歐洲國際水產博覽會五月在布魯塞爾舉行Extra-quality fresh, wild fish from Reunion Island
Catch it at Seafood Exposition – Brussels – May 3rd to 5th, 2011
REUNIPECHE公司專門從事捕捉、切割和分銷留尼旺島(位於馬達加斯加東南面)附近的遠洋大魚,八成供貨都是新鮮海產,主要包括三類鮮魚:黃鰭金槍魚、長鰭金槍魚和劍魚。REUNIPECHE已在歐洲、亞洲和美洲市場建立穩健業務,現正銳意發展對這些地方的出口業務。「歐洲國際水產博覽會」將於2011年5月3日至5日在布魯塞爾舉行,REUNIPECHE將會參與此國際展銷會,展覽產品 (展攤5-401號)。
所捕捉的魚會於拉上船時即採用日式劏割法Tanagushi劏割。這種方法是以尼龍線圍繞魚的整個神經中樞,令魚不會因為緊張而產生毒素。劏好的魚肉會以鹽水 (海水加冰塊) 缸內冷卻,再放入冷凍櫃以冰塊儲存。
在5月3日至5日在布魯塞爾舉行的「歐洲水產博覽會」中,REUNIPECHE會很樂意解答您的一切提問 (展攤5-401號)。
REUNIPECHE is a company specialised in the fishing, carving and distribution of large pelagic fish caught in the vicinity of Reunion Island (south-east of Madagascar). Its offer includes 80% fresh products, primarily consisting of three species: yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna and swordfish. Already established on European, Asian and American markets, REUNIPECHE is intent on developing exports towards those destinations. It will be exhibiting at the international European Seafood Exposition tradeshow held in Brussels from next May 3rd to 5th at booth 5-401.
Thanks to a rigorous approach in its fishing, storing, carving, packaging and goods transport methods, REUNIPECHE has become a specialist in quality products, classified in the Extra category and entirely appropriate for raw servings.
Its catalogue gathers a wide variety of species from Reunion Island waters, like swordfish and its characteristic tenderness, Yellowfin tuna and its distinctive fine, red meat, Bigeye tuna and its fatter meat, Albacore tuna, Mahi Mahi, Mako shark and sailfish.
As a product coming directly from ocean fishing, REUNIPECHE fresh fish is caught south and east of Madagascar, around Reunion Island and as far as Mauritius waters (of FAO zone 51 origin), using environmentally-friendly methods by specifically targeting the catch. Most fish are brought out alive, vouching for the quality and freshness of the product.
Once aboard, the fish is slaughtered according to the “Tanagushi” Japanese method. A nylon thread is circulated through all of their nerve centres to prevent them from experiencing stress and producing toxins. They are then cooled in brine tanks containing sea water and ice, before being stored in ice inside a refrigerated hold.
By virtue of its quality, the REUNIPECHE offer is in tune with popular trends and the growing widespread concern with health. Considered as a genuine health food nowadays, fish is an excellent source of protein.
REUNIPECHE will be glad to meet with you at the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels from May 3rd to 5that booth 5-401 and answer all your questions.
The REUNIPECHE Company combines a number of trades, including fishing, carving, packaging and airport deliveries. It is an integrated structure and a partner in fishing armament. The company covers the entire chain, from the fish being delivered from the boat to wholesalers. REUNIPECHE sells fresh, high-quality products while certifying their origin and providing a health responsibility guarantee (EEC approved). Fresh pelagic fish sold by REUNIPECHE comes from 17 boats that unload about 1,500 tonnes per annum. The company currently earmarks 60% of its production for export.