
Shu Sung Wan - Hong Kong Outstanding Contemporary Artist, Calligrapher, Art Educator and Practitioner

舒崇雲號雲風山人,現代畫家、書法家、作家、美術教育家及修行人,祖籍南海佛山,一九五六年生於香港,自幼對繪畫及書法有濃厚興趣 高中時留學加拿大,八零年畢業於安大諾省GUELPH UNIVERSITY藝術系。回港後開展多方面的 藝術工作,其中包括舞台設計、平面設計、插畫及美術指導,期問曾任教浸會大學校外課程與及理工大學夜問美術課程。

舒崇雲由八五年開始奉行素食,修行至今超過三十四年。多年來在香港、紐約及英國等地獲獎無數,更於千禧年入選英國劍橋傑出藝術家年冊,成為二十一世紀全球二千位最傑出藝術家之一。作品獲香港文化博物館及台灣會館、嵩山少林寺、南京靈谷寺等等收藏。近年,欣賞及收藏他作品的朋友 更趨國際化,有來自美國、加拿大、澳洲、英國、法國、意大利、印度及中、港、台等。


為進一步推動藝術創作,舒老師於二零一七年創辦海星藝術總會,定期舉辦成人、兒童及國際級藝術作品展,更成立了開開心心基金以同步發展慈善工作,幫助社會上有需要的人, 並透過各樣活動把希望及歡樂傳播,促進社會和諧。

現任中國國際書畫家收藏家協會榮譽會長、「2018 一帶一路書畫博展」策展人。為推動藝術創作及發展,舒崇雲於二零一七年創辦海星藝術總會,定期舉辦成人、兒童及國際級藝術作品展,更成立了開開心心基金以同步發展慈善工作,幫助社會上有需要的人,透過各樣活動把希望及歡樂傳播,促進社會和諧。

舒崇雲愛以水膠彩帆布作畫,題材多元化,有花烏魚蟲、人物、天地能量及靈修等。風格獨特、自成一派,能將書法、浮雕、工筆、彩繪等不同元素巧妙地融和一起,可謂前無古人, 獨樹一幟。每天經打坐後才動筆的作品,極具創意和層次、富有空問感,集束方素樸之魅及 西方色彩之美。有淡雅寧靜、有豪邁奔放、有精雕細琢、更有靈光一閃畫中有意、畫中有畫 、以有限畫出無限。因為成長和生命歷練的種種因綠,舒崇雲於一筆一畫之問,最能以心描繪出宇宙及 生命中的節奏躍動,引導能量,使作品具足淨化和牽動情感的能力,是禪藝術之先鋒!

2010重慶 「和諧中國」海峽兩岸書畫作品巡迴開幕展應北京文化部邀請,被重慶傳媒重點專訪報導。同年出版【舒崇雲作品選集】
2011香港 「和諧中國」海峽兩岸書畫作品巡迴閉幕展暨大專院校學生書畫作品選拔賽。 作品甚獲好評。除參展外,更代表香港畫家致詞並兼任評審委員。
2012香港 「假如我是蝴蝶」舒崇雲個人畫展,於八月二日至十四日假香港半島酒店天地之心藝術空問舉行,是首個慈善展覽。
2013北京 「璀璨藝術2013」應北京國際藝術博覽邀請,為亞洲藝商聯盟設計「無極館」,至世博會完滿結束後,因反應熱烈,再獲798藝術區組委會邀請,把整個藝術設計 搬到798的韓國3D立體館二層,成為環保型地標。
2014法國 「法國當代沙龍展」於十月二十三日至二十六日由皮爾卡丹藝術空問舉辦,展品大受讚賞。
2015香港 「假如我是蝴蝶之花問起舞」舒崇雲個人畫展,於十月二十二日至十一月五日假香港 中文大學邵逸夫堂留足展覽廳舉行。
2015香港 「假如我是蝴蝶之如來如去」舒崇雲個人畫展,於十一月七日至十二日假香港動漫基地舉行,展出得到各方好友大力支持及大受歡迎。
2015香港 「2015亞洲美術雙年展9香港」,於十一月二十四日至二十九日假香港中央圖書館主展廳舉行。
2016法國 「第8屆亞洲藝術博覽會春季沙龍」於二月十八日至二十六日假法國里爾市文化中心,原里爾建於一四五三年的皇室教堂舉行,展出大獲法國人民讚賞。
2016香港 「文行之名家書畫邀請展」於三月七日至十日假香港大會堂高座展覽廳舉行。
2016香港 「孟子之光名家書畫邀請展」於五月八日至十日假香港城市大學學術2G樓大堂舉行。
2016香港 「紀念孫中山誕辰150周年之名家書畫邀請展」於六月十五日至十九日假香港中央圖書館展覽廳全館舉行,為藝壇一大盛事。
2016香港 「香港藝術界慶祝中華人民共和國成立67周年國慶大匯展」於八月三十一日至九月四日假香港中央圖書館展廳全館舉行。
2016台北 「第三屆全球華人書畫大展」於十月十九至二十八日,假台北市議會藝文畫廊隆重舉行。
2017香港 「慶祝香港回歸20周年海峽兩岸書畫名家作品展」 於一月一日至四日假香港中央圖書館舉行。
2017香港 「海星會師生書畫展」於五月二十五至二十八日假饒宗頤文化館F座下層展廳舉行。
2017香港 「香港藝術界慶祝香港回歸二十周年大匯展」於七月十一至十六日假香港中央圖書館展覽廳舉行。
2017香港 「假如我是蝴蝶之如來先藏」舒崇雲個人畫展,於十月五至二十六日假饒宗頤文化館F座下層展廳舉行。同年出版【心呼吸一舒崇雲作品選集】
2018香港 「一帶一路書畫博展」於三月二十六至二十九日假香港中央圖書館舉行。
2018倫敦 「假如我是蝴蝶之禪」舒崇雲個人畫展於八月一至五日假英國倫敦西京士頓巴芬畫廊舉行。
2019日本 「日本第21回國際書畫交流展」於六月二十二至三十日假日本束京都美術館舉行。
2019香港 「香港藝術界慶祝七十周年國慶大匯展」於九月六至十日假香港中央圖書館展覽廳舉行。
2019香港 「華萃盛放一世界華人書畫藝術大展」於七月十二至十五日假香港中央圖書館展覽廳舉行。
2020香港 「假如我是蝴蝶之禪內禪外」舒崇雲個人畫展於一月二日至二月一日假藝穗會陳麗玲畫廊及元創坊舉行。


