Moderated Growth and Policy Shift in China and its Impact on Hong Kong
在內地經濟放慢對香港的影響方面,報告認為,受到內地出口放慢的影響,香港出口增長將會減速,惟港元持續貶值有利於吸引外來購買力流入,帶旺旅遊及零售業,可部分抵銷此影響;而負利率、港元弱勢以及供應量較少的因素則有利於房地產市場穩定。預計,下半年香港經濟仍可以在複雜的國際、國內經濟形勢下維持一定的增長動力,呈現較高通脹 ( 指通脹率高於2% )、較高增長 ( 指經濟增長高於趨勢增長率 ) 的特點,2008年的經濟增長率將從2007年的6.3%下降至5%,整體通脹率將從2007年的2%上升至約4%,基本通脹率則從2.8%上升至6%。但如果歐美經濟陷入深度衰退,內地通脹持續高企,香港經濟便可能進入高通脹、低增長,甚至陷入滯脹困局。
The latest Economic Review by the Bank of China (Hong Kong) examines the economic outlook of the Mainland of China and its impact on Hong Kong. Mainland regulators are on horns of dilemma amid rising inflationary pressure and stagnant economic growth. Growth in export and overall economy have tumbled noticeably in recent months, over-tightening monetary policy could push economy over the edge. On the other hand, inflation bas stayed stubbornly high in spite of the fall in output, credit expansion may threat to aggravate inflation. Indeed, the challenges confronting the central bankers as they try to get the economy on track and keep inflation in check at the same time would not be easily overcome.
The article points out that rapid and uncontrolled inflation has always been blamed as the root cause of social instability, fighting inflation is still of higher priority. Slower pace of currency appreciation and expansive fiscal policy can help cushion the impacts from slowdown in external trade. Post-quake reconstruction will give an additional impetus. In view of those factors, the Mainland economy is still expected to grow on solid footing in 2008. One must stay alert that heavy prices for foodstuff and commodities underlie high inflation in all regions of the world. In particular, soaring
food and oil prices around the world has its roots in lax monetary policy of the US. Excessive liquidity has been generated amid the era of cheap credit and prolonged period of dollar's downward spiral. More worrisome, globalization has accelerated the transmission of anticipated inflation across different countries. If the Fed is reluctant to reverse its lax monetary policy, China, the world's third largest trading power, could find it very difficult to solve the problem on his own.
As inflation remains a major concern at this juncture, the article reiterates the monetary tightening stance of Chinese policymakers is not expected to change dramatically before inflation return to a moderate level (2-3%), despite more exporter-friendly measures may be adopted in the second half.
Wi1h regard to its impact on Hong Kong, albeit exporters have to withstand the strong headwind coming west, the softening HKD can bolster the expansion of tourism and retail industry, and hence help to buffer the impact of a gloomy picture on external trade front. The outlook of real estate market remains intact on the back of negative real interest rate, weakening HKD and limited housing supply. In the meantime, both the Mainland and Hong Kong are expected to maintain steady growth momentum in spite of global slowdown and financial turmoil characterized by high
inflation (inflation rise above 2%) and solid economic growth (above trend growth for GDP). We decide to maintain the full year forecast of Hong Kong's real GDP growth at 5 percent, down from 6.3 percent in 2007. As for inflation, it should hike from 2 percent in 2007 to around 4 percent this year. The underlying inflation rate is expected to rise from 2.8 percent to 6 percent. But should western nations head into a deep recession and inflation remains high in the Mainland, Hong Kong will suffer from the fire and ice of high inflation and low growth, and may end up with stagflation at worst.
The impact of industry amalgamation and transformation in the Pearl River Delta has surfaced gradually. Though manufacturers should be well-informed where and how such transformations might be accomplished, a substantial number of SMEs and even conglomerates are facing trouble and going bankrupt. Yet, Hong Kong enterprises parked in Guangdong have so far been well integrated into the global supply chain and established a solid linkage with overseas markets. Policymakers can make use of their advantages to expedite the pace of restructuring of those enterprises, or help manufacturers to relocate to eastern, western and mountainous regions, thereby maintaining price competitiveness. Over the long term, restructuring of Hong Kong enterprises will not only increase the business opportunities for Hong Kong firms, but will also facilitate the economic upgrade process in Guangdong and boost competitiveness of the Great PRD region as a whole.
Finally, the report notices a series of macro-control measures by the Mainland authorities has changed the capital environment in Hong Kong. The amount of deposit in local banking system has reversed its uptrend and posted modest decline this year, stemmed from widening negative real interest rate and a weakening HKD. On the contrary, loans by financial institutions enter an uptrend, thanks to tightened credit in the Mainland. As we stand by our call for that monetary policy will have to remain tight in the coming months, demand for offshore loan in Hong Kong is expected to remain robust in the second half year. However, the loan-to-deposit ratio for different local lenders has almost reached the upper limit, without the back of renewal capital inflow from abroad, total loan and advances shall grow at a moderated pace in the second half. In addition, since interbank interest rates are still edging up, there will be a greater chance for banks to promote different products like Certificate of Deposits, in order to expand their deposit taking means.
The Economic Review is prepared by the Economics & Strategic Planning Department of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. The viewpoints in the Economic Review do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited.
Source: Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd.