Treasure Hong Kong, come together for a brilliant future!

Treasure Hong Kong, come together for a brilliant future!

For recent three months, due to the disputes of Fugitive Offenders Ordienance Amendment, Hong Kong business, especially, the tourism industry devastated by ongoing protests. We also facing a divided situation and appeared the people fight people. Up to today, this situation still going on and no stop sign.

It was not difficult to find out the young students and young people participutated almost every protest. Someone said, “The economy is very important for everyone of us in Hong Kong, unless a small minority of people, they did not mind destroying Hong Kong's economy, they have no stake in the society which so many people have helped to build.” On the contrary, we still remember that Chairman Mao Zedong talked about the youth. He said, “The world is yours, as well as ours, but in the last anallysis, it is yours.” The Hong Kong young people not only our next generation, they also the future of Hong Kong. So, we need to educate them the correct way and give them a way out of crisis.

We reffirm that we against all kinds of violence, and support the attitude of peaceful, rational and non-violence to handle and solve the problems. On the other hand, political solution to political issues. Unrest must end though the constructive public dialoque for the basis of slability
and prosperity of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is our home, we need to protect her!
Treasure Hong Kong, come together for a brilliant future!