「法式盛宴 元創方週末節慶」

「法式盛宴 元創方週末節慶」



在法國節慶傳統之中,美饌與佳釀往往是不可或缺的一環。在一連三日的開幕慶典中,法國五月將為公眾提供法國地道美食,包括法國芝士、新鮮海鮮及多款精製熟食,並佐以豐厚美酒與Kronenbourg 1664贊助的解渴啤酒。慶典彷彿讓人置身於法國東部傳統阿爾薩斯小鎮之中,現場設有多個美食攤位:B.A.M、Maison Argaud & Centre du Vin、Cococabana、Frensh.hk、 LaBoucherie.com.hk、Le Port Parfumé、M&C Asia、Monsieur Chatté、PillariWine、Popsy Modern Kitchen、Tartine 及Deliveroo,與大家分享「法國五月美食節2016」夥伴地區阿爾薩斯的傳統菜式。

French Fun銅管樂團六名樂手及Cirque Eloize雜技團三名雜技藝人,將一連三日在元創坊Courtyard廣場為公眾呈獻四場演出。French Fun銅管樂團將即場演奏法國經典電影配樂,包括《柳媚花嬌》、積葵丹美《秋水伊人》、積葵狄雷《江湖龍虎鬥》等,更會為現場觀眾即席演奏專屬歌單!與此同時,本地及法國街頭藝術家阿包及Miguel,將聯手於元創坊連續三日即席塗鴉,以現代都市風格演繹法國五月今年主題。


Le French May x GourMay 2016 Opening Celebrations

Discover French culture with food, drinks, music, visual arts, and more for 3 days in a row!
To launch the 24th edition of Le French May Arts Festival under the theme “Dreams & Wonders”, as well as the 8th edition of Le French GourMay Food and Wine Festival with the theme region Alsace, a variety of performances, gastronomy, and music from France was brought to Hong Kong for a 3-day celebration held in the Courtyard at PMQ.

Enjoy French lifestyle in a typical French-styled village

Based on the traditional aesthetic of Alsace typical architecture, Le French May is recreating a village from this cultural and historical region in eastern France, and thousands of people are invited to come and enjoy the celebrations and experience festivities.

As a tradition, food and drinks are a major part of street and outdoor celebrations in France. At this 3-day launch party you will able to sample authentic flavours from French cheeses, specialties from the delicatessen, fresh seafood, heart-warming dishes to sumptuous refreshing wines and thirst-quenching beers from the major sponsor Kronenbourg 1664. Find yourself immersed in a typical Alsatian village with a great selection of restaurants and wine shops that will showcase the best of gastronomy from Alsace, the Festival’s partner region for Le French GourMay 2016: B.A.M, Maison Argaud & Centre du Vin, Cococabana, Frensh.hk, LaBoucherie.com.hk, Le Port Parfumé, M&C Asia, Monsieur Chatté, PillariWine, Popsy Modern Kitchen, Tartine and with the participation of Deliveroo.

Musical and urban art entertainment: walking brass bands, joyous creativity of acrobatics, and open-air street graffiti party! The 9 musicians and acrobats comprising the French Fun Brass and Dancers issued from the Cirque Eloize will entertains guests all day long for the 3 days with 4 different acts full of creativeness. The Brass band & percussion will interpret masterpieces of classics French movies’ soundtrack like “Les Demoiselles de Rochefort » « Les Parapluies de Cherbourg » by Jacques Demy, « Borsalino » de Jacques Deray… They might also prepare a special concert especially shaped for you! To illustrate Le French May theme in an urban style, Bao and Miguel, talented graffiti artists, will perform a live show for the 3 days.