以色列駐香港及澳門總領事 高史歌 獻辭
Message by Consul General of the State of Israel in Hong Kong and Macau
這種創新型經濟並不是一蹴而就的,由以色列立國早期的集體農莊(Kibbutz)和農業革命至發展滴灌和水循環再造技術的農業現代化,現今以色列已成為僅次於美國,擁有在納斯達克上市公司數量最多之國。以色列現今投放在研發的資金約為國內生產總值的百分之四點五 (以色列擁有八百萬人口,人均生產總值為三萬二千三百一十二美元)。辛勤工作、決心和獨特的創新文化是成功的關鍵。
Message by Consul General of the State of Israel in Hong Kong and Macau
Mr Sagi Karni on the occasion of the 66th Independence Day of the State of Israel on May 6, 2014
Today the State of Israel is marking its 66th Independence Day. It is a day of joy and pride for our country and people in the remarkable achievements accomplished in just over six decades.
Being the only western democracy in the Middle East, where stability is not to be taken for granted, Israel continues to achieve national development and security.
With limited land and natural resources, we built an outstanding economy with a strong foundation in entrepreneurship and in science and technology. As a “startup nation”, Israel has pioneered breakthroughs, including mobile phone application, computer firewall and instant messaging. Israel also excels in medical, energy and environmental technologies.
This innovation-based economy was not created overnight. From the Kibbutz and the agriculture revolution at the early stage of the State of Israel, to the modernization of agriculture with the development of drip irrigation and water recycling technologies, Israel now has the largest number of companies traded on the NASDAQ after the USA. Israel’s present investment in R&D is about 4.5% of the GDP, in a population of 8 million and GDP per capita of 32,312 US dollars. Hard work, determination and a unique innovation culture are key to the success.
Since I arrived in Hong Kong last summer to assume post as Consul General of the State of Israel in Hong Kong and Macao, I continue to find Hong Kong a very welcoming city, where people are open and willing to listen to new ideas. Not to mention the traditional friendly relations and share of common values between the Chinese and Jewish peoples, Hong Kong is always a partner of Israel.
One excellent example is the establishment of the Technion Guangdong Institute of Technology in China last year, under a joint venture between the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and Shantou University and a grant by the Li Ka Shing Foundation of Hong Kong. This innovation centre will connect industries in Guangdong with Israel’s technological creativity and bridge Israeli technology into China to promote joint research and innovation.
The recently signed memorandum of understanding on bi-lateral co-operation in industrial research and development between the governments of Israel and the Hong Kong SAR also provides a solid framework for collaboration with funding support.
Our bi-lateral trade reached 6.2 billion US dollars in 2013, and we have opened an economic department in the Consulate in Hong Kong last year.
With Hong Kong’s basic advantages of its financial and infrastructure establishment, access to the Mainland China, being a hub of transportation and its flexible workforce, I am convinced more exchanges in trade delegations and activities will follow.