澳博率先公佈調升員工薪酬 發放生活補貼及推行獎勵計劃

澳博率先公佈調升員工薪酬 發放生活補貼及推行獎勵計劃

澳門博彩股份有限公司 (「澳博」) 於業界內率先正式公佈調升全體員工薪酬、發放生活補貼及推行獎勵計劃,並於二零一四年一月一日起生效。





SJM announces salary increase, living subsidy and rewarding system for its employees

Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, S.A. (“SJM”) is the first gaming operator to officially announce that all employees are entitled to salary increase, living subsidy and rewarding system with effective on 1st January 2014.

Under the intense market competition, SJM keeps maintaining its business growth with the loyalty and great contribution of its employees. SJM decides to reward its loyal employees for their excellent performance and contribution. Starting from 1st January 2014, all employees are entitled to a salary increase of 5%.

All employees will also receive a living subsidy for 2014. Those employees with a monthly salary of MOP17,000 or below will receive 175% of a month’s salary. Other employees will receive 125% of a month’s salary which will not be less than MOP29,750. In addition, reward towards employees without taking sick leave will be extended to 2014.

Louis Ng, SJM’s Director and Chief Operating Officer says, “With the implementation of the salary increase, living subsidy and rewarding system, we express our gratitude towards our employees and expect to enhance the team spirit and loyalty. We look forward to seeing our employees continue their excellent performance together with the company’s development in 2014.”