法國REUNIPECHE優質海產 展示於布魯塞爾水產展
Freshness, quality and diversity guaranteed at Reunion Island company REUNIPECHE booth at Seafood tradeshow in Brussels
REUNIPECHE是留尼旺島 (Reunion Island) 捕魚業的領先公司。留尼旺島位於馬達加斯加的東南部。公司將於二零一二年四月二十四至二十六日期間參加布魯塞爾水產展,並會重點展示黃鰭金槍魚,大目鮪及鯕鰍歐扁,去年這些魚穫十分可觀。公司已在歐洲,亞洲及美洲市場成立,並期望繼續發展出口業務,目前主要針對日本及俄羅斯的市場。
公司的業務主要集中在馬達加斯加的東部和南部,在留尼旺島周邊,最遠更觸及毛里求斯 (Mauritius) 水域 (糧農組織主要捕撈區第51產區)。單是留尼旺島水域周圍的生物多樣性已可令公司從深海捕魚中,提供一系列魚類,包括槍魚、鯊魚、旗魚等等。
所有的魚都是活捉的,以保留其品質及新鮮的狀態。所捕捉的魚會於拉上船時即採用日式劏割法Tanagushi劏割。這種方法是以尼龍線圍繞魚的整個神經中樞,令魚不會因為緊張而產生毒素。劏好的魚肉會以鹽水 (海水加冰塊) 缸內冷卻,再放入冷凍櫃以冰塊儲存。
Freshness, quality and diversity guaranteed at Reunion Island company REUNIPECHE booth at Seafood tradeshow in Brussels
REUNIPECHE, the foremost player in Reunion Island’s fishing sector (an island located South-East of Madagascar), will take part in the international Seafood tradeshow in Brussels from April 24th to 26th, 2012. The company will in particular be exhibiting albacore and bigeye tuna, as well as coryphene sea bream, for which fishing was exceptional in 2011. Already established on the European, Asian and American markets, REUNIPECHE wants to continue developing its export business and is focusing its efforts towards the Japanese and Russian markets.
Specialised in the fishing, cutting and distribution of large deep-sea fish, REUNIPECHE focuses its offer on several species: swordfish, tunny, albacore/yellowfin tuna, which yielded prolific catches in 2011, as did bigeye tuna. 2011 also stood out for a miraculous catch in coryphene sea bream/mahi mahi, highly appreciated by American consumers whether fresh or frozen.
REUNIPECHE business is concentrated south and east of Madagascar, around Reunion Island and as far as Mauritian waters (FAO 51 zone origin). The sheer wealth of species varieties abounding in Reunion waters puts the company in a position to present a wide range of fish from deep-sea fishing, including marlin, shark, sailfish etc.
Most catches are pulled in live, vouching for their quality and freshness, prior to being killed using the Japanese “Tanigushi” method. Nylon wire is threaded through all of the fish’s nerve centres to avoid it becoming stressed and liberating toxins. It is then cooled in a brine tub containing seawater and ice, prior to being preserved on ice inside a refrigerated hold.
Very meticulous in the way in which it fishes, stores, cuts, packs and transports the merchandise, REUNIPECHE is specialised in quality products, classified in the Extra category and fully appropriate to raw preparing.
Export accounts for half the company’s turnover, especially in the shape of fresh swordfish and tuna filet. Starting in 2012, REUNIPECHE is supplying the Japanese market in Tokyo with 4 tonnes of fish weekly, directly from Reunion Island.
REUNIPECHE combines the trades of fishing, cutting, packing and airport delivering. The company is an integrated structure, and a partner to fishing fleets. It covers the entire chain: from the fish exiting the boats all the way to the wholesalers. REUNIPECHE provides fresh, high quality products complete with certificate of origin and a health responsibility guarantee (CEE agreement). Fresh deep-sea fish sold by REUNIPECHE comes from a fleet of 17 boats that unload about 1,500 tonnes per annum.
Moreover, concerned with the environment, REUNIPECHE is associated with a hospital that shelters tortoises. Accordingly, its fishermen are fully equipped to keep any injured tortoises and to hand them over to veterinarians who will care for them.
9, rue d'armagnac
Zi 1 - BP 141
97420 Le Port - France
Tel : +262 (262) 45 82 93 (direct)
Fax : +262 (262) 42 28 81 (fax)
Email : export@reunipeche.com