韓國⼗⽉⽂化節 2021 「韓結」

韓國⼗⽉⽂化節 2021
「韓結」 (K-CONNECTED) 跨越地域 藝術與⽂化接通韓港兩地

第十一屆「韓國十月文化節」由大韓民國駐香港總領事館及駐香港韓國文化院主辨,與大韓民國外交部﹑文化體育觀光部共同合作,並得到香港特別⾏政區政府全力支持。今年的「韓國十月文化節」是文化體育觀光部和海外文化弘報院在香港等全球七個不同地區舉辦﹑首次由主辦地區為本地民眾度身訂做的「Korea Contents Week」其中一環,令人更加期待。文化節將於今年十月揭開序幕,在十月至十一月期間舉⾏接近三十個精彩文化藝術節⽬,當中包括表演、展覽、電競、韓食及電影等範疇。
雖然大家在過去兩年無法旅遊,但韓國作為港人熱愛到訪的國家之一,大家對韓國文化的熱愛及渴求亦是有增無減。有見及此,今年的文化節以「韓結」 (K-CONNECTED) 為主題,準備了一系列精彩節⽬,讓大家在香港亦能彷如置身韓國,從多角度瞭解韓國藝術與文化的多樣性及多元化。

近年電子競技活動盛⾏,發展迅速,至今已正式成為運動競技的一種。「絕地求生」更是全球最受歡迎的多人線上射擊遊戲之一,駐香港韓國文化院、CJ ENM及九龍電競館將於今年十月八日聯手合辦「韓國電競節:絕地求生錦標賽2021」,召集全港「吃雞」高手一爭高下,終極玩家更有機會赢得豐厚獎金!

「韓國十月文化節 2021」 重點節⽬推介
一如以往,邀請韓國著名⾳樂⼈來港演出也是「韓國十月文化節 2021」的重要項⽬。今年,透過一連串的音樂會,觀眾可以欣賞到韓國出色的音樂藝術家與香港樂團的藝術交流表演。韓國鋼琴家韓侖廷將聯乘香港巴羅克室樂團的一眾年輕演奏家,帶來「韓國十月文化節2021 x 香港巴羅克室樂團演奏會」。在國際比賽中獲獎無數、世界知名小提琴家申知兒將參與「韓國著名小提琴家申知兒與香港著名音樂家」演奏會,她更與香港管弦樂團合作演出「太古⾳樂大師系列:梵志登︱貝三」。
韓國年輕新秀、失明小提琴家金智善將聯同香港展能藝術會、港樂中提琴首席凌顯佑和一眾音樂家,在指揮孫子承和凌顯佑的帶領下,在「HKGNA 音樂節2021」作香港首演,帶來一場獨一無二的演出。
「韓國十月文化節 2021」由十月開始舉行一系列展覽節目,「滲: Pervade」將透過韓國第一代現代畫家李應魯、朴崍賢和河麟斗的作品,展現出二十世紀韓國現代美術的精髓;「典亞藝博2021」及其後在位於元創方駐香港韓國文化院院址舉辦的「韓國陶瓷展區」將有十位韓國工藝家參與;「迎月:世代傳承」將會展出由韓國現代工藝界赫赫有名的藝術家金仁植、權重模、李政遠及趙炳暿,以「滿月」為靈感所製作的藝術品。而在「香港插畫及文創展2021」,駐香港韓國文化院和HKHands將聯手舉⾏「第二屆韓國文創展區」,向大眾介紹十四位新世代韓國插畫家及創作者的作品。
除此之外,熱愛韓食及烹飪的朋友,就不可錯過文化節韓食範疇的節⽬。「創意韓食大賽」提供全港最大型的韓食烹飪平台,讓一眾韓食愛好者一展創意及廚藝,所有參賽者將會得到特別禮物,勝出者更可獲得⾼達價值七千元港幣的獎品。駐香港韓國文化院更誠邀兩位韓式料理達人 Kimchi Factory 主廚朴永鎬和 Chef & Taste 主廚崔宇植主理「韓菜大師烹飪班」,教授大家烹調韓食的秘技。


Festive Korea 2021 themed ‘K-CONNECTED’
A series of inspiring art and cultural programs fostering the cultural exchange between
Korea and Hong Kong to launch in October

Organized by the Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea, with support of the Government of Hong Kong SAR, this October marks the commencement of the 11th edition of Festive Korea. Festive Korea 2021 is a part of ‘Korea Contents Week’, which is the first Korean cultural festival customised by the hosting country, presented by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Korean Culture and Information Service in seven regions including Hong Kong. About 30 inspiring art and cultural programs will be presented throughout the month of October and November, including performances and exhibitions featuring Korean artists, K-game, K-food and selected Korean movies.
Korea is one of the top travel destinations for Hong Kong travellers. While travel has been restrained in the past two years due to the global pandemic, the world’s love for Korean culture continue to explode. In view of this, Festive Korea is organizing a series of exciting programs under the theme ‘K-CONNECTED’ offering a unique opportunity for the public to experience Korea’s diverse art and culture from different perspectives in Hong Kong.

