

因應疫情最新發展及世界多地仍實行出入境限制,香港貿易發展局 (香港貿發局)將於八月二十六至二十九日舉辦「香港國際影視展(線上版)」(FILMART Online),透過網上平台聯繫環球影視娛樂業界,「疫」境下締造商機。

FILMART Online吸引來自三十六個國家及地區超過六百家公司參展,包括首次參與的阿根廷、巴西、奧地利、希臘、愛爾蘭、荷蘭、瑞士和以色列展商。香港各大電影公司,以及中國內地及國際主要電影單位,亦繼續支持這個移師線上舉行的亞洲最大規模内容交易平台,向環球買家發佈和推廣超過二千套最新影視作品。而亞洲區內首要的電影融資平台香港亞洲電影投資會(HAF)亦會參與FILMART Online,繼續為電影工作者締造商貿交流機會,展出三十二個仍在發展階段的「HAF電影計劃」及二十二個即將完成的「製作中」(WIP)電影計劃。

FILMART Online結合多項嶄新功能,除了為參展商設立專屬網頁,展示公司資料及作品,亦會設置虛擬影院,採用數位版權管理(DRM)加密及數碼水印等技術,讓獲得相關展商授權的買家觀賞試映。FILMART Online又善用大數據和人工智能技術,加強搜尋功能,讓買家更簡易快捷地找到心水影視作品;另一方面,大會亦積極安排網上商貿配對會議,並且按買家個別需要制訂建議參展商名單,務求促成更多交易和合作。

新型冠狀病毒疫情衝擊各地各行各業,影視娛樂業亦難免受到影響。大會緊貼業界所想,透過6場線上論壇多角度剖析行業動向,聚焦中國影視市場、亞洲串流平台、互動娛樂的最新趨勢等主題,讓業内人士瞭解影視市場「疫」後的轉變,及如何應對嶄新挑戰。當中講者陣容強勁,包括Media Partners Asia行政總裁Vivek Couto、MX Player首席執行官Karan Bedi、新麗傳媒高級副總裁兼新麗電影總裁李寧、北京愛奇藝科技有限公司愛奇藝首席技術官劉文峰、亞馬遜網絡服務 AWS解決方案架構亞太區首席架構師 Olivier Klein等。



FILMART Online opens
Multifunctional virtual platform creates opportunities

In light of the travel restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the HKTDC Hong Kong International Film and TV Market (FILMART) is being moved online in 2020. Presented by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), FILMART Online will be held from 26 to 29 August with the aim of creating business opportunities for the global entertainment industry in the face of a challenging business environment.

FILMART Online is set to attract more than 600 exhibitors from 36 countries and regions, including new joiners from Argentina, Brazil, Austria, Ireland, Switzerland and Israel. Major film production companies from Hong Kong, Mainland China and the rest of the world will continue to give their support for the virtual version of Asia's largest content trading platform, with more than 2,000 of the latest film and television productions being released and promoted. The Hong Kong-Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF), a respected Asian film financing platform, will also participate in FILMART Online, continuing its efforts to create business exchange opportunities for film industry participants by exhibiting 32 HAF film projects currently in the development stage and 22 work-in-progress film projects.

A number of new features will be introduced for the virtual iteration of FILMART. These include dedicated web pages for exhibitors to showcase their company profiles and productions along with a virtual screening platform, equipped with digital rights management (DRM) encryption and an individual watermark, to ensure that authorised buyers can enjoy film previews with ease.

FILMART Online will also use big data and artificial intelligence technologies to enhance the search function, making it more efficient for buyers to find their desired film and television productions. In addition, buyers will be provided with details of recommended exhibitors that closely match their needs, while virtual business matching meetings will be arranged to connect exhibitors with potential buyers.

The novel coronavirus pandemic has impacted various industries across the globe, including, inevitably, the film and entertainment industry. FILMART Online will address industry concerns over the current uncertainties by organising six online conferences focusing on how industry players can adapt to an ever-changing market by redeploying their content acquisition, and by highlighting the latest production and marketing strategies. Other topics being covered at the conference include the outlook for the Mainland China film and television market, the latest trends in streaming platforms across the Asia Pacific region, and insights into the development of interactive entertainment content.

The line-up for the conference features a number of respected industry figures, including Vivek Couto, Executive Director & Co-Founder of Media Partners Asia Research Services; Karan Bedi, CEO of MX Player; James Li, Senior Vice President of New Classics Media Group and CEO of New Classics Media Pictures; Wenfeng Liu, CTO of iQIYI, Inc.; and Olivier Klein, Lead Technologist, Asia-Pacific AWS Solutions Architecture of Amazon Web Services.

Source: HKTDC