
芝加哥布思商學院香港分校開幕 吸引亞太區學生報讀行政人員工商管理碩士課程



  學院的亞洲執行總裁Richard Johnson 表示,布思商學院為學生提供世界頂級教員,他指出,學院培育了近九十位諾貝爾獎的得主(十二位是過去二十年來的諾貝爾經濟學得主),其中六位是積極參與學院事務的教員,包括二零一三年的得獎者Eugene Fama教授及Lars Peter Hansen教授。




  芝加哥大學布思商學院副院長William Kooser說:「對芝加哥大學的教學人員、學生及校友來說,亞洲具有重大意義,而大學將透過不同方式為亞洲區帶來其獨一無二的治學方法。擴展至香港讓我們增加對未來北亞區域商界領袖的影響力,以及與該區企業建立關係,進一步加強我們的網絡。」



  芝加哥大學布思商學院是世界最佳商學院之一。芝加哥大學對管理教育的獨特教學模式之所以與別不同,在於如何將基本知識、嚴謹及務實地應用於商業上的挑戰。香港分校除提供行政人員工商管理碩士課程外,亦設有行政人員工商管理非學位短期課程。如欲了解更多關於芝加哥大學布思商學院的資料,可瀏覽 www.chicagobooth.edu


芝加哥大學布思商學院今日(八月十八日)宣布,其香港分校正式開幕,分校首屆開辦的行政人員工商管理碩士課程吸引來自世界各地超過二十五個國家的學生報讀。圖為芝加哥大學布思商學院副院長William W. Kooser(左)及芝加哥大學布思商學學院的亞洲執行總裁 Richard Johnson(右)。
The University of Chicago Booth School of Business announced today (August 18) that the first intake of its Hong Kong-based Executive MBA campus includes students representing over 25 countries. Pictured is the Associate Dean for Global Outreach at Chicago Booth, Mr William Kooser (left), and the Managing Director, Executive MBA Program Asia, Mr Richard Johnson (right).


Chicago Booth opens new Hong Kong campus to Executive MBA students from Asia-Pacific region

The University of Chicago Booth School of Business announced on August 18 that the first intake of its Hong Kong Executive MBA campus includes students representing over 25 countries, exceeding its targets for both class size and diversity.

Chicago Booth made the decision to relocate its Executive MBA programme from Singapore to Hong Kong in July 2013, as part of its Asian strategy to deepen its global engagement and influence.

The Managing Director, Executive MBA Program Asia of Chicago Booth, Mr Richard Johnson, said that students will learn from a distinguished world-renowned faculty, which has produced nearly 90 Nobel Laureates (12 in economics in the past 20 years) of which six are currently active members of the faculty including Professor Eugene Fama and Professor Lars Peter Hansen.

Mr Johnson added that the "Chicago Approach" to business education combines the very best in conceptual knowledge and academic theory with practical real world application. Chicago Booth also conducts some non-degree executive education courses for busy professionals.

He said that 16 per cent of the Asian programme students are US citizens, followed by Mainland (11 per cent) and Hong Kong citizens (10 per cent). Other places of origin include Russia, Japan, Korea and Vietnam.

"The diversity of intakes shows that the decision to anchor our programme in Hong Kong was the right one. By being in Hong Kong, we are able to reach out more easily to our target groups in North Asia including business leaders from Mainland China, which is becoming a dominant economy in the world, while still maintaining a strong share of students from Southeast Asia," he said.

The Associate Dean for Global Outreach at Chicago Booth, Mr William Kooser added, "Asia is a critical region to University of Chicago faculty, students and alumni, and the University brings its distinctive intellectual approach to the region in many ways. Expanding into Hong Kong allows us to have an impact on future leaders in business and build new corporate relationships in North Asia as well, complementing our activities."

Chicago Booth operates in a recently renovated state-of-the-art campus at Cyberport. It is working with the Government to gain the necessary approvals to secure a land grant and build a permanent campus at the Victoria Road ex-detention centre site on Mount Davis.

Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion Mr Andrew Davis, said that Hong Kong's international status has been boosted by Chicago Booth's presence. "Having such a top education brand in Hong Kong focuses the world's attention on our city. In return, Hong Kong's highly international environment and its proximity to Mainland China offer Chicago Booth a good platform from which to implement its development strategy," he said.

About Chicago Booth

The University of Chicago Booth School of Business is one of the leading business schools in the world. The "Chicago Approach" for management education is distinguished by how it leverages fundamental knowledge, its rigour and its practical application to business challenges. The Hong Kong campus offers an Executive MBA Program and non-degree Executive short courses. For more information, please visit www.chicagobooth.edu .

Source: InvestHK