Debut of four major events in Hong Kong
Hong Kong E-sports fans are in for a treat with the PUBG Tournament 2021. On 8 October, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong, CJ ENM and Kowloon Estadium will present a tournament on PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), one of the most popular Korean online multiplayer shooting games around the globe, inviting all Hong Kong PUBG players to take part in this exciting competition for a chance to win amazing prizes.
Between 29 to 31 October at PMQ Courtyard & Marketplace, Korea Square 2021 is a threeday event and the first large-scale comprehensive program hosted by the Korean Cultural
Center in Hong Kong. Promoting Korean food, lifestyle products and culture, this open cultural space and marketplace will showcase a wide range of Korean produces and products. Visitors can also participate in different cultural activities, such as yutnori games, tuho, archery and Hanbok experience while enjoying live performances, including K-pop dance and various music acts. In addition, a live online tour of Korea will be available for visitors who are eager to visit favourite tourist destinations in Korea virtually.
K-pop culture has swept the globe in recent years. Organized by the Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong, this year’s K-pop Dance Festival will be held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre on 13 November under the theme ‘The Evolution of K-pop’. Hong Kong avid K-pop dance groups will showcase K-pop music from the 90s to now, focusing on several pivotal points in the development of K-pop through dance performances. This Festival will connect K-pop fans across generations through dance while providing a platform for dance talents to explore their full potential on stage.
In collaboration with Korea Ceramic Foundation, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong will be presenting the Korean Ceramic Pavilion booth in Fine Art Asia 2021 from 7 to 11 Oct at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The artworks crafted by ten major crafts artists, including ceramic artists Myungsik CHOI and Hyeonjong KIM, will be available for sale at the fair. In addition to ceramics for daily use, there will also be art pieces that you can appreciate at home.

Festive Korea 2021 highlighted programs
A highly anticipated element of Festive Korea, performances from renowned Korean musicians will return to Festive Korea 2021. Through a series of concerts, the audience can enjoy the artistic exchange between outstanding Korean music artists and Hong Kong orchestras. One highlight is Korean pianist Yoonie HAN’s collaboration with Hong Kong’s musicians at 'Festive Korea 2021 x Collegium Musicum Hong Kong’. The Violinist Zia SHIN with HK Celebrated Artists of HKGNA Music Festival 2021 will feature worldrenowned violinist Zia SHIN, who has won top prizes in major international competitions. SHIN will also perform with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra at 'Swire Maestro Series: Jaap | Beethoven 3’ on 5 and 6 Nov. The award-winning young blind violinist Jisun KIM will make her Hong Kong debut at the HKGNA Music Festival Finale Concert together with HK Phil Viola Principal/Conductor Andrew LING, Conductor Felix SHUEN and more musicians, in collaboration with the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK).
Festive Korea 2021 will also present a series of exhibitions starting from mid-October — !"Pervade showcases various masterpieces that shows the essence of the 20th-century Korean modern art scene painted by Ungno LEE, Rehyun PARK and Indoo HA and Korean Ceramic Pavilion at Fine Art Asia 2021, which will continue in the Korean Cultural Center located at PMQ after the art fair. ‘Welcoming the Moon: Korean Hands, the Next Generation’ will present artworks inspired by the full moon from Insig KIM, Jungmo KWON and Jungwon LEE, Byunghee CHO, four renowned figures in the Korean contemporary crafts industry. Furthermore, at the Hong Kong Illustration and Creative Show 2021, visitors will discover 14 trending Korean illustrators and creators in The 2nd Korean Cultural Pavilion, presented by the Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong and HKHands.
For Korean food lovers and creative home cooks, K-Food Top Chef Cooking Contest is where they can showcase their creativity and techniques. All contestants will receive special gifts and can win prizes of up to HKD7,000 in value. For those interested in cooking authentic Korean dishes, the K-Food Masterclass will let them learn tips and techniques from the Kimchi Factory Head Chef Yongho PARK and Chef & Taste Head Chef Woosik CHOI.
This year, the Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong continues to collaborate with the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival (HKAFF). More than ten Korean movies will be screened in addition to talks, workshops and collaborations to provide overseas and local filmmakers and audiences with a platform to exchange inspiration and knowledge, as well as to promote greater public understanding of film production.


