法國GEPPIA加工與包裝機械協會推出包裝趨勢白皮書 - 「包裝趨勢:明天應該如何生產?」
“Packaging Trends: The future of manufacturing”
法國食品和非農業食品加工與包裝機械製造商協會(GEPPIA)向市場推出「包裝趨勢:明天應該如何生產?」一書。這本白皮書可在www.packaging-trends.com網站上下載英文版本。書中收集了二十多位專家和一些大型國際企業的見證材料,譬如雀巢集團(Nestlé)、可口可樂公司(Coca Cola)、巴黎萊雅公司(L’Oréal)、保樂力加公司(Pernod-Ricard)、家樂福公司(Carrefour)等等,介紹了包裝和裝潢方面的主要趨勢。包裝業作為一項正處在增長中的業務,必須適應越來越多的限制,只能通過物價穩定措施和回收增值,才能在發展中得到飛躍。
白皮書中還強調了智慧包裝。智慧包裝應具有「經濟、環保及媒介的作用」。對於食品、美容產品和藥品來說,產品的可追溯性也是一個重要的發展方向,強調與客戶的互動,如巴黎萊雅公司。作為打擊仿製品的手段,精心設計的包裝起到重要作用。與某些越來越複雜的包裝相比,我們也注意到也有一種回歸趨勢 - 簡單的紙盒包裝。
白皮書「包裝趨勢:明天應該如何生產?」由Nexteo Conseil出版,可以從www.packaging-trends.com網站下載英文版本,從www.tendances-packaging.com網站下載法語版本。在亞瑪遜可以買到英文平裝版本(http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/2954599006)和法語平裝本(http://www.amazon.fr/dp/2954599006)。
該白皮書的撰稿商為Arcil、Gebo Cermex (Sidel)、Luceo (Tiama)、Mecapack (Proplast)、Serac Group、Sleever International、 Schneider Electric 以及 Fanuc Robotics公司。
“Packaging Trends: The future of manufacturing”
The French Packaging and Processing Machinery Trade Association, the GEPPIA, is proud to present "Packaging Trends: The future of manufacturing". This white paper – downloadable in English from www.packaging-trends.com – is a collaborative work signed by some twenty experts and key international players such as Nestlé, Coca Cola, L’Oréal, Pernod-Ricard, Carrefour, etc. It gives a comprehensive review of today’s main packaging and processing trends.
A fast-growing industry, packaging must adapt to an increasing number of constraints and its future depends on the development of both recycling and valorization.
As this sector expands and changes, the time is right to take a look where it is heading. "Packaging Trends: The future of manufacturing" is a white paper offering a wide range of perspectives through insights shared by executives and experts from the consumer goods, retail, packaging and processing industries.
All agree that a few fundamental trends are shaping Western companies: reducing the environmental footprint, avoiding food waste, protecting consumers, economizing raw materials and optimizing used materials: “providing added value at the lowest cost” (Coca Cola).
However, the role of packaging is also to help sell, attracting consumers by creating meaning and a relationship. For some companies, there is a desire to “premiumize their packs” (i.e. Pernod-Ricard). Packaging is also being created to adapt to specific target populations.
Intelligent packaging is also featured, designed to be “economical, ecological and connected”. For food products, cosmetics and medicine, traceability is a major avenue of development that is moving towards interactivity with clients (L’Oréal). Specially adapted packaging can also play an important role in the fight against counterfeiting. Paradoxically, this increasingly sophisticated packaging shares the spotlight with a retro cardboard trend.
Concerning processing equipment, industry specialists aim to improve ergonomics and develop intelligent man-machine interfaces, as well as focus on flexibility to respond to growing client demands. As one professional says: “we must invent simpler, easy to clean, ergonomic and reliable machines”.
Moreover, packaging development priorities are not the same across the globe. For example, the growth in unit-dose containers for the North American pharmaceutical industry, intelligent printing and a growing demand for flexible packaging in Asia.
Edited by Nexteo Conseil, "Packaging Trends: The future of manufacturing" can be downloaded from two dedicated internet sites: www.packaging-trends.com (in English) and www.tendances-packaging.com (in French). The paperback version (21 x 15 cm) is available on Amazon in English (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/2954599006) and in French http://www.amazon.fr/dp/2954599006
Contributors to this collective paper are Arcil, Gebo Cermex (Sidel), Luceo (Tiama), Mecapack (Proplast), Serac Group, Sleever International, Schneider Electric and Fanuc Robotics.
More information: www.packaging-trends.com
Twitter: @PackagingTrend
About the GEPPIA
Created at the end of 2005 by its current president, Jean-Marc Doré, the GEPPIA (the French Packaging and Processing Machinery Trade Association) counts some hundred French manufacturer members as well as their industrial partners.
The force of the GEPPIA resides in its capacity to bring over 4,000 people together representing a cumulative turnover of over a billion euros.
The GEPPIA network is based on 3 clubs for company heads, buyers and marketing-communication managers. Its role is to enabler its members to develop business synergies: technical, economic and business performance.