委內瑞拉外交部長菲利克斯‧普拉森西亞在中國 - 拉共體論壇第三次部長級會議發言
Intervention by Foreign Minister Félix Plasencia at the Third Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum
Today we celebrate the holding of this Third Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum, which demonstrates the commitment of both China and the CELAC member states to multilateralism, South-South Cooperation and consensus to face current challenges, such as the pandemic and economic recovery, for which this platform has been and continues to be ideal for achieving new victories for the benefit of our peoples.
We are grateful for the efforts of the People's Republic of China and the Pro Tempore Presidency of CELAC, led by the sister government of the United Mexican States, for boosting and keeping strong the agenda of this Forum during these two years of pandemic. An example of this is the current year 2021, in which the planned activities have been carried out and Venezuela has actively participated in them, such as the high-level meeting on agriculture, as well as digital technology and the 14th China-LAC Business Summit in Chongqing, which today with pride and satisfaction we can report as a success of this mechanism of integration, dialogue and cooperation between China and our region.
The wise words of President Xi Jinping at the CELAC Summit in September 2021, regarding the fact that in these seven years of this Forum it has become the main platform to bring together the friendly forces of the various sectors of China and Latin America and the Caribbean, encourages us even more to take great steps to continue deepening bi-regional ties.
I take this opportunity to thank the cooperation provided by China to our region in order to face the COVID-19 pandemic, through the supply of vaccines, medical equipment and even experts for the exchange of information and the improvement of procedures for the control and management of the epidemic within our territories.
In the case of Venezuela, this cooperation has been of great importance, not only for the responsible fight of the Bolivarian Government against this scourge in Venezuelan territory, but also for some of our brothers in Latin America and the Caribbean, all despite the economic and financial blockade perpetrated by some agencies of the United States Government against our country.
In this sense, this meeting provides us with the ideal setting to continue designing routes, with the aim of accelerating the strengthening and expansion of the cooperation in the fight against COVID-19, between China and the Latin American and Caribbean region, for which is necessary to continue the path towards the institutionalization of this forum, strengthening its Cyber-secretariat and rescuing the spirit of the proposal presented, during the last Summit of Heads of State and Government of CELAC in Mexico, by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, to create the General Secretariat of CELAC, which will undoubtedly contribute to further stimulate bi-regional exchange in all sectors.
Currently, we are living in difficult times due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges to achieve economic recovery focused on the well-being of our peoples, while threats to peace, the stability of our nations and well-being of its inhabitants still persist. Therefore, it is necessary to continue defending true multilateralism, to avoid the creation of clubs of nations with purposes contrary to the principles of international law, enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and in the presidential statements of CELAC. In this regard, we appreciate China's position in favor of peace and stability in the Latin American and Caribbean region, and its rejection of external interference in the exclusive matters of the sovereignty of each country. Likewise, Venezuela ratifies the support of the Government of President Nicolás Maduro Moros for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the People's Republic of China.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, defender of Latin American and Caribbean unity since its own birth more than 200 years ago with the guidance of The Liberator Simón Bolívar, and as promoter of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, dream of Commander Hugo Chávez Frías, undertakes to continue promoting Latin American and Caribbean integration, and to strengthen ties with our sister, People's Republic of China.
For this reason we support and call on the sister nations of Latin America and the Caribbean to support the cooperation initiatives that the People's Republic of China offers to the world as a public good, because these initiatives arise from the common needs of developing countries, they are open to consultation under conditions of equality and promise shared benefits and, above all, reinforce multilateralism and international law as ways to achieve our goals.
In this regard, we strongly support the Belt and Road Initiative as an enhancer of cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean. To date, many countries in our region have signed cooperation memoranda of understanding within the framework of the Belt and Road with China, including Venezuela, a country that has actively participated, both in its two Heads of State Forums in 2017 and 2019, and also in its sectoral meetings on judicial matters, the Belt and Road Energy Alliance, the Belt and Road Conference of Customs and Tax Administrators, as well as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (BAII), guaranteeing that respect our rights for full participation in such an important multilateral financial institution for financial leverage and investment in infrastructure in our region.
In this sense, Venezuela considers it essential to translate into concrete projects the Special Declaration of the Second Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum on the Belt and Road Initiative, in order to give even more impetus to the bi-regional cooperation for development.
Similarly, we support the Global Development Initiative, presented by President Xi Jinping, during his speech at the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, which can also be an accelerator of bi-regional cooperation between China and Latin America and the Caribbean, to achieve our objectives in a more comprehensive and sustainable way.
Venezuela, honoring the comprehensive strategic partnership with China, is resolutely committed to play an active role in the Global Data Security Initiative, on the path to building the Community of Shared Destiny of Humanity as well as in the Community of Shared Destiny China-Latin America and the Caribbean.
This occasion is propitious for the Latin American and Caribbean nations to raise a voice against the politicization of sport and reject the smear campaigns against the organization by China of the XXIV Winter Olympic Games and XIII Winter Paralympic Games, to be held in Beijing from February 4, 2022. Venezuela supports and congratulates China for the excellent organization in the midst of the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, with the conviction that in such event will reign the spirit of meeting and of peace, with which these games were conceived.
We also welcome the Resolution presented by the Government of China at the United Nations General Assembly, entitled "Sport for development and peace: building a better and peaceful world through sport and the Olympic ideal".
Venezuela attends this historic ministerial meeting democratically strengthened and in peace. On November 21, 2021, the international community was able to appreciate the solidity and maturity of the democratic system with the 29th election with the participation of more than 70,000 candidates from the political forces, both the Government and the opposition. The success of this day shows that democracies can only be legitimized by their own peoples and by their voters.
I end with this phrase from The Liberator Simón Bolívar: "I wish more than anyone else to see the greatest nation in the world form in America, less for its size and wealth, but for its freedom and glory." This dream bequeathed by the Father of the Nation is today, more than ever, the commitment of the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela, under the determined leadership of President Nicolás Maduro Moros, and the support of the peoples and governments of Latin America and the Caribbean, which reaffirm today its comprehensive commitment to CELAC and cooperation with the sister People's Republic of China.
Let us consolidate, together with the fraternal nation China, a revitalized China - Latin America and the Caribbean bloc, which is an example of South-South Cooperation and contributes forcefully to the formation of the community of shared destiny of humanity, for the benefit of all.
Source: Consulate General of Venezuela in HKSAR