
Under Banner of Independence

The General Kim Jong Il inspecting a unit of the army on 1st January, 1995.

六十年前,1948年9月9 日,朝鮮民主主義人民共和國的成立,是朝鮮人民爭取民族自主的長期艱苦鬥爭的果實。

上世紀初,因為國力衰竭,朝鮮淪為日本的殖民地。在朝鮮民族五千年歷史中最暗淡的日本軍事強佔時期(1905-1945),金日成(1912-1994)創立自主性為核心的主體思想和用槍杆子實現人民群眾自主事業的先軍思想,在這一思想的旗幟下,英勇地展開以朝鮮人民革命軍(朝鮮人民軍的前身)的武裝鬥爭為中心的全民族反日抗戰,終於在1945年8月15日迎來了祖國解放。可是,美國以受降「解除」戰敗的日軍「武裝」為名,強佔了南朝鮮。從而,朝鮮面臨了領土和民族被分割成兩地的危機。朝鮮人民從新社會建設的初期起不得不進行在全民族範圍確立主權的鬥爭。1948年美國在南朝鮮舉行「單獨選舉」,企圖永久分裂朝鮮的時候,金日成提出了舉行包括南朝鮮在內的全朝鮮總選舉,以建立統一的民主獨立國家的路線。這樣,1948年9月9 日按照全朝鮮民族的共同意志,成立了朝鮮民主主義人民共和國。










General Kim Jong Il inspecting the Panmunjeom

The founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on September 9, 1948, 60 years ago was the fruit of arduous and prolonged struggle of the Korean people for national independence.

At the beginning of last century Korea was so weak in national power that it was turned into a colony of the Japanese imperialists. During the period of Japan's military occupation (1905-1945), which was the darkest time in the 5,000-year-long history of the Korean nation, President Kim Il Sung (1912-1994)founded the Juche idea whose gist is independence, and the Songun idea to realize the cause of the popular masses for independence by means of arms. Under the banner of the ideas there was waged a vigorous nationwide anti-Japanese struggle based on the armed struggle of Korean People's Revolutionary Army (the predecessor of the Korean People's Army), and finally Korea was liberated on August 15, 1945. but the United States occupied south Korea under the pretext of “disarming” the defeated Japanese army, causing a crisis of national and territorial division of Korea. The Korean people had to wage a new struggle for establishing their sovereignty on a nationwide scale from the beginning of building a new society. In 1948 the US cooked up a “separate election” in south Korea for the permanent division of Korea. At this juncture, Kim Il Sung put forth the line of building a unified, democratic sovereign state by holding a general nationwide election involving south Korea. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea was thus founded on September 9 that year in conformity with the unanimous will of the entire Korean nation.

The sixty-year-long history of the Republic is the succession of struggle to defend and exalt its sovereignty.

In June 1950, the US launched to Korean war (1950-1953) to realize its ambition for domination of whole Korea by stamping out the Republic that was less than two years old. The citizens of the Republic defended its sovereignty to their credit. Through their 40-year-long colonial life as a ruined nation in the past, they had keenly felt the preciousness of national sovereignty. So even the US boasting of its being the “strongest” in the world could not break the Korean people's do-or-die spirit.

After the war the Republic firmly defended its sovereignty, frustrating the continuous military threat and provocations of the US at every step. The US committed military provocations by intruding its armed spy ships and espionage planes into the territorial waters and air of the Republic, but each time they met humiliation and frustration by the hard-line counter measures of the latter.

Not only threats and provocations of the imperialists, but pressure and intervention of great power chauvinists failed to work on the Republic. “Combined economy” was once insisted on among the socialist countries, and Korea was persistently pressed to join the Council of Mutual Economic Aid. But it firmly adhered to its line of building an independence national economy without the slightest vacillation.

But for its own strong principle and self-confidence by which to deal with every problem in accordance with its independent faith and will, socialist Korea would have collapsed as other socialist countries did consecutively at the end of last century.

In the early 1990s the US launched obstinate offensives to stifle socialist Korea on the excuse of the latter's “nuclear issue”. Its confrontation with the US was climax in its struggle to defend its sovereignty.

At that time it was undergoing unprecedented ordeals overlapped by extreme food shortage and economic difficulties. In this situation it defended its socialism and national sovereignty single-handedly against the imperialist allied forces headed by the US, the alleged “sole superpower” in the world. The US's attempts to isolate and stifle socialist Korea came to nothing, and the West European countries, which had blindly followed the US to be hostile to and deny the Republic, successively established diplomatic relations with it, greatly raising its international position.

Now even powers find it difficult to protest against the US's highhandedness and arbitrariness. The DPRK alone is steadily advancing along the road of its own choice with its own faith and will, meeting the US's “hard-line policy” with harder-line policy. So it is not without reason that the international community is praising the Republic as the “ bulwark of independence”.

Source: Consulate General of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Hong Kong