
Invest Hong Kong encourages northeast Mainland Chinese companies to "go global" via Hong Kong

  投資推廣署於八月五日在遼寧省大連市舉辦「善用香港優勢 開拓海外市場」投資推廣研討會,啟動投資推廣署東北三省路演,鼓勵企業充分利用香港的營商優勢,開拓國際市場。是次東北三省路演,除了以遼寧省大連市作為首站外,隨後兩天亦會在吉林省長春市及黑龍江省的哈爾濱市舉行。





  八月六日,投資推廣署一行前赴吉林省長春市舉行同主題研討會,並走訪相關企業,向吉林省企業介紹香港的營商優勢。「善用香港優勢 開拓海外市場」長春市投資推廣研討會將由投資推廣署、吉林省商務廳、吉林省人民政府外事僑務辦公室、吉林省經濟技術合作局和中國國際貿易促進委員會吉林省委員會共同主辦。賈沛年與吉林省副省長陳偉根出席並致辭。吉林省商務廳副廳長張長新亦會就政府對企業「走出去」政策支援發表主題演講。


投資推廣署署長賈沛年今日(八月五日)於遼寧省大連市舉辦的「善用香港優勢 開拓海外市場」投資推廣研討會上鼓勵當地企業以香港為平台「走出去」。
At the Invest Hong Kong seminar in Dalian, Liaoning Province on August 5, 2013, Director-General of Investment Promotion, Mr Simon Galpin, encouraged Mainland entrepreneurs to “Go Global” via Hong Kong.



Invest Hong Kong encourages northeast Mainland Chinese companies to "go global" via Hong Kong

Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK) on August 5 hosted a "Hong Kong - Your Platform to Going Global" seminar in Dalian, Liaoning Province, in the first leg of the department's three-province investment roadshow aimed at encouraging companies in the northeast of Mainland China to use Hong Kong's business advantages to expand overseas. The roadshow will continue in Changchun, Jilin Province, and Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, over the next two days.

The Dalian seminar showcased Hong Kong's business advantages and the latest developments in its modern service industry, updating representatives from Dalian enterprises on how their companies could expand overseas via Hong Kong. The event was organised by InvestHK in collaboration with the Dalian Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, the Foreign Affairs (Overseas Chinese Affairs) Office of the Dalian Municipal People's Government and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Dalian Sub-council. The Director-General of Investment Promotion, Mr Simon Galpin, and Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Dalian Committee and Director of the Dalian Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, Mr Liu Dechun, delivered speeches during the seminar.

Mr Galpin talked about Hong Kong's enduring business advantages and said, "Hong Kong is well known for having a business-friendly environment, free flows of capital and information, free trade and a free market economy, a diversified talent pool, world-class infrastructure, and a sound and independent legal system, as well as a low and stable tax regime. Against this backdrop, it serves as an ideal testing ground for Mainland companies to 'go global'."

Mr Galpin continued, "As an international financial, trade and shipping centre, Hong Kong offers effective financial, insurance, accounting and legal services, all of which work together to create a comprehensive and modern service industry platform ready to assist Mainland companies. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage Mainland enterprises to make use of Hong Kong's pool of diversified and professional service providers and their international marketing experience to expand their businesses globally from Hong Kong."

In his speech, Mr Liu outlined the various measures by the Dalian municipal government that support Dalian enterprises in "going global". The Head of North China Investment Promotion, Mr Matt Hu, gave a presentation highlighting more details about Hong Kong's business advantages and opportunities, plus case studies of some Dalian companies that were assisted by InvestHK to successfully set up in the city. He also explained the various free services that InvestHK can offer for Mainland companies.

The InvestHK delegation will head to Changchun, Jilin Province, August 6, and visit Changchun enterprises to promote Hong Kong's business advantages. The Changchun seminar will be held by InvestHK in collaboration with the Department of Commerce of Jilin Province, the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People's Government of Jilin Province, the Economic and Technological Cooperation Department of Jilin Province and the CCPIT Jilin Provincial Committee. Mr Galpin and the Vice-Governor of Jilin Province, Mr Chen Weigen, will give welcoming remarks. The Deputy Director of the Department of Commerce of Jilin Province, Mr Zhang Changxin, will give an update on the support policies and measures for Jilin companies "going global".

The delegation will then head to Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, on Wednesday August 7 for the final leg of the tour. The Harbin seminar will be jointly held by InvestHK, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province, and the Department of Commerce of Heilongjiang Province. Mr Galpin and the Vice-Governor of Heilongjiang Province, Mr Sun Yao, will give welcoming remarks.

Source: InvestHK