
澳大與加國多倫多大學合辦研討會 探討澳門回歸十二年的突破及轉變
UM and the University of Toronto co-organizes a joint symposium on the breakthroughs and transformation of Macao SAR after its return to China

由澳門大學及加拿大多倫多大學合辦的澳門大學「學術盛會」系列活動之一「中國澳門 - 十二年的突破及轉變研討會」三月十九日於加拿大多倫多大學圖書館舉行。研討會主要就澳門回歸十二年的變化、澳門政治與經濟、澳門的身份改變與文化遺產、澳門與各地區的聯繫,以及澳大橫琴新校區的啟示等議題進行探討。

出席研討會及致詞的有中國駐多倫多副總領事張美芳、葡國駐多倫多總領事Júlio Vilela、澳大副校長何順文、多倫多大學首席副校長Cheryl Misak等。張美芳表示澳門回歸十二年來,在「一國兩制」、「澳人治澳」,高度自治方針指引下,澳門經濟、民生、文化事業等獲得迅速發展,對外交往更加活躍,國際影響不斷擴大。中央政府高度重視澳門發展,探取一系列政策舉措支持澳門發展經濟、改善民生,為澳門長遠發展提供了更多機遇和更大空間。相信有祖國內地的強大支持和澳門同胞不懈奮鬥,澳門一定能夠開創更加美好的明天。

Júlio Vilela強調在現今國際形勢中,中葡兩國間已存的夥伴關係對兩國極為重要,例如在已簽訂的文化、科技、旅遊、電子、通訊及經濟等合作協議上,充份顯示出兩國的緊密關係。澳門作為中葡國家經貿合作論壇的總部,亦彰顯其獨特的橋樑作用。


學者於澳大招待酒會上與下任亞洲研究學會主席Theodore C. Bestor( 中) 合照


Cheryl Misak致辭時表示,多倫多與澳門社會有著種族及文化多元的特徵,以及致力促進社會和諧共融的共通點,是次研討會令多倫多對澳門社會瞭解更多。她亦感謝參與研討會的有關機構為此作出的努力,令與會者得益不少。

研討會開幕式上,澳大還向多倫多大學捐贈書籍。研討會共有二十三名來自世界各地的專家學者作學術報告,與會者首先對澳門回歸十二年進行回顧,以及就澳大橫琴新校區將與泛珠三角地區整合的突破性發展等作出交流研究,同時亦針對澳門政治與經濟、澳門的身份改變與文化遺產及澳門與各地區的聯繫等作出討論。澳大與會學者有林明基、郝志東、仇國平、林玉鳳、余永逸、何秋祥、張洋、吳德榮、蔡啟恩及Antonio Saldanha等,另外還有史丹福大學的陳明球,以及澳門國際研究所的盧文輝等。




UM and the University of Toronto co-organizes a joint symposium on the breakthroughs and transformation of Macao SAR after its return to China

The University of Macau—University of Toronto Joint Symposium on “China’s Macao SAR: 12 Years of Breakthrough & Transformation”, jointly organized by the University of Macau (UM) and the University of Toronto (UT), took place at UT on 19 March 2012. The symposium mainly discussed a wide range of topics, including “Overview of the Macao SAR’s First 12 Years”, “University of Macau Cross-Border New Campus as PRD Integration Breakthrough”, “Macao SAR Governance & Economy”, “Macao SAR Identity, Culture & Heritage” and “Macao SAR/Macanese External Links”.

Deputy Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Toronto Zhang Meifang, Consul General of Portugal in Toronto Júlio Vilela, UM Vice Rector Simon Ho, and UT Vice-President and Provost Cheryl Misak attended the symposium and delivered speeches.

Zhang Meifang noted that thanks to the “one country, two systems” policy and a high degree of autonomy reflected in “Macao people governing Macao”, Macao has made fast progress in economy, people’s well-being and cultural causes since its return to China, with ever-increasing international ties and influence. She added that the central government attaches great importance to the development of Macao and has implemented a series of policies in support of the economic development of Macao and the well-being of Macao residents, bringing more opportunities and greater space for Macao’s long-term development. She expressed her confidence that with the strong support of the motherland and the unrelenting efforts of Macao compatriots, Macao is sure to create an even better future.

Júlio Vilela stressed that in view of the present world situation, the existing partnership between China and Portugal, as reflected in the numerous cooperation agreements on culture, science and technology, tourism, electronics, telecommunications, and economy, has become extremely important for both countries. Júlio Vilela noted that as the headquarters for the Forum for Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, Macao serves a unique role as a bridge.

UM Vice Rector Simon Ho delivers his opening speech

In his speech, Simon Ho mentioned that this was the first symposium co-organized by UM in North America, and represented the first step towards establishing a bridge of communication and cooperation between UM and top universities in Canada. Simon Ho voiced his hope that this symposium could offer an opportunity for UM to promote to North America and the world its educational philosophy and the new opportunities brought by the new campus, and also to strengthen ties between UM and UT to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation. He stressed that UM is about to enter a new era; and with the support of the Macao SAR government, a new campus will be built by the end of this year, and when that happens, UM will have far better facilities for teaching and research. He added that on the new campus UM will establish more academic units and research projects, and will introduce residential colleges in order to make the campus a living-and-learning community for students. Simon Ho added that Macao has a rich Chinese cultural heritage and Euro-continental traditions, serves as a bridge of communication between China and the world, and enjoys extensive networks of international partnerships. He expressed confidence that with the unique cultural and geographical advantages of Macao, the great support of the Macao SAR government, and the continuous efforts of all UM members, the goal of developing UM into a world-class university with regional characteristics can one day be achieved.

In her welcome remarks, UT Vice-President and Provost Cheryl Misak said that Macao is similar to Toronto as an ethnically and culturally diverse pluralistic community characterized by tolerance and harmony. She added that this symposium enabled Toronto to learn more about Macao society. She also thanked relevant organizations involved in this symposium for their efforts.

At the opening ceremony, UM donated books to UT Libraries. A total of twenty-three experts and scholars from around the world presented academic reports at the symposium. Attendees first discussed the topic of “Overview of the Macao SAR’s First 12 Years”, and then exchanged ideas on “University of Macau Cross-Border New Campus as PRD Integration Breakthrough”. Attendees also held in-depth discussions on “Macao SAR Governance & Economy”, “Macao SAR Identity, Culture & Heritage” and “Macao SAR/Macanese External Links”. UM scholars present at the symposium included Lam Ming Ki, Hao Zhidong, Chou Kwok Ping, Lam Iok Fong, Yu Wing Yat, Ho Chiew Siang, Zhang Yang, Ngo Tak-Wing, Choi Kai Yan, and Antonio Saldanha. Ming Chan from Stanford University, and Rufino Ramos from the International Institute of Macau also attended the symposium.

On the occasion of the annual conference of the Association for Asian Studies, which was held in Toronto from 15 March to 18 March, UM Rector Wei Zhao and Vice Rector Simon Ho held a reception for over three hundred and fifty guests from around the world, enabling them to have a better understanding of Macao and UM.