

法國伊尼沃化學工程發展有限公司(INEVO Technologies)為化學化工領域提供工程工藝的技術諮詢和服務。最近公司推出一項新的外包技術工藝管理服務「Process Care Solution™ 」,是專為小企業、中等規模的企業和大型集團而設的預防性或者是診治性的技術支持服務。INEVO團隊擁有專業的尖端技術可以為生產領域日常管理有關的問題提供具體的解決方案。

Process Care Solution™工藝管理服務

該項服務內容包括 :優化生產,解決低效率的問題,分析項目失敗的原因,提高工藝和設備的可靠性,分析並減少風險,減少對環境的影響等等。

Process Care Solution™ 的與眾不同之處在於專業團隊會從整體上對生產工藝進行考慮。由於INEVO的團隊對生產領域的各個運營單元都有着總體上的把握,所以可以對生產工藝提供有效的諮詢意見。INEVO的工程師們對設備及其運轉都有豐富的經驗,他們瞭解設備,但又完全獨立於設備和設備部件的供應商,由此可以客觀地為廠家提供整體全面的技術上和經濟上的建議。

另外,公司還擁有特別的工具,尤其是非侵入式的測試設備:US速度、溫度、能源、厚度等等,再加上非常可操作的方法和計算、規劃手段,INEVO Technologies可以參與各類問題的解決:
• 審計和診斷:運行紊亂研究,特別設備的能力規劃,優化工藝並提高工藝的可靠性,優化能源消耗,等等。
• 認證、驗證、培訓:使工業生產的工藝更加安全,對設備和設施進行認證,對設備進行驗證和批准 (批准驗證,批量釋放),培訓技術和生產團隊,等等。

Process Care Solution™是INEVO Technologies不斷傾聽客戶的意見,於二零一一年推出的工藝管理服務。到目前為止,已經成功地為多家企業提供服務:
• 為一家生產工廠解決生產能力的問題:在三天內,生產能力提高了百分之二十;
• 為一個酸和基液稀釋廠投入運行提供工藝審核,並制定修正性的方案;
• 為一個超級純水生產廠投入運行提供技術支援,對設施進行審查、測試和認證;
• 確定專用交換器的規模;
• 監管援助,依據中國國家食品藥品監督管理局的管理條例。

Process Care Solution™ 是針對關鍵問題而設的,可以使各種類型的公司,尤其是小企業和中等規模的企業能夠從中享有難得的資源,因為提供服務的是具有高水平專業技術和反應敏銳的專家。

• 從業務的類型上來看,服務時間一般較短,而且是以分時的方式完成的。
• 可以簽訂服務合同。
• 由於INEVO Technologies是完全獨立的,所以可保證對設備或者設備組成部分的技術經濟分析準確、客觀。

所有Process Care Solution™的工程項目都是由兩位工程師,包括一位資深的高級工程師和一位年輕工程師組成的團隊來完成的。通過各種現場的培訓傳授技術和專門知識,這種組合可保證技術的互補性,以提高效率。

有關INEVO Technologies

於八年前成立的法國伊尼沃化學工程發展有限公司(INEVO Technologies) 是由經驗豐富的化學化工工程師組成。

• 在研發中心提供技術支持:開發工藝並對工藝進行模擬,管理指導試驗,建立示範性的生產工廠並對示範性的生產工廠進行跟蹤管理。
• 為工藝工程提供技術支持:項目管理,技術研究,工藝開發和模擬,對安全和可靠性研究提供支援。
• 在生產工廠提供技術支持:預防性審計,工藝優化,能源消耗優化,工業試驗,設施認證和批准,項目安全和研究。

團隊精神是INEVO Technologies的力量之所在。由於公司內部定期組織交流,員工的技術互補性,所以在遵守為客戶保密的基本規則的條件之下,公司的員工之間可以分享經驗和知識。另外,公司也非常注重員工的招聘和內部培訓。目前公司由十四名工作人員組成,平均工作年資為十二年。
目前,INEVO Technologies的業務正在快速增長,在二零一二年招聘了五名員工,二零一三年計劃再招聘員工。

INEVO Technologies
Mrs Isabelle BRACH
電話: +33 (0) 4 37 70 30 60
電郵: presse@inevo.fr
公司網站: www.inevo.fr

上海辦事處 :
Inevo Technologies c/o CCIFC – Shanghai 200040
電話 :86 (021) 61 32 71 00

Inevo Technologies c /o CCIFC – Beijing 100125
電話:86 (010) 64 61 02 60


Process Care SolutionTM
An outsourced technical assistance service for production plants

INEVO Technologies, an engineering firm specialised in process engineering, launches a new service: Process Care SolutionTM. This outsourced, preventive or curative, technical assistance service is designed for SMEs/SMIs and intermediate-sized enterprises as well as big corporations. A team with cutting edge technical skills offers an operational response to the management of everyday problems in production plants.

