
日本首相 岸田 文雄
Kishida Fumio, the Prime Minister of Japan

封面故事 - Cover Story

日本首相 岸田 文雄
Kishida Fumio, the Prime Minister of Japan

外交連線 - Diplomatic Link

Speech from Baek Yong-chun, Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong

Celebration on the occasion of the National Day of the Republic of Korea Reception

文化連線 - Culture Link

韓國十月文化節 2021
Festive Korea 2021

--- 大韓民國駐香港總領事 白龍天
Festive Korea Foreword from
Mr. BAEK Yong-chun,Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong

--- 大韓民國文化體育觀光部次官
金楨培 賀辭
Congratulatory Message from
Mr. KIM Jeongbae, Vice Minister of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism

--- 韓國⼗⽉⽂化節 2021
「韓結」 (K-CONNECTED) 跨越地域 藝術與⽂化接通韓港兩地
Festive Korea 2021 themed ‘K-CONNECTED’
A series of inspiring art and cultural programs fostering the cultural exchange between Korea and Hong Kong to launch in October

8th Hong Kong European Language Day

WAT MAKTHUMVANARAM—A Thai Buddhist Temple at Tai Wo


Liangzhu Culture Exhibition

人物專題 - Feature Story

香港孟子學院 院長黃祉穎
Interview with Mindy Wong Chairwoman of Hong Kong Meucius Institute

Chinese Traditional Medicine can contribute to the prevention and treatment of the new coronavirus

會展連線 - Inccentive and Exhibition Link

YDC 2021揭曉得獎名單十位入圍設計師登時裝天橋展示個性系列
Young Fashion Designers’ Contest2021winners revealed Talent of 10young HK designers shines at fashion show

澳門連線 - Macao Link

UM joins meeting on how to create world-class universities for the first time

消閒旅遊連線 - Leisure and Tourism Link

AMAN東京 La Pâtisserie十月一日開幕
Grand Opening of LA PÂTISSERIE BY AMAN TOKYO on 1st October