
葡總統席爾瓦兩度訪澳大 冀加強澳葡大學科研及葡語合作交流

President of Portugal Aníbal António Cavaco Silva visits UM’s new campus



UM and the University of Lisbon sign an MOU

在葡國總統席爾瓦、國務部長兼外交部長Rui Machete、教育科技部長Nuno Crato,澳門特區政府社會文化司司長張裕和馬許願的見證下,澳大分別與里斯本大學及米尼奧大學簽署了關於教育學術合作的諒解備忘錄。由趙偉與里斯本大學校長António Cruz SERRA和米尼奧大學校長António M. CUNHA代表大學簽署。澳大與上述兩校長久以來均有合作,是次簽署將加強其教學人員、學系、研究單位之間的聯繫和合作,如舉辦教學人員互訪講座、研討會、課程和研究活動,並透過學生學習指導、學生交流、教學課程、教學人員與學生研究項目等方式展開合作,主要合作領域為葡萄牙研究(在兩所葡萄牙大學)以及中國和亞洲研究(在澳大)。


簽署儀式後,澳大葡文系學生孫雪瑤(Lúcia)即場朗誦葡國詩人Álvaro de Campos的詩歌《生日》(Aniversário),得到席爾瓦和訪問團的熱烈掌聲與讚賞。另外,張裕在趙偉陪同下向席爾瓦致送澳大專為其是次到訪而製的銀碟、新校園珍藏鈔及紀念郵票相冊,以及葡語系最重要的科研成果之一──《澳門專題葡語字典》(Thematic Dictionary of Macau – DITEMA)。席爾瓦則向澳大贈送了一本名為《在狂風中生活》的書。

UM and the University of Minho sign an MOU


Portuguese President Silva visits UM again, hopes to strengthen collaboration between Macao and Portuguese universities

The Portuguese delegation meets with UM representatives

President of Portugal Aníbal António Cavaco Silva visited the University of Macau (UM) today (18 May) and expressed hope to further strengthen exchanges in scientific research and Portuguese teaching between universities in Macao and Portugal and carry out more collaborations in the future. During his visit, UM signed collaboration agreements and memoranda of understanding with two Portuguese universities, namely University of Lisbon and University of Minho, and a Portuguese company TechnoPhage. The agreements and MOUs aim to further strengthen the collaboration between Macao and Portugal in higher education and Chinese medicine.

UM Rector Wei Zhao, UM Vice Rector (Research) Rui Martins, and Portuguse-speaking teachers and students met with President Silva on the new campus. UM representatives shared the university’s latest developments in various areas, including exchanges and collaborations with other Portuguese universities. UM Rector Wei Zhao said that President Silva not only was the first president of a country to visit the new campus, but also was the first state leader to have visited both the old campus and the new campus. President Silva mentioned his telling Chinese President Xi Jinping earlier that he wanted to visit UM very much. He said he was very happy he finally made the visit, and he extended welcome to students from Macao to study at Portugal. He expressed his hope that Macao and Portugal carry out more collaborations in the future. President Silva noted that the Portuguese language is being widely used in the world and has a lot of potential, so learning the language can boost career prospects. He mentioned the good relations between Portugal and China and expressed his hope to further strengthen exchanges between universities in Macao and Portugal in scientific research and Portuguese teaching.

Secretary Cheong U, accompanied by Rector Wei Zhao, presents souvenirs to President Silva (middle)

The University of Lisbon and the University of Minho signed two memoranda of understanding (MOUs) on academic collaborations with UM. Rector Wei Zhao, Rector António Cruz SERRA, and Rector António M. CUNHA signed the MOUs on behalf of their respective universities. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Portuguese President Silva, Minister of Defence and Minister of State and Foreign Affairs of Portugal Rui Machete, Minister of Education and Science of Portugal Nuno Crato, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of Macao SAR Cheong U, and UM Vice Rector Rui Martins. UM has a long-standing collaboration with the two universities. The signing of the agreements is expected to further strengthen contact and cooperation between faculty members, departments, and research institutions at UM and the two universities. UM and the two universities will carry out collaboration in various forms, including having each other’s staff deliver lectures, hold seminars and discussions, teach courses, and conduct research and supervise students’ studies; having each other’s students attend courses and carry out studies; joint development of teaching programmes; and collaboration of faculty and students in research projects, etc. The main areas of focus will be Portuguese Studies (at the two universities in Portugal), and Chinese and Asiatic Studies (at UM). Additionally, UM’s State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine and the Portuguese company Technophage signed a collaboration agreement, signalling the official start of collaboration between the two parties in Chinese medicine.

UM and the Portuguese company TechnoPhage sign a collaboration agreement

After the signing ceremony was over, student Lúcia from UM’s Department of Portuguese read a poem “Aniversário” by the Portuguese poet Álvaro de Campos, which received a warm applause from President Silva and other members of the delegation. Accompanied by Rector Wei Zhao, Secretary Cheong U presented souvenirs to President Silva, including a pewter plate specially made for President Silva’s visit, an album of bank note, stamps and photos in commemoration of the inauguration of the new campus, as well as Thematic Dictionary of Macau—DITEMA, one of the most important research achievements of the Department of Portuguese. In return, President Silva presented the book Viver em Pleno Vento to UM representatives.