
香港國際家用紡織品展 推「設計方案及貿易服務」新區 刺激採購設計新思維
HKTDC Hong Kong International Home Textiles and Furnishings Fair new “Design Solutions and Trade Services” zone stimulates thoughts on material sourcing and design

香港貿發局香港國際家用紡織品展(家紡展) 舉辦以來反應熱烈,已成為亞洲區內重要的家紡業展覽盛事,為環球供應商及買家提供一個專為家紡產品而設的貿易平台。展覽今年踏入第五屆,將於四月二十至二十三日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,與全亞洲最大的香港貿發局香港家庭用品展同期展出。



而載譽歸來的「巧織廊」繼續是展會的重點展區,展示高品質、時尚的品牌產品,由毛巾、床上用品、窗簾以至地氈一應俱全。展出品牌包括來自香港的Bursa、澳洲的歌婷,參展商包括來自印度的Shiv Shakti Exports及台灣的其洋股份有限公司等。




展會過往均獲得參展商及買家的一致好評。在日本各地開設了三百家家居裝修用品連鎖超市Home Center Kohnan,其海外商品部長兼中國室室長荒川春子表示,家紡展規模龐大,雲集不少獨特的設計和產品,是一個絕對不容錯過的展覽。

而來自阿聯酋、專門銷售優質紡織產品予酒店業的 Cottonopolis International FZCO,其區域經理(中東及北非)M.S. Bipin 則表示,家紡展是發掘商機的理想平台。「(在展會裏)我與印度、台灣、香港和中國內地的床上用品供應商建立了聯繫,而且家紡展提供高質素的服務,我下次一定會再來。」



HKTDC Hong Kong International Home Textiles and Furnishings Fair new “Design Solutions and Trade Services” zone stimulates thoughts on material sourcing and design

The fifth edition of HKTDC Hong Kong International Home Textiles and Furnishings Fair will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, April 20-23, 2014, alongside Asia’s largest event of its kind, HKTDC Hong Kong Houseware Fair. A comprehensive spectrum of household related products and textiles will be showcased for easy and one-stop sourcing.

Hall of Glamour features top quality brands
It is expected that over 220 exhibitors from 6 countries and regions will bring the unique styles and craftsmanship of their respective places. In addition to the exhibitors from the Chinese mainland and India, which are typically known for producing high quality textiles, the fair will also feature exhibitors from Czech Republic and Taiwan, etc., among which Czech Republic is a new country to the fair.

The fair is structured to include a number of themed sections catering to key market segments. The new “Design Solutions and Trade Services” will feature interior designers and branding experts to give buyers advice for material sourcing as well as design solutions, from branding to in-store environment idea. It is definitely a one-stop sourcing platform for home textiles buyers.

“Hall of Glamour” will feature an array of top quality, trendy and branded home furnishing and household textile products, covering towels, bedding, curtains and carpets. Key brands include Bursa from Hong Kong, Cottex from Australia and exhibitors with quality products like Shiv Shakti Exports from India and Repar from Taiwan, etc.

In the “Window Fashion & Accessories zone”, buyers once again have a wide range of choices in woven and/or ready-made curtains, blinds and accessories for functional and decorative purposes. Other zones include “Baby & Bedroom Textiles”, “Bathroom & Kitchen Textiles”, “Carpet & Floor Coverings” and “Upholstery & Furnishing Products”.

The growing trend for “green” textiles and furnishings is mirrored in the show, which highlights those exhibits that focus on sustainable, recyclable, reusable materials and products, especially to fulfill the needs of hotel chain buyers.

The show acts as an information exchange platform. The Product Demo and Launch Pad session provides suppliers with extra opportunities to announce their newest products in an interactive setting with buyers. Networking Reception brings together industry players to an occasion conducive to forging and strengthening relationships. Industry experts inform buyers through lively presentations at the forums or seminars on a variety of issues including textiles style trend.

Good feedbacks from industry experts
The show received high reputation in the past and gained encouraging comments from exhibitors and buyers.

Haruko Arakawa, representative of “Home Center Kohnan”, a chain of 300 home centres from Japan said, "We see a strong presence of exhibitors (in the fair)... companies showcase a diversity of unique designs and products. This is a must-go trade fair."

M.S. Bipin, Regional Manager – Middle East & North Africa of “Cottonopolis International FZCO” from UAE, specialising in the sales and marketing of high quality textiles products for the hotel industry, said, "The Hong Kong fair is a platform to explore business opportunities. I have established contacts with seven potential suppliers from India, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland for the provision of bed linens... The fair is amazingly demonstrating a very high level of service standards... I will definitely come again.”

About the HKTDC
A statutory body established in 1966, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is the international marketing arm for Hong Kong-based traders, manufacturers and service providers. With more than 40 global offices, including 12 on the Chinese mainland, the HKTDC promotes Hong Kong as a platform for doing business with China and throughout Asia. The HKTDC also organises trade fairs and business missions to connect companies with opportunities in Hong Kong and on the mainland, while providing information via trade publications, research reports and online. For more information, please visit: Follow us on Google+ Twitter @hktdc LinkedIn