
香港亞洲電影投資會 昂然踏進十年里程碑
Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum to build on success as it reaches 10-year milestone


於過去十年,HAF共收到逾一千五百個電影計劃,評審委員會挑選了當中的二百六十三個電影計劃參與HAF。自第一屆HAF起,參與的電影計劃數量持續增長,題材亦越見廣泛。今年,HAF挑選了三十二個計劃,為歷屆之最,較去年的二十三個計劃增加了百分之四十。申請參加HAF 2012的電影計劃來自四十七個國家及地區,而最終入圍計劃則來自二十三個地方,亦為歷屆之冠。





要拍出一套賣座的電影,HAF絕對是最佳的踏腳石。香港導演陳德森的《十月圍城》(HAF 2003),以及中國導演陸川的《南京!南京!》(HAF 2005),均非常賣座。韓國導演許秦豪的《春逝》(HAF 2000)更勇奪二零零一年東京國際電影節之「最優秀藝術貢獻獎」;而蔡明亮的《天邊一朵雲》(HAF 2000),也在二零零五年柏林影展中奪得「傑出藝術貢獻銀熊獎」;菲律賓導演布里楊文杜沙於二零零九年以《男孩看見血地獄》參加HAF,並獲投資者青睞,更於兩個月後的康城影展中憑該片奪得「最佳導演」的殊榮。


Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum to build on success as it reaches 10-year milestone

The Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF), one of Asia’s most important film-financing platforms, will celebrate its milestone 10th anniversary in 2012. Attended by some 1,000 filmmakers and financiers from around the globe with over 600 private meetings arranged annually, the HAF has helped put together some of Asia’s brightest filmmakers with the finance contacts they needed to realise their projects.

Over the last decade, more than 1,500 projects have been submitted to the HAF reading committee and 263 selected to participate. The number and diversity of projects have expanded greatly since the first HAF. In 2012, the HAF selection of 32 projects is the highest yet, a number that has steadily grown by almost 40% from 23 projects in 2000. Submissions for HAF 2012 were received from 47 countries and regions, and the final selection represents 23 different places of origin, the most in the HAF’s history.

“The HAF is an invaluable opportunity for filmmakers,” says Hong Kong filmmaker Stanley Kwan, who participated in the 2000, 2006 and 2011 HAF. “For financiers, it is not hard at all to get suggestions for projects – quite the opposite. What is difficult for them is finding quality propositions, and the HAF does that work, hunting out the most promising projects from Hong Kong and the rest of Asia. When your project is selected by the HAF, you know that there is a high chance that your project will be financed, making your dream come true.”

Organised by the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society, the HAF is the ideal venue for investors and producers to discover and invest in emerging Asian talent, offering first-look opportunities at their latest projects. HAF projects have a proven track record – over 50 projects from HAF have been produced and released in worldwide cinemas over the years, with over 200 festival appearances, international festival awards and nominations between them. These achievements attest to both the promising commercial potential and artistic appeal of projects showcased at the Forum.