
日本廉航香草航空登陸香港 直飛東京(成田)

Mr. Tomonori ISHII, President of Vanilla Air

由日本全日空(ANA HOLDINGS INC.)全資擁有的日本廉航 ─ 香草航空(Vanilla Air)於二零一三年十二月啟航後,憑藉其廉宜而親切貼心的服務深受大眾喜愛。承蒙各界支持,香草航空將於二零一四年十一月二日(星期日)起開展首個來往香港=東京(成田)的新航線,並於日前舉行新聞發佈會,由香草航空董事長石井知祥先生及營業部長近藤寬之先生為香草航空首度登陸香港以及全新航線作介紹。

日本廉航香草航空 簡樸魅力攻港
香草航空為港人熟知的全日空(ANA HOLDINGS INC.)的廉價航空子公司,以成田機場為總部,自二零一三年十二月啟航至今已接待超過七十五萬日本國內外旅客。品牌致力打造與一般廉航與別不同的形象,以休閒及度假路線為主,為顧客提供優質而物超所值的服務。香草航空董事長石井知祥先生表示香草航空名字靈感源自於優雅清新的香草(雲呢拿),希望香草航空如其名廣受大眾歡迎,讓乘客每段旅程都能放鬆心情,享受更有樂趣和意義的餘暇。



香草航空股份有限公司 (總部:千葉縣成田機場),是二零一三年十一月一日起由ANA HOLDINGS INC. 100%出資營運的低成本航空(LCC, low cost carrier)。以【簡單】、【卓越】、【新基準】三大理念為本,致力為旅客提供有如香草「雲呢拿」般充滿魅力的票價和服務,希望成為像香草一樣得到大眾喜愛的新型低成本航空。以東京成田國際機場為基地,開展休閒度假路線,香草航空期望能夠為日本、亞洲以至全世界的旅客帶來更愉快、更有價值的休閒飛行體驗。



LCC Vanilla Air connects Hong Kong and Tokyo (Narita) from 02 Nov

Mr. Hironobu KONDO, VP Director of Commercial Department of Vanilla Air

Vanilla Air, owned by ANA HOLDINGS INC., is acclaimed by passengers since its establishment in December 2013. With the support from the general public, Vanilla Air now announces its latest route between Hong Kong and Tokyo (Narita) starting from November 2, 2014 (Sunday) and becomes the only Japanese low cost carrier (LCC) to provide non-stop flights between the two cities currently. Mr. Tomonori ISHII, President of Vanilla Air and Mr. Hironobu KONDO, VP Director of Commercial Department of Vanilla Air, attended the press conference held on 30 October to announce the news as well as its attractive kick-off offers.

LCC Vanilla Air takes off and lands on Hong Kong

Vanilla Air, the Japanese Low Cost Carrier (LCC) 100% owned by ANA HOLDINGS INC., based in Narita International Airport, has been serving over 750,000 domestic and international passengers up to present since its inauguration in December 2013. With an aim to provide simple and valued services, Vanilla Air is dedicated to delivering more pleasurable and affordable flying experiences to passengers. “The name of Vanilla Air was inspired by the sophisticated and fresh flavor of Vanilla popular in the world. I would like Vanilla Air to become the airline company as widely loved as vanilla and to continue to provide passengers with safe and comfortable services,” said Mr. Tomonori ISHII, President of Vanilla Air.

Vanilla Air, from Tokyo (Narita), operates 2 international routes to Taipei (Taoyuan) and Seoul (Incheon); and 3 domestic routes to Sapporo, Okinawa and Amami Oshima. Mr. Tomonori Ishii is glad to receive continuous support from passengers since its establishment last year and the good reputation also accounts for the rapid business development recently. As a matter of fact, Hong Kong and Tokyo are two energetic and charming cities, attracting countless travelers every year. In order to provide affordable and enjoyable experience with Vanilla Air to Hong Kong people and Japanese who love the cultures of the two vibrant cities, Vanilla Air decides to launch the third international route connecting Hong Kong and Tokyo.

The first flight will start on November 2, 2014. Using Airbus A320 aircraft of 180 economy class seats, it flies 3 times weekly on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday until January 31, 2015 (Saturday); frequency will be increased to one daily from February 1 (Sunday) to February 20, 2015 (Friday); And from February 21(Saturday), one more flight will be added to become twice daily.

About Vanilla Air
Vanilla Air Inc. (based in Narita Airport, Chiba-ken), is a low cost carrier (LCC) 100% owned by ANA HOLDINGS INC. since November 1, 2013. With “Simple”, “Excellent” and “New Standard” as the 3 core business concepts, Vanilla Air is committed to providing pleasant and welcoming LCC services to passengers, resembling its name Vanilla, which is favored and loved by everyone. Based in Narita International Airport, Vanilla Air aims at serving passengers from Japan, Asia and all over the globe with great value and amazing quality.
Official website (Hong Kong): vanilla-air.com/hk
Facebook page (Hong Kong): https://www.facebook.com/VanillaAir.HongKong