Shu Sung-wan Biography
Shu Sung-wan was born in Hong Kong in 1956.
He exhibited great interest in drawing and calligraphy since childhood. Shu studied abroad in Canada and graduated from the University of Guelph, Canada with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1980. He then embarked on a multidimensional pursuit of all things artistic. He was involved in stage design, graphic design, illustration and art direction. He had taught extracurricular activity classes at the Hong Kong Baptist University, as well as evening classes at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Shu has taken up vegetarianism since 1985,adopting the practice as transcendental insights into Beingness for over 34 years. His works won him numerous awards in Hong Kong, New York and the UK. In 2000 he was named by The International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England as one of the "2000 Outstanding Artists and Designers of the 20th Century." Shu's works were collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and the Taiwan Center, Shaolin and a few renowned temples in China. Recently, his collectors are growing globally from China and Hong Kong to the US and Canada, Australia, UK, France, Italy and India…

The late Chang Dai-ch'ien, legendary virtuoso of modern art, was a close friend of and frequent visitor to the Shu’s family. Chang noticed that little Sung-wan, though with a weak physique resulting from being prematurely born, showed a gifted affinity towards calligraphic constructs, mimicking them with his feeble fingers. With more than 60 years of hard work and experiences, Shu has created a Renaissance for himself and the modern world.

In February 2017, Shu established the Starfish Art Association to promote art by organizing local and international exhibitions for adults and children artists. He is also the founder of Fun Fun Foundation, a charitable organization specially set up to support projects, to help the needy and to give happiness to people.

More recently, Shu has been actively promoting art culture and travels extensively around the world for solo and art exhibitions. There are lots of coverage with TV, radio, newspapers and magazines on him. Shu is drawing the world’s attention and respect!

He is currently Honourable Chairman of the China International Painters, Calligraphers and Collectors Association. In February 2017,Shu established the Starfish Art Association to promote Art by organizing local and international exhibitions for adults and children artists.He is also the founder of Fun Fun Foundation, a charitable organization specially set up to support projects, to help the needy and to give happiness to people.

His Works
Shu primarily works with acrylic paints on canvas, with themes ranging from all living creatures, human characters, life energy and meditative quests.His skills in uniting calligraphy, relief, traditional Chinese realistic painting, and color painting lent a stylistic touch distinctive to himself. Shu would paint after meditation to attain a state of insightful aspiration. His works exhibited an interplay of creativity and grandeur, a consummation of Oriental peaceable spirit, Occidental aesthetic faculties, an avid ambitious energy, and a meticulous finesse, and above all, a trigger into one's own introspection, surpassing the confines of the canvas. Shu has led an eventful expedition in his lifelong quests. With his upbringing and skilful rendition of each brush stroke, his paintings garnered a pensive tranquility of the energy that flows through the universe and all manifestations of life and passion. Shu is a pioneer of Zen Art in Hong Kong.

