
DPRK and the Spirit of Self-Development

Leader KIM JONG UN Guides Underwater Test-fire of Strategic Submarine Ballistic Missile

Self-development is a term much in vogue now in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. What do its people mean by the term?

The meaning of the word is not simply that which is entered on the dictionary. It is rooted in the Juche idea.

The Juche idea, authored by KIM IL SUNG (1912-1994), eternal President of the DPRK, and enriched by KIM JONG IL(1942-2011), eternal Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, means in short that man is the master of his destiny and he has the strength with which to carve out his destiny.

Guided by this idea, the people of the DPRK have advanced the revolution and construction. During the Korean war (1950-1953) Korea was reduced to rubble. At the time of ceasefire the buildings whose shapes could be identified numbered only two in Pyongyang. The Americans claimed that the DPRK would not be able to stand on its own feet in 100 years.

However, its people rehabilitated the country’s economy within three years, and achieved their centuries-old wish for industrialization in a matter of 14 years. Later they continued to build world-startling structures–10 000-ton press, large-sized oxygen plant, West Sea Barrage, etc.

Leader KIM JONG UN Guides Work for Mounting Nuclear Warheads on Ballistic Rockets

An important factor in these successes was the spirit of self-reliance and self-development.

They never waited for others’ help nor did they rely on others’ efforts. They braved all manner of trials and difficulties with the thoroughgoing spirit of independence–that they will build their country by their own efforts. Rejecting the foreign pressure for joining the COMECON, an economic organization of socialist countries, the country adhered to the line of building an independent national economy. This fact eloquently proves how strong is its people’s spirit of self-reliance and self-development.

And not to be overlooked is the fact that they achieved all the victories and successes by their efforts amid ceaseless economic blockade and sanctions imposed by the US and its vassal forces. The severer foreign pressure was, the more redoubled efforts they made, and the more difficult the conditions were, the more fully they displayed the spirit of self-reliance and fortitude.
As they were possessed of the spirit of self-reliance and self-development, they could build an independent national economy that is not affected by any worldwide economic upheavals, and, on this basis, launch earth satellites and build an H-bomb.

The spirit of self-development was, indeed, a treasured sword that enabled the people of the DPRK to overcome all manner of challenges of history and advance along the road resplendent with victory.

Leader KIM JONG UN Declares Construction of Ryomyong Street

The DPRK, which has set the spirit of self-development as a propellant for the building of a thriving socialist country, stresses self-development based on modern science and technology. This is because self-development inevitably requires modern science and technology, which promotes self-development more quickly and more forcefully, and fresh leaps can be achieved only when the spirit of self-development is given free rein.

With this understanding the country is making efforts to make all the people well-versed in science and technology and build itself into a sci-tech power.

Leader KIM JONG UN Presents a trial run of new subway car

KIM JONG UN, the supreme leader of the DPRK, is standing in the vanguard of this struggle.

By attaching special importance to the development of science and technology, he has advanced innovative policies, like readjusting the system of work related to science and technology, building hi-tech industries, expanding diffusion of knowledges of science and technology and according preferential treatment to scientists and technicians. He gave field guidance at various units related to science and technology like the Space Control Centre, State Academy of Sciences, Automation Institute under Kim Chaek University of Technology, Pyongyang Research Institute of Vegetable Science, Pyongyang Research Institute of Biotechnology and Sci-Tech Complex.

Under his energetic guidance the country is laying foundations of knowledge economy stage by stage. Many factories and enterprises have put their production lines on an IT, modern and automatic footing, and model and standardized factories representative of the era of the knowledge economy have been built in various parts of the country, consolidating the overall material and technical foundations of the economy and production potential. Many scientific research institutes have been organized, scientific research and production are being integrated and practical, comprehensive and up-to-the-minute education is given to training personnel talented in science and technology.

Leader KIM JONG UN Goes Round Completed Mirae Scientists Street

And under the supreme leader’s deep concern modern houses built exclusively for scientists have been given to them free of charge, fanning their enthusiasm for research work.
All these unfolded last year a proud reality of the country’s indigenous plane flying in the sky and its indigenous subway train running under the ground.

What is noteworthy is that the country succeeded in the test of its indigenous H-bomb in January 2016, and inserted its earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong 4 into orbit the following month. The H-bomb and the satellite can be called a crystallization of the spirit of self-development that is forcefully propelling the building of a thriving nation.

The people of the DPRK, who are advancing holding fast to the principle of giving priority to self-development based on modern science and technology, will brilliantly accomplish the cause of building a thriving nation by their own efforts, technology and resources.

Successful Launch of the earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4

Underwater Test-fire of Strategic Submarine Ballistic Missile

Source: Consulate General of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in Hong Kong