
Life's Tenet

General Kim Jong Il together with President Hu Jintao


主席把「以民為天」作為畢生的座右銘, 為了從日本軍事強佔(1905-1945)下解放國家和人民而展開革命活動的初期,深入人民群眾,在同他們同甘苦共患難的過程中,創立了革命和建設的主人是人民群眾,推動革命和建設的力量也在於人民群眾這一主體思想。由於主席在人類歷史上首創以人為中心、以人民群眾為中心的主體思想,從而開闢了從奴役和束縛的舊思潮中實現人民群眾思想精神解放的道路。朝鮮人民得以人人都以自主精神堅決反對事大主義和教條主義,一向以自己的精神,自己的方式進行生活。









All his life President Kim Il Sung (1912-1994), founder of socialist Korea, kept the tenet “The People are my God” faithfully.

He worked heart and soul to enhance the position and role of the popular masses to the highest ever level and make the Korean people a nation with a strong independent spirit.

Setting “The people are my God” as his life's tenet in the early days of his revolutionary struggle to liberate Korea from Japan's military occupation (1905-1945), he found his way into the people and shared the sweet and bitter with them. In the course of this he founded the Juche idea that the master of revolution and construction is the popular masses and that the propeller of revolution and construction is also the masses. The creation of the Juche idea that is centred on man, or the masses of the people, for the first time in history, provided a new way to free the people from the old ideological and moral fetters of subordination and subjugation. In particular, the Korean people now got able to avoid flunkeyist and dogmatist tendencies securely in an independent spirit and live their life intentionally in their own way.

As is evident to the international community, they are now successfully coping with the hard-line “policy of power” of the imperialist forces headed by the United States that styles itself the world's “only superpower”. Korea's harder line serves as the means to enlarge the stature of its being a socialist nation which is a mighty bulwark of independence.

Kim Il Sung believed in and relied on the people all his life, thus successfully leading the revolution and construction.

He made sure that every line or policy was decided to champion the aspirations and desires of the popular masses and that every factory or town was built in such a way that their interest and convenient living were fully provided for. The historic law on agrarian reform enforced in north Korea after the country was liberated from Japan's military occupation in August 1945, was initiated by the President who well understood the centuries-old desire of the peasants for land of their own. He was also well informed of the people's aspirations and desires when he advanced the original policy of socialist agricultural cooperativization after the Korean war (1950-1953). (The policy was to transform the economic form into a socialist one prior to technical reshaping, and it was carried into reality in all the rural communities.) Thanks to his belief in the people as in God, both the national state and the armed forces were named after the “people”. The word was also incorporated in the names of the landmark structures, like the Grand People's Study House and the People's Palace of Culture.

To tide over a difficult situation by relying on the people was a consistent principle the President kept. During the Korean war when Korea fought against the invasion of the imperialist allied forces led by the US, he felt reassured of Korea's victory when he was told by a Workers' Party of Korea member, who was a worker at a machine factory, not to worry about the reconstruction project even though the whole land was a war debris. In the post-war time when the situations at home and abroad were unprecedentedly complicated and serious, the President found great encouragement from an old country woman's simple statement that they supported him alone. As there was his guidance that was based on the belief in and reliance on the people, the Koreans fulfilled the tasks of postwar rehabilitation and socialist revolution despite of the total destruction in the war, and accomplished miraculous feats in socialist construction, thereby establishing a socialist power, independent in politics, self-reliant in defence and self-sufficient in the economy.

Kim Il Sung's lifetime was a continuance of great devotion to the people's welfare. He thought that the revolution, in essence, is an undertaking to take good care of the people. He set out on the road of revolution in his early teens and led the arduous anti-Japanese armed struggle for 15 years because he was more anxious than anybody else about the fate of his suffering nation and was more afire with the resolution to free his compatriots from the wretched plight of colonial slavery.

A notable fact goes that soon after the country was liberated he ordered to blow off an old steel oven as he was more interested in the workers' lives and health than steel production when even a ton of steel counted.

His affection for the people is to be felt wherever you go in Korea. Anywhere anytime you can find monuments to his personal (and field) guidance, meet people who benefited from his loving care, and see photos of him among ordinary people.

He paid on-the-spot guidance visits to more than 20,600 places from the national liberation till the end of his life, and the total distance of his travel for local guidance amounts to as many as 578,000 km. Even on his birthdays, national holidays and Sundays, he found himself touring different places of the country.

So, it is far from fortuitous that the Korean people hold him in respect as their father and eternal leader.

Source: Consulate General of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in Hong Kong