大家除了可在市集購買韓國直送產品外,更可現場欣賞到K-pop舞蹈、四物打擊、樂團、韓國音樂、跆拳道等精彩文化表演。「韓國美食文化祭2021」亦準備了韓服體驗及多項文化活動供大眾參與, 包括傳統韓國運動如擲柶戲、投壺、射箭。現場更設有線上韓國導覽團讓大家隔空遊韓。等離開時,別忘了把韓國特色小食和飲品帶回去跟親朋好友分享。

地點:香港中環中環鴨巴甸街三十五號 PMQ元創方地面廣場

Korea Square 2021
Korea Square 2021 is an open marketplace-type cultural space that centers on Korean food, lifestyle products and culture. It will take place for three days from 29 to 31 October and will showcase various Korean products including fruits, vegetables, processed food, wine and liquor, cosmetics and snacks. Visitors can also enjoy fascinating on-site performances ranging from music to taekwondo.

You are welcome to join different cultural activities offered in Korea Square 2021, such as yutnori games, tuho and toy archery, or even try on Hanbok. Live stage performances like K-pop dance, Samulnori, small ensemble and live online-tour of Korea are open to everyone. Feel free to take some of the most iconic Korean snacks and drinks home and share with your friends and family.

Date: 29 - 31 Oct 2021 (FRI - SUN)
Venue: PMQ Courtyard & Marketplace, No. 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong
Fee: Free admission



地點:香港九⿓尖沙咀梳士巴利道十號 香港文化中⼼大劇院

K-pop Dance Festival: The Evolution of K-pop
Since K-pop has become a global phenomenon, there are fans and communities all over the world showing their support to K-pop stars. With the theme “The Evolution of K-pop”, this year’s K-pop Dance Festival brings the audience down the memory lane, presenting K-pop music from the 90s to now, focusing on several crucial turning points in the development of K-pop. Hong Kong dance groups with a passion for K-pop dance will bring amazing performances to Hong Kong audiences, which is a rare chance for the general public to learn more about the dazzling development of K-pop. As a party for all generations of K-pop fans, the K-pop Dance Festival provides Hong Kong K-pop dancers with an opportunity to show off their talents and explore their potential on the grand stage.

Date: 13 Nov 2021 (SAT)
Venue: Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Fee: Free, details will announced later
* This event is subject to change based on the COVID-19 pandemic situation.

「典亞藝博2021 」— 韓國陶瓷展區
駐香港韓國⽂化院與韓國陶瓷財團合作,於「典亞藝博2021」設立 「韓國陶瓷展區」。

「典亞藝博 2021」— 韓國陶瓷展區
活動日期:2021年10月7日至11日 (星期四至星期一)
地點:香港灣仔博覽道一號 香港會議展覽中⼼3C展館

駐香港韓國文化院 — 韓國陶瓷展

Korean Ceramic Pavilion at Fine Art Asia 2021
In collaboration with Korea Ceramic Foundation, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong, will be presenting the Korean Ceramic Pavilion booth in Fine Art Asia 2021.
Fine Art Asia is recognized as Asia’s leading fine art fair by the international art world. It is the only fair in Asia which showcases a wide range of fine arts from Asia and the West. Fine Art Asia 2021 coincides with major fine art auctions in the same venue, attracting a high- profile, sophisticated audience of dealers, collectors, curators, connoisseurs and art lovers from every corner of the world.

The objects and artworks crafted by ten major crafts artists from Korea will be available for sale at the fair for sale. After the art fair, the Korean Ceramic Pavilion will be moved to the Korean Cultural Center located at PMQ.

Korean Ceramic Pavilion at Fine Art Asia 2021
Date: 7 - 11 Oct 2021 (THU - MON)
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hall 3C, 1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Ticket fee: HK$120 (Admits one); HK$50 (Full time students and senior citizens over 60); Free admission for children under 12 accompanied by an adult

Korean Ceramic Exhibition at Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong
Date: 15 Oct - 20 Nov 2021
Venue: 6-7/F, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong Fee: Free admission

Korean Ceramic Pavilion at Fine Art Asia 2021

Jinhee KWON 權眞姬
2021 Special Exhibition, ‘Craft, Moving Beyond Time and Boundaries’, Seoul Museum of Craft Art, Seoul, Korea
2018 Special Exhibition, ‘Conceptual Core_Stripe’, JISO Gallery, DaeJeon, Korea
2017 Urnen, European Ceramic Work Center, Oisterwijk, The Netherlands

Renowned Korean Musicians Come to Hong Kong for performances

The Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong Continues to collaborate with the Hong Kong Film Festival (HKAFF)