
SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE celebrates 20 years!

法國中央高原 (Massif Central) 中部,歐洲最大的牧牛地區舉行的國際畜牧業峰會,是一個為遺傳學與畜牧學提供優勢的商業平台。今年,峰會將會對來自世界各地的75000名專業參觀者介紹六十四個品種的二千多頭動物。多年來,國際畜牧業峰會已成為專業牧畜人士不可多得的交流會面場所。第二十屆的法國貿易洽談會預計將吸引逾1250間參展商。它將於二零一一年十月五日至七日,在法國克萊蒙費朗的奧弗涅大會堂(Grande Halle d’Auvergne) 展覽中心內展出。

作為法國畜牧業的展示平臺,二零一一年的國際畜牧業峰會將會在三天裡接待約二千頭具有高遺傳價值的動物,來進行競賽或者介紹,細分如下:850頭肉牛 (3號館),450頭奶牛 (2號館),400頭羊 (5號館) 和300匹戰馬和鞍馬(4號館)。今年,焦點將放在法國利摩日 (Limousine) 的稀有肉牛上,有超過450頭動物被納入國家賽事。至於奶牛方面,瑞士布朗 (Brune) 品種將組織一個歐洲特色布朗比賽,將對80頭來自意大利,德國,瑞士,奧地利和法國的奶牛進行競選。

整個展覽面積超過十五萬平方米,國際畜牧業峰會向75000名專業參觀人士提供一項完整的畜牧農業領域服務:農業機械,設備,用品或牲畜服務。正如去年一樣, 峰會中還將有由農藝師和獸醫學院 (VETAGRO SUP)與農業部門的幹部協會 (APECITA) 合辦的農業工作座談會。

國際商務俱樂部由農業產品與技術的國際貿易發展組織 (ADEPTA) 為首,它將對外國代表團進行貴賓式接待,導遊陪同參觀展覽,與參展商會面和作一個法國在畜牧業,訣竅和遺傳學方面的介紹。


• 二十多個牧畜場和食品工業技術設施 (一人工授精中心,屠宰場,肉類研究中心等) 的參觀。
• 由法國農業工作者與國際發展 (AFDI) 組織的第三屆法國/非洲會議,針對食物的自主權和家庭農業的關係,馬里的畜牧業部長將對這作介紹。
• 法國與馬格裡布聯盟的論壇 (France-Maghreb Forum) 將持續兩天,主題為「法國––馬格裡布聯盟中的國家在牛肉業發展上的夥伴」。這個新的會面是由法國農業辦公室 (FranceAgriMer) 和法國畜牧用地組織 (FRANCE TERRE D’ELEVAGE) 合作舉辦的。


與以往一樣,名為「Sommets d’Or」的競爭將獎勵那些在農業/畜牧業領域,對原料,產品或服務作出了巨大創新的參展商。



Held in the heart of the Massif Central mountain range, inside Europe’s prime cattle meat livestock farming region, the SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE is a business crossroads giving a predominant place to genetics and livestock presentations. This year, there will be no less than 2,000 animals from 64 breeds on display for the 75,000 visitors hailing from five continents. Over the years, the SOMMET DE L’ELEVAGE has become a major meeting place for livestock farming professionals. The 20th edition of this French trade fair should feature over 1,250 exhibitors. It will be held from October 5th to 7th, 2011 at the “Grande Halle d’Auvergne” Exhibition Centre in Clermont-Ferrand (France).

An exceptional showcase for French livestock farming, the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE 2011 will over 3 days host close to 2,000 animals of very high genetic quality, either on display or competing, broken down as follows: 850 beef-breed cattle heads (Hall 3), 450 dairy cattle heads (Hall 2), 400 sheep (Hall 5) and 300 workhorses and riding horses (Hall 4). This year, the spotlight will be on the French Limousine beef breed, with over 450 animals entered into the national competition. As for dairy cattle, the Brown Swiss breed will hold its major EUROBRUNE European competition featuring 80 cows from Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France.

Extending across 150,000 m² exhibition area, the SOMMET DE L'ELEVAGE will also provide its 75,000 visitors with a comprehensive offer aimed at all livestock farming sectors: farming machinery, facilities, supplies and livestock farming services. As it did last year, the trade fair will also host the farming job forum organised by VETAGRO SUP (an agronomist and veterinarian school) and APECITA (Association for Farming Managers’ Employment).

Every year, the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE increases its international appeal: 380 international exhibitors from about thirty countries and 2,500 visitors hailing from about sixty countries are expected in Clermont-Ferrand in 2011.
The International Business Club, headed by the ADEPTA (Association for the Development of International Trade in Farming Products and Techniques), will offer a VIP welcome to foreign delegations, as well as organising guided tours of the trade fair, meetings with exhibitors and a presentation of France’s offer in terms of livestock farming, know-how and genetics.

It will also be possible for foreign visitors to take part in a host of professional side-events:

• Close to twenty tours of livestock farms and food industry technical facilities (an insemination centre, a slaughterhouse, a meat sector research centre, etc.);
• The 3rd edition of the France/Africa encounters organised by the AFDI (French Farmers and International Development) and focusing on the relationship between food autonomy and family farming, in the presence of the Minister of Livestock Farming for Mali.
• The France-Maghreb Forum, to be held over 2 days on the topic of “France, a partner for Maghreb countries in the development of their cattle meat sector”. This new event is organised by FranceAgriMer in partnership with FRANCE TERRE D’ELEVAGE.

Also marking the three days of the SOMMET DE L’ÉLEVAGE, there will be a number of visits by politicians and some international symposiums. Many topics will be featured in those conferences, including: the latest advances in genomic research, the tenderness of meat, the impact of rising and volatile raw materials costs on cattle birthing and fattening, etc.

As always, the “Sommets d’Or” competition will reward those exhibitors whose materials, products or services are the most innovative in the farming/livestock farming sector.

For more information:

International Manager
Address : Cité Régionale de l’Agriculture
9, allée Pierre de Fermat
63170 Aubière - France
Tel : (33) 4 73 28 95 13
Email : bdelaloy@sommet-elevage.fr
Ms. Lily YUI
Senior Trade Adviser – Communication & Press
Tel: (852) 3752 9178
Fax: (852) 3752 9110
Email: lily.yui@ubifrance.fr
French Trade Commission – Ubifrance
25/F, Admiralty Centre Tower II
18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong