時間: 2:00pm~5:00pm
日本駐港總領事館廣報文化部,將派專人詳盡介紹到日本留學所需資料,並解答有關留學問題的查詢。諮詢處同時會派發日本官方之留學諮詢機構,獨立行政法人日本學生支援機構(JASSO)出版之最新留日手冊「Student Guide to Japan 2011-12」,香港留日學友會編印之「留學指南2012」。此外還會放置部份日本的大學或專門學校的課程簡介及招生簡章等以供參考。
Advice Corner for Study in Japan
In order to meet the needs of students in Hong Kong who are interested in furthering their studies in Japan, as well as upgrading the service that the Consulate provides, we will be holding a regular Advice Corner for Study in Japan at which we will answer enquiries and provide information about studying in Japan. The details are as follows:
Date: The second Wednesday of each month;
(the first three dates will be: 8 February, 14 March, 11 April).
Time: 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Venue: The Multi-function Room,
Consulate-General of Japan
46th Floor, One Exchange Square, Central
Staff from the Public Relations & Cultural Affairs Division of our Consulate will be at the Advice Corner to provide information and answer enquires regarding study in Japan. Some useful literature will also be available for collection including: the Student Guide to Japan 2011-12, published by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO); the Guidelines for Study in Japan 2012, prepared by the Japanese Universities Alumni Society (JUAS); as well as information leaflets and prospectuses for Japanese Universities and post-secondary education institutions.