KERMEL – PROTECTING OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN THE HEART OF THE ACTION KERMEL最近與從事紡織的合作夥伴發明了一種創新的產品,以迎合軍警公安部隊的防護需求。KERMEL公司的Stretch Kermel® 紡織基料具有耐熱性和彈性,在舒適、安全和美觀之間保持了恰到好處的平衡,織物又提供很高的機械和技術性能。
軍警的安全防護要求在不斷變化。軍服穿在身上的時間更長,而且要優化在行動時的靈活性。由於Stretch Kermel®紡織基料的彈性度高,所以可讓穿著這種服裝的人行動輕便,而且大大減少了該面料所發出的“靜電”噪聲。面料在拉伸之後恢復良好,很少變形。用這種面料做成的衣服很合身,可避免衣服在行動中被鉤破,因此也就減少了發生事故的可能性。
Stretch Kermel®紡織基料可以印染成各種隱蔽的顏色。具有極好的耐磨損和紅外線反射的性能。整個軍裝都可採用這種面料來做,也可選擇這種面料來做軍服的某些部分。
Stretch Kermel®紡織基料在效率和安全之間保持恰到好處的平衡,完全可以做軍警人員的常備軍服,成為軍警人員的第二皮膚。
Mrs Véronique CHANEL
電郵: veronique.chanel@kermel.com
Working together with one of its weaving partners, KERMEL has developed an innovative product that directly meets the expectations of law enforcement officers working in the field. The Stretch Kermel® textile base, both elastic and thermostable, provides the right balance between Comfort/Safety and Aesthetics, while offering a high level of mechanical and technical performances.
Requirements in the field have changed. Uniforms are now worn for much longer periods and are expected to optimise full mobility during interventions. The elastic quality of the Stretch Kermel® solution facilitates ease of movement and it significantly reduces the sound produced by more “static” fabrics. Its excellent elastic properties after elongation promote very low residual deformation. The lack of creasing in the clothing is a considerable help in avoiding snags and therefore accidents.
Stretch Kermel® may be printed with any kind of camouflage. It is highly resistant to abrasion, thus preserving performance in terms of infrared reflection. Stretch Kermel® may be used in fashioning an entire garment, or simply specific parts thereof.
Stretch Kermel® strikes the right balance between efficiency and safety, and helps military and police personnel to fully identify with their uniform and to make it perform like a second skin.
About Kermel:
The KERMEL Company is the European leader on the meta-aramid fibre market for protective clothing against heat and fire, and it continues developing its diversification towards technical applications using its high-performance fibres and resins.
For further information:
Web site: www.kermel.com