The CARTES & IDentification Trade Show 2011 kicks off
作為數位安全、智慧技術、支付和非接觸技術領域的世界頂級盛會,CARTES & IDentification(智能卡暨身份識別技術工業展)貿易展將於二零一一年十一月十五日至十七日在巴黎舉辦,而「商業、創新、探索」是對這項展覽最恰當的寫照。這次展覽是一場真正的創新盛宴,預計將有兩萬名觀眾和一千三百名代表率先見證出席此次活動的450家公司展現的國際智慧技術和身份識別市場的最新進展。從二零一一年開始,土耳其將登上我們的舞臺。
隨着非接觸技術的應用、用於行動支付的近距離無線通訊 (NFC) 終端逐步出現、市場對安全電子交易和創新金融服務的需求日益增多,支付卡產業將成為二零一一年新的技術解決方案發展和分享的前線。
貿易展的揭幕會議將於五月二十六日上午九時在巴黎旺多姆柏悅酒店(Hotel Park Hyatt Paris Vendome)舉行,非接觸式支付將是其中一場圓桌討論會的主題。
日益增多的全球性問題電子身份證在數個歐洲國家(奧地利、比利時、愛沙尼亞、芬蘭、意大利、荷蘭、西班牙、瑞典) 的引進、數位身份領域的專案以及對網路犯罪的打擊促進了身份識別技術的發展。身份識別為生物計量和驗證解決方案中最新的創新提供了展示的平臺,並擁有廣泛的應用範圍。
CARTES & IDentification 2011
會議 : 產業尖端報告
為期三天的會議可真正匯聚資訊和專業技術,將使一千三百名代表共聚一堂,共同探討最新技術發展、行銷和策略問題,並傾聽關於具體案例的資訊回饋。會議的一百四十個報告以與智能卡和身份識別有關的主題為基礎,涵蓋近距離無線通訊 (NFC)、非接觸技術、智能卡安全、簽帳卡和信用卡、智能卡生產、身份識別、M2M應用等領域,是評估市場的最佳管道和攤位參觀之旅中不可缺少的活動。多年來,該會議已成為該產業領先企業家和國際決策者之間首選的溝通論壇。
CARTES & IDentification的籌備指導委員會由數位安全智能卡和身份識別領域的龍頭公司組成,其中包括Ask、金雅拓、捷德公司、HID、英飛淩、Ingenico、Morpho、NXP、Oberthur Technologies、ST Microelectronics、Visa。
如需瞭解CARTES & IDentification的最新資訊,請瀏覽: www.cartes.com / www.blogcartes.com
The international digital security and smart technologies event will be held from November 15 to 17, 2011 at the Parc des Expositions in Paris Nord Villepinte.
Never have the words "Business, Innovation, Discovery" more aptly described the CARTES & IDentification Trade Show — the world No. 1 event in digital security, smart technology, payment and contactless — to be held in Paris from 15 to 17 November 2011. At this real hub of innovation, an expected 20,000 visitors and 1,300 delegates will be the very first to discover all the latest international smart technologies and identification market news from the 450 companies present at the benchmark event. For this 2011 edition, Turkey will be in the spotlight.
With each edition of its 26-year history, CARTES has established itself increasingly as the sector's business event of choice, where international suppliers can meet decision makers in the areas of payment, security, telecoms, electronics and information technology, administration and distribution. Ever more international, with 142 countries participating, CARTES is the reflection of a very dynamic market.
At the heart of innovation in payments
With the deployment of contactless technology, the advent of NFC terminals for payment by mobile, the growing need for secure electronic transactions and innovative financial services, the payment card industry will be at the forefront of the development and sharing of new technology solutions in 2011.
Contactless payment will be the subject of a round table discussion organised during the trade show's launch presentation, to be held on 26th May at 9:00 at the Hotel Park Hyatt Paris Vendôme.
IDentification: Issues increasing on a world scale
The introduction of electronic identity cards in several European countries1, the projects around digital identity and the fight against cybercrime are promoting the development of identification technologies. The IDentification sector is an opportunity to highlight the latest innovations in biometrics and authentication solutions, with significant potential applications.
1 Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.
The great potential of M2M
New business opportunities will again be represented at the trade show this year with applications in M2M and the Internet of Things. Although millions of machines already communicate with each other, M2M technology is merely at the beginning of its enormous potential for growth.
The use of home automation, smart meters and the management of health records, require greater protection of private data, control of their integrity, strong authentication with secure data and "over-the-air" applications.
Turkey in the spotlight
With a leading European market in ATMs, up 40% over the last 5 years in terms of cards produced, and the dynamic introduction of new contactless solutions and loyalty programs, Turkey offers numerous opportunities for development.
Delegations of Top Buyers, a specific focus at the conference and new partners will showcase this exciting market.
Turkey has indeed already proven its ability to innovate in the field of smart cards — a growing rapidly sector in the country. With a population of 77.8 million, including 63 million mobile phone users, Turkey represents a great potential for the payment industry. The adoption of contactless technology is growing in urban areas and looks set to progress still further as banks compete to conquer the growing urban youth segment.
CARTES & IDentification 2011, also means
The Conference: cutting-edge presentations
A real concentration of information and expertise, the three-day Conference brings together 1,300 delegates to discuss the latest technical developments, marketing and strategic issues and hear feedback on concrete case studies. Based on themes related to cards and also identification, the 140 presentations on NFC and contactless, card security, debit and credit cards, manufacturing of cards, identification, M2M applications, etc. are the best way to assess the market and an indispensable addition to a tour of the stands. Over the years the Conference has become the forum of choice for communication between leading industrialists in the sector and international decisionmakers.
The World Card Summit: leaders in the sector speak out
The trade show’s opening presentation will play host to the leading CEOs in the sector.
They will share their vision of the market and their views on the future of their industry, while Eurosmart will exclusively announce its latest figures. This presentation, the highlight of the Conference, attracted more than 400 people last year.
The SESAMES Awards
Established as undisputed badges of innovation, global benchmarks for smart card and identification manufacturers, the SESAMES Awards represent a real promotional springboard and afford the winners a reputation and credibility guaranteeing their project’s success.
Selected by a panel of experts, the Awards will be presented to the best projects in various categories: Hardware, Software, ID/ID Cards, Computer Security, Transportation, Banking/Business/Fidelity, Mobility, Trusted Internet/Authentication, etransactions and finally Production & Tests.
This competition is open to all innovative projects from the relevant sectors and continues to attract increasing numbers of candidates. In 2010, 395 projects were submitted, with 10 winners.
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee of CARTES & IDentification is composed of leading companies in the industry of digital security card and identification: Ask, Gemalto, Giesecke & Devrient, HID, Infineon, Ingenico, Morpho, NXP, Oberthur Technologies, ST Microelectronics, Visa.
For the latest information on CARTES & IDentification, please visit: www.cartes.com / www.blogcartes.com
Bérengère Deleage – Karine Monsallier – Lucie Robet
cartes@lewispr.com Tel: +33 (0)1 55 31 98 04