President Kim Il Sung
Kim Il Sung’s Exploits for Nation-building
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea holds Kim Il Sung (1912 – 1994) as its eternal President for his great and ever-lasting exploits for nation-building.
President Kim Il Sung provided a steadfast guideline of nation-building by advancing a unique idea and theory of founding a state.
He developed the idea and theory with the working people at the centre. On the basis of the Juche idea, whose essence is that the masses of the people are the masters and motive force of the revolution and construction, he put forward an idea of building a people-centred, independent country which realizes the independence of the people, and specified the means, ways and concrete tasks for building such a state, which elucidated all the theoretical and practical problems arising in state building and in its activities, ranging from the essence and mission of state power and fundamentals and principles of building a socialist state to the functions and roles of power organs, the mode of their activities and their working systems and methods. They give scientific and in-depth solutions to all the problems – the type of a state to be built for the good of the people and the ways to build and develop it.
Kim Il Sung established a new type of government for the working class, a prople’s government, and developed it into a powerful weapon for carrying out the cause of socialism.
Without regards to the established theories and the experience of other countries, he from the stand of independence, carved out a road of building a people’s government which would champion and realize the interests of people from all walks of life, including workers, peasants and intellectuals. What is of particular importance in his leadership to set up a people’s government is that he established a people’s revolutionary government at the guerrilla base during the anti-Japanese armed struggle to liberate Korea from the military occupation of Japan (1905-1945). Based on its historical roots, he advanced a line of nation-building suited to the country’s situation and established the Provisional People’s Committee of North Korea in February 1946 right after Korea’s liberation, a democratic people’s power to perform the pressing task of the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution. In February 1947 he developed it into the People’s Committee of North Korea as required by its task to carry out a socialist revolution. On the basis of such a people’s power, he founded the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the first people’s country in its 5,000-years-long history, on September 9, 1948. During the Korean war (1950-1953) unleashed by the United States to swallow the DPRK in its cradle, he further strengthened the guidance system of the people’s power to suit the wartime conditions and enhanced its role of organizer and mobilizer, thus enabling it to make great contributions to winning victory in the war.
After the war Kim Il Sung saw to it that the people’s power was consolidated and its functions and role were steadily enhanced in keeping with the requirements of the socialist revolution and construction. He laid down a definition that the people’s government represents the independent rights of the masses of the people, organizes their creative activities and reliably defends them as the master responsible for their living, and ensured that a new system of state organs was set up by embodying the requirements of the developing socialist society and their activities were steadily improved.
Kim Il Sung turned the DPRK into an invincible socialist power based on solid political, military and economic foundations.
Having authored the Juche idea and set it as the guiding ideology of the DPRK, he made sure that the political and ideological unity and cohesion among the working masses was cemented on the basis of the idea so as to make it an unbreakable socio-political foundation of the people’s government. He administered benevolent politics and all-embracing politics to closely unite the masses of the people around the Workers’ party of Korea and the DPRK government, and devoted his all to ensuring that such people-oriented politics of the Party and the state as the free medical care and free education were applied more effectively for the benefit of the people. This resulted in forming the most durable harmonious whole between the leader, the Party and the masses, a single-hearted unity of the whole society more powerful than an atomic bomb.
Putting it forward as a matter vital to the destiny of the country and the nation to consistently increase the defence capabilities, he directed great efforts to building up the army and the defence industry.
Today the Korean People’s Army is fully prepared politico-ideologically and in the military and technical aspects and equipped with both powerful offensive and defensive means, and the country has a mighty war deterrent. This is inconceivable apart from great efforts of the President directed to building up the defence capabilities all his life through his Songun-based revolutionary leadership.
He advanced the line of building an independent national economy and made energetic efforts for its implementation, rejecting the appeasement and pressure from big powers. As it is based on the sound independent economy provided by him, the DPRK has strictly adhered to the line of independence in politics and self-reliance in national defence, ensuring a material guarantee for the prosperity of the country and the nation with credit.
The reliable political, military and economic foundations built by him serve as the fundamental guarantee which enables the DPRK to make steady, dynamic advance along the ever-victorious road not only today but in the future.
President Kim Il Sung’s exploits for nation-building are being carried forward brilliantly under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission.
These exploits will shine forever together with the prosperous socialist Korea.
Source: Consulate General of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea