Tesla Motors擴充香港業務

Tesla Motors擴充香港業務
Tesla Motors expands its Hong Kong operation

  美國電動車輛製造商Tesla Motors於九月二十五日宣布,該公司最近擴充香港團隊,以配合為香港提供可持續交通系統的長遠目標。

  Tesla Motors於二零一零年在荃灣設立辦事處,並於二零一一年開設服務中心,總佔地三千呎。為滿足香港對電動車輛日益增長的需求,該公司在過去三年,員工人數已由十人增加至五十人,最近更搬遷到荃灣的新辦事處,佔地逾萬呎。Tesla Motors全球副總裁及中國區負責人吳碧瑄表示,公司將於本年年底前增加員工人數至逾百人,最近亦聘請了香港區總監,以配合香港的業務拓展。



  投資推廣署助理署長吳國才恭賀Tesla Motors在港擴充業務。他說:「香港作為亞洲商務中心,公司種類非常多樣化。一方面,我們最近看到越來越多的小企業家開始來港成立,拓展全球業務。另一方面,大企業如Tesla Motors繼續來港,利用我們獨特的營商優勢來港發展。我很高興看到這種雙贏的局面。」

關於Tesla Motors

  總部設於美國加州的Tesla Motors於二零零三年由一群美國矽谷工程專家創立,目標是克服電動車輛車速慢和需要充電困難的缺點。Tesla Motors使用專有技術、世界級的設計和先進的技術製造新一代的電動車。Tesla Motors全球有超過一百二十五間門市及服務中心,遍及三十七個國家,有超過六千名員工。如欲了解更多關於Tesla Motors的資料,可瀏覽:www.teslamotors.com


美國電動車輛製造商Tesla Motors 最近搬遷到荃灣的新辦事處,佔地逾萬呎。圖為他們位於地面的陳列室。
American electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Motors recently moved to a new 10,000-plus-square foot office in Tsuen Wan. Pictured is its showroom on the ground floor

Tesla Motors expands its Hong Kong operation

American electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla Motors announced on September 25 that it has expanded its Hong Kong team to meet the company's long-term goal to provide sustainable transportation in the city.

Tesla Motors first set up its office in 2010 followed by a service centre in Tsuen Wan in 2011, together measuring 3,000 square feet. To cope with the growing demand for electric vehicles in the city and a workforce that increased from 10 to 50 people in the past three years, it recently moved to a new 10,000-plus-square foot office, also in Tsuen Wan. Vice President of Tesla's China operations Ms Veronica Wu said that the company's workforce will expand to exceed 100 people by the end of this year. The company has recently hired a country director for Hong Kong to head the rapidly expanding team.

Ms. Wu said, "We're very much looking forward to further developing the Hong Kong market because it is unique and interesting. Geographically, it is a very small city, so customers only need to recharge their cars once a week basically, and that makes our products especially appealing. In addition, we appreciate the first registration tax exemption for electric vehicles in the city, and that also allows us to set a very competitive price in the market."

She added, "Hong Kong could potentially be the place to showcase the success of electric vehicles to the rest of Asia. We want Hong Kong to be the Norway of Asia. The Hong Kong Government is very open to the idea of electric vehicles and very committed to supporting sustainability. I think that Hong Kong will be a reference city in Asia Pacific in terms of electric vehicle use."

Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion Mr Charles Ng congratulated Tesla Motors on its expansion. He said, "Hong Kong's role as a premium business centre in Asia is multifaceted. On the one hand, we have recently seen an increasing number of small entrepreneurs coming to our city to start and expand their businesses globally. On the other, big players like Tesla continue to leverage our unique business advantages and set up their presence in our city. I am happy to see this dual trend continue."

About Tesla Motors
Headquartered in California, Tesla Motors was founded in 2003 by a group of Silicon Valley engineers who set out to prove that electric vehicles could overcome recharging and low-speed problems. It uses proprietary technology, world-class design and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes to create a new generation of highway-capable electric vehicles. It employs over 6 000 staff with more than 125 stores and service locations in 37 countries. For more information, please visit www.teslamotors.com.

Source: InvestHK