2010 Chongqing "Harmonious China" Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Opening Tour An invitation by the Ministry of Culture in Beijing. Shu s work was highly regarded and attracted lots of media coverage.Published the same year[Shu Sung Wan Art Collection]
2011 Hong Kong "Harmonious China" Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Closing Tour. Besides exhibiting artworks, Shu was the judging panel and guest speaker at the College Students Art Competition.
2012 Hong Kong "If I were a Butterfly" Shu Sung Wan's First Solo Exhibition. It was Shu's first charitable exhibition held at the world renowned Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong.
2013 Beijing "Brilliant Art 2013" An invitation by the Beijing International Art Expo. Besides showing his master pieces, Shu was invited to build the'Wu Chi Hall of Promise' for the Asian Arts and Design Union. With the overwhelming response and successful conclusion of the World Expo, the Hall of Promise was removed to 798 Art Space afterwards. It has been kept at the South Korean 3D stereoscopic Museum ever since as an environmentally friendly master piece.
2014 France "Contemporary French Art Exhibition"An invitation by Pierre Cardin Art Space - Shu's first exhibition tour to Europe. Shu's work was very well received and had captured much attention from the West. (October 23一26,)
2015 Hong Kong "If I were a Butterfly Soul Dancing" Shu Sung Wan's Solo Exhibition at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Sir Run Run Shaw Hall.(October 22 to November 5)
2015 Hong Kong "If I were a Butterfly As it Comes As it Goes"Shu Sung Wan's Solo Exhibition at the Comix Base, Hong Kong Art Center. (November 7 to 12)
2015 Hong Kong "2015 Asian Art Biennial Exhibition"Hong Kong Central Library Grand Hall (November 24 to 29)
2016 France "Association France Chine Art Expo" Le Palais Rihour, Lille (Feb18一26) 2016 Hong Kong" Culture Way Art Exhibition" Hong Kong City Hall 7/F, Exhibition hail(March 7一10)
2016 Hong Kong "Mencius Art Exhibition" Community College of City University Academic 2G lobby (May8一10)
2016 Hong Kong "Sun Yat-sen Art Exhibition" Hong Kong Central Library Grand Hali (June15 to 19)
2016 Hong Kong "National day Exhibition" Hong Kong Central Library Grand Hall (Aug3 1 to Sept4)
2016 Taipei "The 3rd Global Chinese Calligraphy and Art Exhibition" Taipei Council, Art Gallery (October 19 - 28)
2017 Hong Kong "Master of Chinese Calligraphy&Painting Exhibition" Hong Kong Central Library (Jan 1 - 4)
2017 Hong Kong "Starfish Art Exhibition" Jao Tsung-l Academy (May25一28)
2017 Hong Kong "20th Anniversary Hong Kong Art Exhibition" Hong Kong Central Library (July 11 - 16)
2017 Hong Kong "Were I a Butterfly - Long in Existence" Jao Tsung-l Academy, Shu Sung Wan's Solo Exhibition Published the same year [Heart Breath - Shu Sung Wan Art Collection] (October 5 - 26)
2018 Hong Kong "Belt and Road Art Expo" Hong Kong Central Library (March 26 - 29)
2018 London "Were I a Butterfly - Zen" Shu Sung Wan's Solo Exhibition at The Bhavan Art Gallery West Kensington (August 1 - 5)
2019 Japan International Art Exhibition of 2 1 time NPOCI Calligraphy&Painting Exchange, Tokyo Metrropolitan Art Museum (June22 - 30)
2019 Hong Kong Chinese Art Spectacular 2019Art exhibition of The Worid Chinese Artisits, Hong Kong Central Library(July 12 - 15)
2019 Hong Kong Hong Kong Art World celebrates the 70th anniversary of the National Day Exhibition Hong Kong Central Library (September 6 - 10)
2020 Hong Kong "Were I a Butterfly - Zen In/Out" Shu Sung Wan's Solo Exhibition at Fringe Club (January 2一16) &PMQ RmS2O1,Rm S414 (January 2 - February 1)


An inward soul searching journey of a practitioner



An inward soul searching journey of a practitioner. Phoenix represents the energy of inner light. Nirvana is when meditation reaches a cycle of perfection. Existence is as buds blooming in meditation. This is not an achicvement, but your truest reality. You could have always ignored them, but you will not lose them, they silently exist inside you. People arc searching outwardly for the blessing, but they are at the wrong direction. The peace you arc looking for is from within...non existent nature, people arc searching everywhere for fame and fortune as substitute. You just can't find anything from the outside world to make life safe and without worry. Outside world is not peaceful by itself. How could it secure your life then? If you have inner trust, you will be able to create peace in one.

A realisation in contemplating at the eye of a cyclone. The inspiration for this masterpiece was casted upon Shu on one early stormy morning. In the eye of a cyclone, all is well and still. It must be the blessing from Above to keep everything calm and clear. Shu was meditating, an image of the Compassionate Bodhisattva was gradually dissolving in at a glimpse of light. Bodhisattva was sitting at case at the center of a cyclone, radiating great energy of peace and compassion, pulling Shu back to the original frequency of nature, warming the heart, broadening the mind for Heaven and earth.