
The 16th Ani-Com & Games

暑假狂熱呈獻 第十六屆香港動漫電玩節於七月二十五日隆重揭幕!今年大會更加開3C展覽館,打造超過十七萬平方尺展覽場地,共約五百五十個參展攤位,務求為一眾動漫電玩迷帶來多不勝數的精美產品。相信一連五日精彩絕倫的節目,加上一連串熱血沸騰的活動及比賽,定必激發場內無限歡笑聲。


展出日期:七月二十五日至七月二十九日(星期 至星期二)
展出時間:早上十時至晚上九時 (七月二十九日至晚上八時)


- 十七萬平方尺的參展場地
- 一百五十個參展商,五百五十個參展攤位
- 五大主題;遊戲公司、動漫玩具、動漫精品、漫畫社和創天同人祭
- 票價三十五元
- 動漫大使:聶風及步驚雲
- J2幻想使者:何廣沛、李靜儀及陳芷尤

- 第五屆香港原創動漫人型比賽
- 第六屆香港原創漫畫新星大獎
- 第一屆創天綜合同人祭 (CP 01)
- 亞太區Cosplay嘉年華
- HeartBeat青年音樂祭
- 2014 Hong Kong Dance Power Competition
- 國際動漫名家現場簽名匯
- 中國漫畫家區
- BANDAI官方高達模型大賽及展覽
- 獨立漫畫家原創匯展
- 動漫繽紛嘉年華


The 16th Ani-Com & Games

The focus of city's attention, ACGHK2014, will grandly unveil soon on 25th July. Besides Hall 1, the organizer has specially arranged Hall 3C. With the extra arrangement, the venue area comes to 170,000sq. ft. and has attracted 550 stalls to join which aims to bring us fascinated products. It is sure that the five-day mega show will abound with boundless joyfulness with a series of value-added competition and performance.

Date: From 25 July to 29 July, 2014 (Friday-Tuesday)
Time: 10am – 9pm (29 July runs until 8pm)
Venue: Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

- Exhibition area: 170,000 sq. ft.
- With 150 exhibitors and 550 stalls
- Games companies, Animation and comic related toys, Animation and comic related merchandise, comic books’ publishers and Creative Paradise 01 (CP01)
- Ticket price: $35 per person
- ACGHK2014 ambassadors – Nip Fung and Bou Ging-wan (Character from Hong Kong Local Comic “Fung Wan”)
- J2 ambassadors – Matthew Ho, Heidi Lee and Apple Chan

1st Creative Paradise 01 (CP 01)
The first edition of Doujinshi event – “Creative Paradise 01” (CP01), is based on the spirit of Japan Comic Market and provide an interchanging platform for Doujin. It aims to welcome all the performers and build a sustainable development. The organizer is pleased to invite numerous renowned Doujinshi from Japan and also its authors. Meanwhile, CP01 will hold exchange forum for Hong Kong and Japan Doujin, which enables participants to experience and to discuss about Doujinshi Culture. The mega-activities comprises of stage performance, cosplay shooting area, and so on.

Fruitful Activities
- The 5th Ani-com Art Idol - Hong Kong Figure Design Competition
- The 6th Comics New Star Competition
- Creative Paradise 01
- International Cosplay Carnival
- ACG Cosplay Contest
- HeartBeat Band
- 2014 Hong Kong Dance Power Competition
- Master’s Autographs Session
- China Comics Artists’ Creative Zone
- BANDAI official Gundam figure competition and exhibition
- Independent Comic Artists’ Exhibition
- ACG Fun Fun Show