Process Care SolutionTM
Production optimization, resolution of performance losses, failure analysis, processes and equipment reliability, risk analysis and reduction, environmental impact… Production plants can face many problems, sometimes with potentially serious repercussions. Until now, to solve them, the two possible options are to call in a specialist of industrial methods or to consult a supplier or equipment manufacturer who could be lacking in independence.

The originality of Process Care SolutionTM lies in the fact that the manufacturing process is considered as a whole. Fully mastering unit operations, the INEVO Technologies team can give a technical opinion on the manufacturing process. Its experience ensures full knowledge of installations and their operation, while remaining completely independent of suppliers and OEMs.

In addition the company has specific tools, including non-intrusive measurement equipment: US flow, temperature, energy, thickness, etc. Associated with operational excellence methodology and calculations-sizing methods, INEVO Technologies takes action on all types of issues:
• Audits and diagnostics: study of malfunctions, design calculations of equipment, optimization and reliability of processes, energy optimization, etc.
• Qualification, validation and training: safety of industrial processes, qualification of equipment and installations, verification and validation of equipment (qualification validation and release of batches), training of technical and production teams, etc.

A new service already crowned with success
Process Care SolutionTM had been designed since 2011. It is the result of INEVO Technologies’ constant attention to its customers’ problems.

Several assignments have already been successfully concluded:
• Resolution of a loss of production capacity in an industrial plant: +20% in three days,
• Assistance prior to start-up of an acid and base dilution unit: technical audit and implementation of corrective actions,
• Assistance to the start-up of an ultra-pure water unit: verification of installations, tests and qualification,
• Design calculations for special exchangers.
• Regulatory assistance according to Chinese SFDA

The reasons for success: a service that goes beyond simple delivery
Process Care SolutionTM meets a real challenge. It gives any type of company, especially SMEs/SMIs and intermediate-sized enterprises, access to a rare resource: reactive specialists with cutting edge technical skills.

This is made possible by:
• The typology of assignments, short and in shared time,
• The possibility of setting up service contracts,
• The guarantee of reliable technical and economic expertise, due to the total independence of INEVO Technologies from suppliers and OEMs.

All Process Care SolutionTM assignments are conducted by a two-person team consisting of a senior expert and a young engineer. This system ensures complementary skills for greater efficiency. It allows the transmission of technical expertise and know-how thanks to diversified training in the field.

About INEVO Technologies

INEVO Technologies, established eight years ago, is an engineering firm specializing in process engineering.

Its core activity consists of helping companies to control their industrial processes at all stages of their projects:
• Assistance to R&D centres: process development and simulation, management of pilot tests, scale-up of pilot units,
• Assistance to process engineering: project management, technical studies, process simulation and development, support to safety and reliability studies,
• Assistance to production plants: preventive audits, process optimization, energy optimization, industrial tests, qualification and validation of installations, security and project engineering studies.

INEVO Technologies’ driving force is its team. Regular in-house communications and complementary skills result in experience and knowledge sharing while observing the fundamental rules of confidentiality. This effectiveness is reinforced by the particular attention paid to recruitment and in-house training. The company now consists of 14 doctors and engineers. The team covers a wide range of ages, with 12 years’ experience on average.
INEVO Technologies is expanding fast. It recruited five new members in 2012 and plans to recruit more in 2013.

For any further information:
INEVO Technologies
Mrs Isabelle BRACH
Tel: (33) 4 37 70 30 60
Email: presse@inevo.fr
Website: www.inevo.fr

Shanghai office :
Inevo Technologies c/o CCIFC – Shanghai 200040
Tel : 86 (021) 61 32 71 00

Beijing office :
Inevo Technologies c /o CCIFC – Beijing 100125
Tel: 86 (010) 64 61 02 60