
DPRK, Its Emblem and Flag

迎接建國(1948年9月9 日)六十周年的朝鮮民主主義人民共和國,在歷史的種種考驗和風浪中沒有動搖和挫折,沿着社會主義康莊大道奮勇前進。以「小而大的國家」吸引國際社會注目的這個國家,究竟是什麼樣的國家呢?


- 國徽



國徽裡的白頭山是在金日成領導下進行的抗日武裝鬥爭(20世紀30年代初 – 1945年)的據點,是給朝鮮人民帶來了民族復生曙光和解放的革命聖山。附而言之,白頭山又是今天的朝鮮民主主義人民共和國的最高領導人、國防委員會委員長金正日誕生(1942.2.16)的地方。由於把白頭山和光芒四射的五角星繪入國徽裡,所以反映了朝鮮人民要把在白頭山開創的革命事業進行到底的堅定不移的信念和意志。寫在紅帶裡的國號表明朝鮮民主主義人民共和國是以金日成創立的主體思想為指導思想的國家,是加強人民民主專政,保障人民群眾真正民主的人民的國家。國徽中間的水電站象徵依靠強大的重工業的自立的、現代化的工業;國徽周圍的稻穗象徵向現代化發展的農業。

- 國旗







The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which greets its 60th founding anniversary (September 9, 1948), is in the limelight of the international community as a “small yet great country”, as it is marching forward along the road of socialist cause without vacillation and frustration in the face of all kinds of vicissitudes and trials. What makes the DPRK so great, everyone wonders.

The national emblem and flag of the DPRK will give a clear answer to it.

The national emblem of the DPRK is oval-shaped, with the diametral ratio of length to width being six to five. Drawn in it are the design of a hydropower station and, above the power station a red five-point star with beaming lights and Mt. Paektu, sacred mountain of the Korean nation. It has an elliptical fringe of rice ears braided with a red ribbon bearing the inscription of “The Democratic People's Republic of Korea.”

The original draft design was different from the present one. It only consisted of a blast furnace framed with rice ears. Some people, when the draft design was put to debate, suggested that it be redrawn not in an oval form, but in a circular shape after the Japanese emblem with no rice-ear frame. They even insisted on drawing in it the Kyongbok Palace of the Ri Dynasty, the last feudal state of Korea.

President Kim Il Sung (1912-1994), founder of the DPRK, advised that the national emblem should clearly depict the prospect of the development of a strong heavy industry and advanced agriculture along with the unity and cohesion of the broad masses of the people based on the worker-peasant alliance. Saying that the blast furnace in the draft could reflect only part of the industry, he declared that a hydropower station indicative of electrification, the orientation of the country's technical development, should be included along with more ears of rice. He even gave detailed instructions on the composition and colouring. The national emblem was thus completed to be as bright, beautiful and meaningful as the name of the country.

Mt. Paektu drawn in the emblem was the base of the anti-Japanese armed struggle (early 1930s-1945) waged under the leadership of Kim Il Sung; the Korean people regard it as the sacred mountain of revolution, from where the dawn of national restoration broke and national liberation was finally brought to Korea. It is also the birthplace of Chairman Kim Jong Il of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme national leader, who was born on February 16, 1942. With Mt. Paektu and a brightly shining red five-point star, the national emblem demonstrates the unshakable conviction and will of the Korean people to carry out to the end the revolutionary cause pioneered on Mt. Paektu. The name of the country inscribed on the red ribbon indicates that the country, guided by the people-centred Juche idea founded by President Kim Il Sung, is a people-oriented state that fully provides its people with genuine democracy through people's democratic dictatorship. The hydropower station in the centre of the emblem represents the self-reliant and modern industry based on powerful heavy industry, and the framing rice ears the rapidly-developing rural economy.

The DPRK flag is rectangular, with the ratio of width to length being one to two. It has a red panel in the centre, bordered both above and below by a narrow white stripe and a broad blue one. The central red panel bears, in the hoist, a five-pointed red star within a white circle.

The national flag, too, could be completed to the present one under the guidance of President Kim Il Sung. He gave instructions in detail about the basic orientation and standpoint of institution the national flag, its shape, colour and ideological meaning, and the way of its portrayal.

The five-pointed red star on the flag is symbolic of the glorious revolutionary traditions achieved during the anti-Japanese armed struggle led by Kim Il Sung and the bright future of Korea. Its red panel symbolizes the Korean people's faithfulness to their leaders, their socialist patriotism, their indomitable fighting spirit and invincible force of their single-hearted unity. The white circle and the two white stripes mean that the Korean nation is a homogeneous nation with a long history of 5,000 years and brilliant culture and that Koreans are a wise, pure-hearted, industrious and brave people. The two blue stripes signifies the ardent aspiration of the Korean people to unite with the progressive people all over the world under the banner of anti-imperialist independence and fight staunchly for peace, democracy, national independence and the victory of the socialist cause.

The 60-year-long annals of the DPRK history has been recorded in the way its national emblem and flag symbolize: It has established and consolidated a socialist system centred on the masses, an unprecedented one in history; defended and developed the socialist cause by dint of the single-hearted unity, ever more powerful than nuclear weapons, stoutly overcoming all sorts of trials and challenges of history; and built a socialist power, independent, self-reliant and self-defensive, with unfathomable potential and might.

The DPRK will be prosperous for ever along with its national emblem and flag.

Source: Consulate General of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Hong Kong.