「JENESYS 2.0 計劃」香港中學生訪日交流團歡送會
Reception for the HK Students taking part in the JENESYS 2.0 Programme
日本政府邀請了一個香港中學師生組成的訪問團,於春節假後訪問日本。過去四年來,「JENESYS (21世紀東亞青少年大交流計劃)」成功讓日本和香港年青人進行了交流,「JENESYS 2.0 計畫」是其延續,目的是希望通過交流訪問,讓亞洲的年青人加深對日本的認識。
二零一三年一月十八日, 正在印尼訪問的安倍首相, 宣佈實施「JENESYS 2.0」計劃, 這是「21世紀東亞青少年大交流計劃 (JENESYS)」的延續。新計劃預計邀請約三萬名亞洲及大洋洲青少年訪問日本, 並由二零一二年度開始推行連串的交流活動。目的在促進其對日本的認識、增加訪日人數藉以振興日本經濟; 同時也希望增進國際社會對日本的品牌和日本價值觀的理解, 包括認識「酷日本」等日本的力量和魅力。
Reception for the HK Students taking part in the JENESYS 2.0 Programme
A Hong Kong delegation, a group of secondary school students from Hong Kong will visit Japan after the Chinese New Year holidays. This programme is named JENESYS 2.0 Programme (The Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths). It is an extension of JENESYS Programme which was successfully carried out for the last four years between Hong Kong and Japan.
Thanks to the kind co-operation of the Hong Kong government in helping to select and organise the participants, a delegation of 62 students and 8 teachers from Hong Kong will visit Japan from 04 to 12 February 2014, to interact with their Japanese peers and visit places of interest and cool Japan’s facilities.
A reception for the students had been held on Tuesday 28 January 2014, at the Hongkong Japanese Club. Guests of honour will include Mr. NG Hak Kim, Eddie, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education, of the HKSAR Government; and Mr Noda Hitoshi, the Consul-General & . Ambassador of Japan; as well as students participating in the previous JENESYS programme will be sharing their views and aspirations.
Overview of JENESYS2.0
On January 18, 2013, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, during his visit to Indonesia, announced to undertake a new youth exchange project between Japan and ASEAN Member States, among other countries, as “JENESYS 2.0”. Approximately 30,000 youths from the Asian/Oceanian region will have an opportunity to participate in related programs. By commencing this project within FY2012 and intensively implementing related programs in a short period time, we aim towards the revitalization of the Japanese economy by promoting potential interests towards Japan, increasing visitors to Japan, and at the same time, promoting global understanding on Japan’s strengths and attractions as well as Japanese values, including Cool Japan.