全新Infiniti Q50 房跑車華麗亮相「澳門銀河」
NEW Infiniti Q50 Unveiled at Galaxy Macau, CHINA ROUGE
「澳門銀河™」綜合渡假城於十月十日晚上再度星光熠熠!過百位各界嘉賓齊集城中頂級會所【紅伶】,一同見證實力獨具的豪華汽車品牌Infiniti 的最新發報 ,震撼澳門房跑車愛好者的觸目之作——Infiniti 全新高智能豪華房跑車Q50!
Infiniti Q50 為品牌締造全新用戶體驗, 沿用Infiniti 的經典設計包括「雙拱形」進氣格柵、拱形車頂、新月形的C 柱,配以極具霸氣的前端設計,令觀眾眼前一亮。Infiniti Q50預展派對當晚人頭湧湧,場面相當熱鬧,置於【紅伶】場內的Q50 艷壓群芳,在別具一色的裝潢襯托下成為全場目光焦點。
Infinite Q50 艷壓群芳
「澳門銀河™」綜合渡假城是澳門首個以真正亞洲風情打造的頂級綜合渡假城,投資額近一百六十五億港元,為賓客提供超過二千二百間客房、套房及別墅。「澳門銀河™」由三大世界級酒店品牌合力創建,包括五星級「銀河酒店™」、享譽國際的日本大倉飯店集團,以及頂尖級悅榕酒店度假村集團。「澳門銀河™」的天浪淘園占地五萬二千平方米,由富熱帶風情的翠綠園林覆蓋,並設有全球最大的空中衝浪池,及以三百五十噸白沙建成的人工沙灘。其他設施包括提供精緻泛亞及國際美食的餐廳;而UA「銀河影院」則設有十間影院及高品質的3D 技術,把最超凡的電影體驗帶到澳門;華麗炫目的頂級會所【紅伶】,是品味出眾的都市精英及成功人士的典雅私人娛樂聖殿;澳門最大規模的足底反射治療中心悠然自足,提供星級保健療程;更有薈萃著名國際品牌的東、西購物大道。詳情請瀏覽:www.galaxymacau.com。
NEW Infiniti Q50 Unveiled at Galaxy Macau, CHINA ROUGE
Filled up with people during the lively night of Infiniti Q50 Preview Party
Over one hundred guests gathered in Macau’s premier integrated resort Galaxy Macau™ on 11 October 2014 to celebrate the arrival of the 2014 Infiniti Q50, underlined the resort's position as the leading venue in Macau for prestigious product launches. Macau’s premier night spot CHINA ROUGE hosted another glamorous event.
Infiniti Q50 is designed to create a unique and exciting level of customer engagement – propelling the Infiniti brand in a bold new direction for luxury and performance. Infiniti has a signature exterior design, powerful "double arch" grille, dynamic arch roofline and Crescent-cut C-pillar.
Galaxy Macau resort has been selected by four luxury car brands during 2014 as the preferred location for a major product launch event, underpinning Galaxy Macau's position as a luxury lifestyle brand and experience for discerning guests.
Combination of Style and Power- Infiniti Q50
About Galaxy Macau
Galaxy Macau™ is the only first truly integrated resort in Macau. Developed at an investment of nearly HK$16.5 billion, it includes more than 2,200 rooms, suites and villas across three world-class hotel brands: the five-star Galaxy Hotel™, Japan’s legendary Okura Hotels & Resorts Worldwide and the award-winning and ultra-exclusive Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts. Facilities include Grand Resort Deck with lush oasis gardens covering its 52,000 square meters, the world’s largest Skytop Wave Pool and a 350-ton white sand beach; the widest selection of pan-Asian and International cuisine under one roof in Macau; UA Galaxy Cinemas, a ten-screen, 3D-cineplex complex unlike anything in Macau; CHINA ROUGE, an exclusive performance lounge; Foot Hub, Macau’s largest, premium foot reflexology center; and two boulevards of distinctive retail shops. For more details, please visit www.galaxymacau.com.