French Cosmetics Innovation at Cosmoprof Hong Kong
二零一四年的香港亞太區美容展(Cosmoprof Asia)將於十一月十二日至十四日舉行,法國館的參展商是歷來最大陣容。法國美容產品將於三個展覽廳內亮相,其實力毋庸置疑。屆時八十八間參展商將各自展示其品質優良最具創意的產品,此外還有UBIFRANCE (法國企業國際發展局) 組織的「French Buzz 」展區將成為推廣法國美容文化的櫥窗。
法國堪稱美容業的始祖,業內企業逾一千間,陣容鼎盛且遍及全球二百多個國家,佔全球美容品出口之25%。亞洲是美容業主要市場,在首二十名客戶當中,亞洲國家佔了其中五名。作為亞太區最便利門戶的香港亞太區美容展地位舉足輕重,因此UBIFRANCE 藉此良機,組織佔地逾一千平方米的法國館,展示法國美容業最嶄新的科技及產品。
「French Buzz」 展區集中體現法國美容業的科研成果,十二間參展商將展出其革命性創新技術,以及美容概念、形象、包裝設計等等。
法國館由法國航空公司及ACCOR集團贊助,在Cosmetic Valley、Centreco、Bretagne International及 Cosmed美容產業的支持下,匯聚不少法國美容業地區性代表。所有參展商注重企業道德,致力追求可持續發展,將於三天的美容展期間在香港會議展覽中心(展覽廳 1 E、1 Q、 3 D、 3 E 及 5 G)與業界專業人士進行技術及知識交流。
Marie-Christine Thumerel
電話:(33) 1 40 73 31 11
網址:www.ubifrance.frUbifrance (香港辦事處)
Lily YUI
電話: (852) 3752 9178
電郵: lily.yui@ubifrance.fr
French Cosmetics Innovation at Cosmoprof Hong Kong
Demonstrating its characteristic wide diversity, France’s offer in cosmetics will be showcased in 3 halls at the 2014 Cosmoprof Hong Kong, to be held from November 12th to 14th. The event will feature 88 exhibitors introducing their most innovative products, making the French Buzz section a genuine showcase for the sector’s creativity and dynamism.
As the all-time leader in the cosmetics sector, France boasts about a thousand companies working in the business; they are established in over 200 countries and account for a quarter of the country’s exports to the worldwide market. Asia is by far the area most canvassed by the profession, with 5 Asian countries among its top 20 customers. Representing the main admission point into the Asia-Pacific zone, Cosmoprof Hong Kong is a key tradeshow for companies in the sector: so France will be presenting the latest science and technology advances in the field at the 1,000-m² French national pavilion under the auspices of UBIFRANCE, the French Agency for International Business Development.
In this highly segmented niche market focused on very high-quality, French companies will demonstrate their upscale know-how, which covers the entire sector: ranging from ingredients to finished products, from private label to hair products, from spa accessories to cosmetics-specific packaging, the Made in France label vouches for quality and reliability, and clearly dominates skincare (dermal cosmetics and anti-aging care), makeup, perfume, organic hygiene products for young mothers and their babies, as well as the men’s range of products.
Reflecting the dynamism behind the research, the French Buzz section will highlight 12 companies which will not only introduce their latest technological innovations, but also showcase their creativity in terms of concepts, image, targets, bottling and more.
Sponsored by AIR FRANCE and the ACCOR Group, the French Pavilion will bring together regional delegations thanks to Cosmetic Valley, Centreco, Bretagne International and Cosmed. French manufacturers are committed to fair trade and are concerned with meeting sustainable development criteria; they will be on hand to welcome you in Halls 1 E, 1 Q, 3 D, 3 E and 5 G at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from next November 12th to 14th.
For further information:
Marie-Christine Thumerel
Tel. : + 33 1 40 73 31 11
www.ubifrance.frLily YUI
Tel. : +852 3752 9178