緬甸聯邦共和國 總統 吳登盛
U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
專題 - 封面故事 - Editorial - Cover Story
緬甸 國際投資者的寶藏
Myanmar – the most promising treasure for potential international investors
外交連線 - Diplomatic Link
Statesman Who Loves His People
Traits as a People’s Leade
澳門連線 - Macao Link
會展連線 - Incentive and Exhibition Link
第四十八屆工展會維園揭幕 設「廠商會八十周年誌慶」主題區
The 48th Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo Fair
消閒旅遊連線 - Leisure and Tourism Link
「馬來西亞2014旅遊年」精彩活動 驚喜不絕
“Visit Malaysia Year 2014” thrilling programmes waiting ahead With tempting price HKD2014 special tour packages preceded
馬來西亞 大型主題樂園 闔府統請
Malaysian New Theme Parks Suits for all Ages of Tourists