Sweet Party」甜蜜派對。一群香港年輕享樂主義者齊聚一堂,品嘗波爾多甜白酒,將『2013香港美酒佳餚巡禮』的歡樂氣氛延續下去。在派對上,這群香港年輕人試喝來自十一個法定產區的甜白酒,也有機會品嘗到由法國波爾多食品公司(La Charcuterie Bordelaise)提供的法式特色美食及Jean d’Alos的多款芝士和由Les Halles Bordeaux供應的精美cannelé 蛋糕。而當天中午在美麗華酒店舉行的傳媒招待會,主題亦設爲餐酒搭配各種美食。約三十名傳媒出席了此午宴,並品嘗了由香港美麗華酒店廚師Alexander Buytaert精心炮制的餐酒搭配。午宴也為傳媒提供了與釀酒師互動交流的機會,更進一步瞭解有關波爾多的甜白酒。
為期兩日的葡萄酒裡,前往Sweet Bordeaux波爾多甜白酒攤位的人流絡繹不絕。十一月一和二日,中國湖北省省會武漢舉辦了第四屆的葡萄酒節。約二千名賓客來到波爾多甜白酒的攤位,品嘗各款波爾多甜酒。作為合作夥伴,甜蜜波爾多舉辦了一個大師講座。著名網站「朱利安的葡萄酒世界」的創辦人Julien Boulard在五十名參加者前主持試酒環節,並講解十一個法定產區的不同特色。
Sweet Bordeaux於香港尋找未來大使
二零一三 年十月三十日,Sweet Bordeaux率先現身於貴賓試酒會,來自美酒界的二十位重量級人士出席了該試酒會。其中,Walter Lei先生、Wilson Kwok先生、Greenie Lam小姐及Jennie Mack小姐參加由法國波爾多葡萄酒協會(Bordeaux Wine Council)主持的試酒環節。嘉賓們品嘗了幾種來自法定產區Sauternes、Loupiac及Cadillac的甜酒。同一晚上,約八十名Sweet Bordeaux的品酒愛好者聚集在香港最潮流的地方之一的蘭桂坊酒店Azure,參與名為Top Sweet Top Bordeaux的晚會品嘗波爾多甜白酒。
The Intoxicating Sweet Bordeaux wines
Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival: Sweet Bordeaux has set the mood
From 31 October to 3 November 2013, Sweet Bordeaux was one of the "must-visit" stands of the Wine and Dine Festival. Organized by Hong Kong Tourism Board, this festival numbers among top 10 list of international food and wine festivals. Faced with the Hong Kong consumers who were ready to party and enjoy quality wines, the Sweet Bordeaux had once again come back in the spotlight! Over 15,000 tastings took place during four days, and more than 10,000 over the first 3 days. After the famous yellow pompoms, the new wigs “So Sweet” were adopted!
Sweet Bordeaux for Sweet People
More than 300 guests attended the Sweet Party, organized for the first time at the Langham Place Mongkok, Hong Kong on 4 November. The Wine & Dine Festival 2013 was extended by a group of young epicureans coming to enjoy sweet white wines of Bordeaux. These young Hongkongers had enjoyed and tasted more than 11 Sweet appellations, along with delightful canapés and appetizers from La Charcuterie Bordelaise, different kinds of cheese from Jean d’Alos and cannelé cakes from Les Halles Bordeaux. The wine pairings were also the focus of a press lunch featuring a series of sweet wine paired with various food and delicacies prepared by Alexandre Buytaert, the executive sous chef of Mira Hong Kong. Some 30 journalists attended this interactive wine lunch which had offered an opportunity for the journalists to meet up with the wine-makers and learned more about Sweet Bordeaux wines.
Success of Sweet Bordeaux at 2013 Wuhan Wine Festival
For two days, the stand of Sweet Bordeaux was never idle at Wuhan Wine Festival. On 1 and 2 November, Wuhan - the capital of the Chinese province of Hubei, hosted the fourth edition of the event. Some 2,000 people came to the stand of Sweet Bordeaux and tasted their sweet white wines. As a partner of the Festival, Sweet Bordeaux had also organized a Masterclass to showcase their wines. Julien Boulard, the famous consultant of Zhulian Wine, hosted a tasting session of Sweet Bordeaux and presented the typical characteristics of the 11 Sweet appellations to 50 participants.
Sweet Bordeaux finding its future ambassadors in Hong Kong!
Sweet Bordeaux was honoured to be present at a VIP tasting session scheduled for 30 October 2013. 20 participants, very influential in the world of wine, attended the event. Among the participants, Walter Lei, Wilson Kwok, Greenie Lam and Jennie Mack took part in the tasting conducted by trainers of Bordeaux Wines Council. The guests tasted several wines from Sweet appellations Sauternes, Loupiac and Cadillac. On the same evening, more than 80 young wine lovers had attended a private tasting event named “Top Sweet, Top Bordeaux” at Azure restaurant of LKF Hotel where they had tasted the sweet white wines of Bordeaux in one of the trendiest places in Hong Kong.
For more information, please refer to their website: www.sweetbordeaux.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sweetbordeauxhk
Chinese websites of Sweet Bordeaux: http://cn.sweetbordeaux.com or http://www.weibo.com/sweetbordeaux
Union des Grands Vins Liquoreux de Bordeaux
104 106 Rue Cazeaux Cazalet
33410 Cadillac, France
Tel : (33) 5 57 98 19 31
Fax : (33) 5 57 98 19 30
Email: contact@sweetbordeaux.comLily YUI
Senior Trade Adviser
UBIFRANCE in China - Hong Kong Office
Tel : +852 3752 9178
Email: lily.yui@ubifrance.fr