Laboratoire PYC推出全新營養瘦身薯片

法國Laboratoire PYC推出全新營養瘦身薯片!
Laboratoire PYC to launch the first totally diet crisps!

法國Laboratoire PYC是專門從事保健食品和營養補充劑BtoB業務的公司,最近推出含高蛋白質的營養薯片,並在歐洲和北美洲受到極大歡迎。這種專門為控制體重而開發的配方產品有多種傳統和新口味可供選擇。公司正計劃往世界其他地區拓展銷售網絡。

Laboratoire PYC是歐洲開發含高蛋白質、低熱量食品的領先企業,在研發有效瘦身方案上取得極大進展。最近五年以來,公司推出的含高蛋白質瘦身粉大大促進健康零食方案的研發。目前供應四十種即可食用的高蛋白質產品,包括餅乾、窩夫、朱古力棒及新推出的薯片。

該公司負責這款創新產品的市場部經理Aurélie DE SCHUYTENEER表示,為了開發這種含高蛋白質的營養薯片配方,「研究工作持續了一年時間,才在歐洲推出該產品。」產品的配方是以黃豆為主要原料的,蛋白質的含量達到45%,「相比平均僅有5.5%蛋白質含量的傳統薯片,新產品的蛋白質含量非常高」(資料來源:CIQUAL AFSSA 法國編制的食物成份表, 2013)。這配方中的碳水化合物和脂肪亦大大減少,與傳統薯片相比,碳水化合物減少了70%,脂肪含量降低60%。這種新產品看起來與膨化薯片(popped chips)無異,口感酥脆。

由於Laboratoire PYC採用了母公司SOLINA集團專有的香料技術,新產品的口味多元化,包括鹹味零食當中必選的口味有燒烤味、洋蔥忌廉味、香醋海鹽味等等,也有根據某些國家的飲食習慣而配製的一些特別的口味(比如斯堪的納維亞所特有的小茴香口味)。SOLINA集團最近專為二零一四年的足球世界盃賽研究了巴西的一些香料,並開發出了「卡波耶拉(Capoeria)」和「黑豆燉肉(Feijoada)」口味的薯片。


Laboratoire PYC在含高蛋白質的零食研究方面是先行者,正計劃在年內推出其他的含高蛋白質的營養零食產品。Aurélie DE SCHUYTENEER指出:「我們一定要在這個領域保持我們的領先地位。憑藉我們向市場推出的高品質產品,以及在營養領域的豐富專業經驗及經營活力,Laboratoire PYC已成為市場上的知名企業。」客戶服務也是法國公司的另一個核心價值,它向市場推出的產品是完全成熟的,並經過適當的包裝。正是這樣,Laboratoire PYC多年來一直得到歐洲眾多知名品牌的支持,為他們的營養和健康產品提供服務。

Laboratoire PYC將在二零一四年十一月十二至十四日參加香港亞太區美容展 (Cosmoprof Asia) ,並將於二零一五年五月六日到八日參加在日內瓦舉行的歐洲成品展覽會 (Finished Products Europe)。



Laboratoire PYC to launch the first totally diet crisps!

Laboratoire PYC of France, a B-to-B expert in dietetic products and nutritional supplements, has launched a line of high-protein dietetic crisps which is enjoying enormous success in Europe and North America. This formula, specifically developed for weight control, is available in a number of traditional and contemporary flavours. The slimming solution provider intends to expand its sales into other regions.

Laboratoire PYC, the European leader in the development of high-protein, low-calorie products, is forging ahead in the development of effective slimming solutions. The provider of high-protein slimming powder has been a driving force for research and development in healthy snacking solutions over the last 5 years. It has 40 ready-to-eat high-protein products available from stock, including biscuits, wafers, bars, and now crisps as well.

For this dietetic high-protein crisp formula, "a full year of development preceded the first European launch," declares Aurélie DE SCHUYTENEER, Marketing Manager with responsibility for such innovation projects. The soya-based formula has a protein content of 45% "which is exceptionally high compared with traditional potato crisps that contain just 5.5% on average" (source: CIQUAL AFSSA French food composition table, 2013). The carbohydrates and fats in this recipe have also been reduced substantially. The recipe contains 70% fewer carbohydrates and 60% less fat than potato crisps. The product, which resembles a "popped" crisp, is crispy and light.

The flavours are totally in-house created, thanks to the flavouring know-how of Laboratoire PYC's parent group, SOLINA. The flavour range covers now-essential tastes in the field of savoury snacks (barbecue, sour cream & onion, salt & vinegar etc.) and also more innovative or country-specific flavours (e.g., dill flavour for Scandinavia). The SOLINA Group has recently been working on Brazilian aromatics in anticipation of the 2014 Football World Cup, which has resulted in the development of "capoeira" and "feijoada" flavoured crisps.

The high-protein crisps are packaged in small bags of 25 g to 35 g on average. Functional claims such as "high protein", "high fibre" or "low sugars" can be made. Numerous studies have demonstrated and continue to prove the important role of proteins in weight control, and the trend for protein-rich products is to become mainstream in such diverse segments as dairy beverages, cereal bars and savoury snacks.

Laboratoire PYC has been a forerunner in the development of high-protein diet crisps and is planning to launch other high-protein diet snacking solutions over the coming year. "We have every intention of maintaining our lead in innovation in this field," points out Aurélie DE SCHUYTENEER. "Laboratoire PYC has succeeded in making a name for itself in this promising market thanks to the quality of its products, its nutritional expertise and also its vigorous proactivity." Customer service is another core value held by the French company, which offers products that are totally developed and custom-packaged for its customers. It is this that explains Laboratoire PYC's successful and long-standing support for leading European brands positioned in the health and nutrition segment.

Laboratoire PYC will be present at Cosmoprof Asia from 12 to 14 November 2014, as well as the Finished Products Europe trade show from 6 to 8 May 2015 in Geneva.

The company is based in Aix-en-Provence, France, and has been the nutritional division of the SOLINA Group since 2003. SOLINA employs 600 people for a turnover of €173 million.

Laboratoire PYC

320 avenue d’Archimède- Les Pléiades 3 – Bat. B – 13857 Aix-en-Provence cedex 3 - FRANCE
Tel.: +33(0) 488 785 800
Fax : +33(0) 488 758 801