春日潮流時尚風格 「時尚匯」精彩綻放

春日潮流時尚風格 「時尚匯」精彩綻放
「澳門銀河」賓客獨家體驗RADO、Kate Spade及Versace時尚推廣活動



春光明媚,浪漫飄揚。瑞士鐘錶製造商Rado瑞士雷達表於「時尚匯」獨家呈獻兩款鏤空腕錶。這兩款分別限量發行五百枚的鏤空腕錶線條簡約清新、設計精巧,加上纖薄的珍珠母貝錶盤,令這款時計匯聚經典與輕巧元素。Centrix 晶萃系列鏤空腕錶締造腕錶傳奇,可讓佩戴者一覽瑞士機芯,細看內部機械裝置的跳動,而且更是一份盡顯浪漫心思,令愛侶一見傾心的禮品。


Kate Spade New York – 散發紐約春日氣息
春日是展現繽紛色彩的季節。為此,Kate Spade引領「澳門銀河」的賓客投入鮮艷奪目的花花世界,體驗色彩亮麗的時尚服飾,同時享受精緻甜點。於四月三十日下午三時至晚上八時,賓客只需親臨位於明珠大堂的Kate Spade咖啡車,即可免費享受凍咖啡乙杯,以及感受非凡的購物體驗。賓客當日只需於Kate Spade購物,更可免費換領春日花束。

此外,賓客可於「時尚匯」的Kate Spade 專門店探索最新春季系列,當中運用上了大量花卉圖案、絲帶條紋,以及輕盈飄逸的蕾絲混合配搭,叫人愛不釋手。於四月三十日,賓客只需於Kate Spade 消費滿淨額港幣一千五百元,即可獲贈Kate Spade手鐲乙份;購物滿淨額港幣五千元,更可成為貴賓會員,同時獲取迎新禮品。

Versace – 獨家表情圖案活動
奢華時尚品牌Versace首度於澳門「時尚匯」舉行Versace表情圖案(Emoji)手機應用程式活動。於五月六日至七日下午一時至晚上九時,賓客可率先一睹印有品牌標誌Medusa頭像的Versace Emoji別注T恤系列。



Spring Style Events Bloom at The Promenade
Galaxy Macau shoppers can discover exclusive retail events all season with RADO, Kate Spade and Versace, only at The Promenade

The most discerning styles of Spring are in bloom at The Promenade! As Galaxy Macau™’s sophisticated shopping precinct and café society, The Promenade is celebrating a new season of fashion with three elite retail events from top designers.

RADO – Be Still, My Beating Heart
Ushering in a romantic Spring, Swiss watchmaker RADO at The Promenade will present two exclusive Open Heart timepieces. Limited to just 500 individually marked pieces, the RADO True Open Heart is timeless and weightless, shimmering with clean light lines and a delicate, razor-thin mother of pearl dial change. The Centrix Open Heart is the stuff of legends, artfully exposing the timepiece’s pulsing Swiss movements and the beating of its wearer’s heart – a romantic gift to share.

Every Saturday until 28 May, shoppers can experience these heartfelt timepieces at RADO, The Promenade, from 3:30-5:30pm. A gifted henna artist will also be present to offer elegant hand art, themed around a heart-beating pattern designed especially for RADO. Guests can receive a complimentary RADO gift when they snap and upload to social media a photo of their henna art next to the Open Heart timepiece which has inspired it.

Kate Spade New York – Spring in New York Is…
A season of color and possibility, Kate Spade invites Galaxy Macau shoppers to take a shortcut through the flower district and discover a garden of florals, fashion and icy sweet treats! Visit the Kate Spade Coffee Cart at the Pearl Lobby on 30 April, 3-8pm, for a free iced coffee and to enjoy the in-store shopping privileges. Shoppers who make an in-store purchase at Kate Spade on the day can redeem a complimentary flower bouquet blooming with all the shades of Spring at the flower booth.

In-store at Kate Spade, The Promenade, customers can explore the whimsical designer’s Spring 2016 Collection, filled with mixed and matched florals, ribbon stripes and light-as-clouds lace. At the 30 April shopping event, shoppers who reach a minimum spend of HK$1,500 will receive a Kate Spade bangle and those who reach a minimum spend of HK$5,000 will attain VIP status and receive a VIP welcome gift.

Versace – Exclusive Emoji Event
Luxury fashion house Versace is celebrating the debut of its Versace Emoji app with a first-in-Macau event at The Promenade, Galaxy Macau! On 6 and 7 May, from 1-9 pm, guests will get a special glimpse at the Versace Emoji capsule collection of t-shirts printed with the iconic Medusa Emoji.

The Versace Emoji app invites self-expression and originality, enticing users to embellish fashionable photos or create original images using the specially designed Versace Medusa face in a range of expressions. At the exclusive emoji event at The Promenade, shoppers can see the app in action, as well as experience the limited-edition Multicolour Animalier Print Leather Palazzo Bow Bag from Versace.