感謝關於「平成28 年熊本地震」之支援

感謝關於「平成28 年熊本地震」之支援

自四月十四 日「平成28 年熊本地震」發生之後,總領事館收到許多香港市民的慰問與支援,我們由衷的感謝大家。特别是四月二十日,香港日本文化協會等團體為籌款活動「熊本加油」召開了記者招待會。對於香港市民充滿暖意的關懷,總領事館深表謝意。



Gratitude for the support to the victims of the “2016 Kumamoto Earthquake”

The Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to those who have expressed their warm condolences and support with regard to the “2016 Kumamoto Earthquake”since 14th April, especially on 21st April, when the press conference about the donation campaign “Kumamoto Add-oil Ganbare”, initiated by the Japan Society of Hong Kong and other organizations, was held in Hong Kong. We are truly grateful to the sincere hearts of the Hong Kong people.

Regarding the current situation of the affected area, although many people are still required to evacuate, the search and rescue operation, as well as the recovery of the affected area are being actively carried out and lifelines are now being restored. In particular Kumamoto Airport has resumed approximately 70% of its usual flight traffics, mainly domestic flights (However, the Hong Kong- Kumamoto service has not yet been resumed). Regarding the railway system, the local line connecting Fukuoka and Kagoshima via Kumamoto had resumed its service, and the Kyushu Shinkansen had partially resumed service on 19th April, demonstrating that land transport is also under recovery.

Again, we would like offer our sincere gratitude for your generous support.

Thank you.

Source: Consulate General of Japan in Hong Kong